Elizabeth's past nightmare

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AT THE SAME TIME AT ELIZABETH'S POW: Hello, my name is Elizabeth. I live in Hallows. It's a town close to the sea, so I can consider myself lucky. I love living here and spending my days close to the sea. My father is a sea fisherman, so I understand why I love the sea so much. I love spending my evenings here and talking with my father about fishing stories. I mean he was one time part of a ship who travelled all over the world. I think that was also the time when he met my mom. Dad never told me how he met her, but I think they had some beautiful love story. Today is the day when I turn eighteen. Dad promised me an evening together. I suddenly heard a ring and picked up my phone. -Hello.-I said. -Hello, sweetie.-I heard my father's voice. -Hi dad. When are you coming home?-I asked. -I am coming home soon. We can meet at a beach. I already got your birthday gift.-He said. I pretty sure I could hear his chruckle. -Dad, you know that what I mostly want is to get you back to my birthday.-I said. -I know sweetie, but I wanted to make this day special to you.-He said. I smiled and hanged up my phone. I can not wait for this evening. He is going to be there in an hour, so I must get ready too. I changed into a more pettier dress than usual and left for the beach. I sat on the sand and started waiting. In less than an hour, I saw my father coming in my direction. -Hi, dad.-I said. -Hi, sweetie.-He said and handed me a small box.-Happy birthday. -Thank you.-I said and took that box. I opened a box and saw a necklace with a colorless crystal inside. It was heartshaped and looked pretty cute. - It's a necklace. I like it.-I said while smiling. -I am happy to hear that.-Dad said and hugged me softly. I started looking and noticed that this crystal was pretty old. - Where did you find something like that?-I asked. -I found it in an old antique shop. I thought that you were going to like it.-He said and I nodded. -It looks so pretty. I love it papa.-I said and placed the necklace on my neck. -I am happy to hear that.-He said. I took out a small cake. It was not a fancy cake, just a simple chocolate one, but that was enough for both of us. I have been living an easy life since I was a kid and I really liked it. I mean that was all I have had a chance to experience since I was a kid. -What do you want to do now?-I asked. -We can go for a walk.-He said. -Can you tell me another legend?-I asked. -You mean one of those fairytales?-He asked.-Sure. -Dad, you know that I do believe them more than you do.-I said. -I know. With one you want to know?-He asked. -About Atlanthea.-I said.-That is my favorite one. -Sure thing.-He said and started it. Athlanthea is a princess that is loved by everyone who sees her. Her dark eyes mesmerise everyone and every single ocean creature loves her because of her kind heart. She is only the king's daughter, so soon she is going to become queen of the ocean. Her father loves her a lot and spoils her with every wish she desires. When she smiles, you can see a rainbow on the sea when the sun is falling. Some fishermen tell others that they have seen her beautiful dark hair and seen her most mesmerising eyes. Others say that her voice is the most beautiful they have ever heard. Some young men are still looking for her. When father finished talking about it, I smiled. I feel happy that my father is in a mood to tell those stories. I have loved hearing about them since I was a little girl. After finishing our walk, I decided to head home when dad said that he had got something to do. I know that driving in the dark can be dangerous, but I can not change his opinion about it. -- It was late evening when I received a phone call. I had no idea that this one phone call was going to change my life. -Hello. I said.-Elizabeth speaking. -We are calling you from a hospital. We are sorry to inform you that your father had a car crash a while ago.-A voice said. After I heard that, I froze for a moment. I know that my father can sometimes be bad at driving, but that does not mean he could make that car crash. -How did it? How is he?-I asked. -He is in a bad condition.-A voice said. -I am coming to the hospital.-I said. I quickly hung up the phone and ran off to the hospital. I knew that I needed to get there fast since I needed to get there before it was too late. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw a doctor. -I am Elizabeth and I am here for Villiam.-I said. I saw how the doctor looked sad at me and I already knew that it did not mean anything good. -I am so sorry. He was dead. When we got to him, we managed to get him but he died in an ambulance.-Doctor said. I suddenly felt on my knees and started crying. I can not believe that I lost my father tonight. -Can I see him?-I asked. -Of course.-Nuurse said, and took me to his room. I walked into his room and looked at him sadly. I can not believe that I lost the most important person to me tonight. I left the room and soon left that hospital. I felt really sad, so I decided to take a bus back home. I sat down at the end of the bus and looked outside of the window. It does seem to be a bit dark and I am a bit worried because of it. I leaned towards the window, since it was always I did, and stated falling asleep. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash. I fell on the ground and realized that I was bleeding. -We don't need help.-I gasped in pain. I heard sounds coming closer to me but soon I lost conciousness. -- I felt how my body was in pain and when I opened my eyes slowly I realized that I was not inside or even outside the bus. I heard someone coming closer to me and I took a look around and I realized that I was inside of the house. -You are finally awake.-I heard a voice. -Your father is waiting for you, princess.-Another one said. Why did that person say that I am a princess? Where am I in the first place? -I am not a princess.-I said and looked at that person and realized it had got a fish tail. -Who are you even?-I asked. -It seems that you hit your head harder than we had thought. Everything is going to be alright, princess.-Voice said again. Where on the earth am I? I want to go home!
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