Chapter 5

1150 Words
Max            Tammy’s pregnant, I know she is.  It was all I could think about. While we were waiting, I made calls to Sam to tell him I wouldn’t be in the office the rest of the day, then Emilie, my co-worker, to let her know we would have to reschedule our work on the pitch for later in the evening.  When door open and Tammy came out of the doctor’s appointment, she looked so tired.  My heart went out to her; I could feel it beating so hard waiting. I was determined to take care of Tammy as much as she would let me.     “You ready?” I asked, as she walked toward me.  She seemed so stunned and out of it, that it took her a second to recognize me.  I grabbed her arm as she was walking.  “Hey pretty lady, you okay?”     “Huh?” Tammy said.  The recognition came to her, and I sighed a breath of relief.  Maybe she would be okay. “I’m okay.  Can we go home?”     “Sure,” I replied.  In my mind I could only think of how I wished we could be going to a home we both shared.            “Is everything alright? Did the doctor say anything?”     “Yea      I escorted her out, the dress she was wearing flowed around her, like a frock.      Tammy was so tired that she fell asleep in the car.  I got her to the house, pulling into her driveway, which wasn’t odd for me.      “Tammy, wake up sweetie,” I said.  When she didn’t budge, I went around to her side of the door and picked her up. Tammy stirred a little and moaned a bit. A shutter coursed through my veins a bit, and I reacted to her snuggling against me more.             As I was walking up the stairs to the house, Tammy stirred again.             “Am I dreaming?” she said.             “Only if you want to be,” I replied.             She laughed a little.  “I can walk you know.”             “I can let you go.”             “When I have such a luxury? Not on your life.”             “Then I’ll proceed,” I said.  She snuggled closer and I had to take deep breaths to keep my keep myself in check.             I took her into the living room and sat her on the couch.             “Hungry?”  I asked.              “Famished,” she replied. “We can order something.”             “Or, I can treat you to a little of my famous get better soon soup.”             “Oh, I’ve never heard of it.  What’s in it?”             “I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you,” I said.  “And my mom would have my behind if she knew.”             “She still out the country?”             “Yea, enjoying herself too much, if you asked me,” I said.  “You’ll have to meet her when she finally gets back from her gallivanting. Of course, she’s masking it as work as a book tour.”             “Of course,” she said.  “You don’t have to go through the trouble though, Playboy.”             “You have to eat, so I got you,” I said.  I went to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator.  Fortunately, she kept a full kitchen, something we shared in common.             “Won’t it take a long time?” Tammy called from the living room.             “It’ll be ready before you know it,” I said, pulling out the leftovers, which included some rice, vegetables, and meat.  My father, before he passed away, taught us how to make a soup out of anything.  Put ever thing together and after about ten minutes, the aroma of a thick soup was in the air.             “Hmmm, that smells amazing,” Tammy said. She had come into the kitchen and was looking to the pan.             “You should be laying down,” I said.             “I’m fine.”             “Okay, well, since you’re hear, taste this,” I said, taking a spoon and scooping a bit up to her mouth.  I watched her eat off of the spoon, and wished I was the spoon.             “This is amazing,” she said, closing her eyes and enjoying the mix in her mouth.  When she reopened her eyes, Tammy looked straight at me.  She watched my reaction, which must have revealed a little too much and gave a slight smile.  I was captivated, by her eyes and couldn’t look away.   Against my will, I bent my head to taste her mouth.              Tammy’s mouth was so sweet and soft, I was taken in.  I was certain the world stopped.  I was a little hesitant at first, but I couldn’t help but deepen the kiss.  I wanted to keep her lips on mine, they felt so familiar, so much like they were meant to be on mine forever.  Then I had a moment of panic, I’m kissing my friend who doesn’t know how I feel!  A pregnant woman at that. But she was into the moment so I didn’t break it up.  We both broke away smoothly, and I looked into her eyes one more.  I knew then there were no regrets.             “Soup?”  I said, a little breathless.  She smiled.             “Of course,” she said.  I fixed her a bowl and we went into the living room to share the meal.                         Later that evening, I was in my bed lying awake, praying to God that sleep would come. Tammy’s pregnant, but who is the father?  She hadn’t told me that she was involved with anyone lately so I hadn’t had a clue.   There was that one guy from that one evening after I went looking for the Poetry Lady.  Any why the secrecy?  We talked about everything.             It did get me to thinking though about that night with the Poetry Lady, yet again.  I wish I knew who she was, and I couldn’t bring that night back up with Tammy, I was so self-conscious about it.   My thoughts went to how amazingly beautiful her body was, and how she fit around me so perfectly. Reminded me of Tammy’s body, and how I wished she was well when I saw her naked this morning.  I would love to have been flipping her over and putting marks on her, the ones I saw on her body again, especially between her legs.             I know I was sated from the night before, but I was ready all over again, feeling the Poetry Lady’s touch, smelling her sweetness, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony.  Somehow, in the middle of the fantasy, their faces became one, and it was Tammy who was my Poetry Lady.             I shook myself awake because the thought made me feel entirely too good. But then I thought about the dress she had on earlier today, and that the marks she had on her body were just too close to the places my Poetry Lady should be marked, after the way we went at it last night.             I must be wrong, but it seems so right.  Now, how do I get her to admit it?
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