Falling in Love with The Devil Himself

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          “You will be sent to earth until further notice as punishment for sneaking out to see Lucifer, and your wings will have to be broken. Your father Zeus is one of my best friends and it is hard for me to use this punishment on anyone especially the daughter of a dear good friend who has died last month.” God said as I stood trial. Before I got caught, I was just a normal but special angle I was an living in the heaven castle with God himself I always wondered what my mother was. My father said that she was adopted by Poseidon’s family.  I always went to a place I felt at home the most it was on earth it was an island with a cliff. On top of that cliff was a cherry blossom tree. However, when I went there today someone else was there. His skin was the tone of light caramel his hair was onyx black it was short and smooth in the back. “You can join me if you want, I don’t mind any company.” He said still facing the ocean. Nervously I walked up to him and he stands up and turns and faces me. My breath caught at the sight of a man that I thought was not possible. It was almost like he was the perfect angle, but his eyes are mysterious. The front of his hair was spiked up with gel and he had a stubbled beard and mustaches. His eyes where a light blue and they sparkled and was full of mystery and mischief. “If you like what you see I can stay?” he asked me. Is tone of voice being angle like and warm. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or disturb you.” I said quickly looking down after realizing I was staring at him with an opened mouth. “No, don’t be sorry I found this place by accident I love the view its gorgeous.” I nodded and he then took a step closer and held out his hand then continued to speak, “My name is Lucifer.” My eyes widened and I stepped back I remembered that God told me to never talk nor look at Lucifer if I ever was to meet him. He told me that he was evil and used the angle side of him to lure people he wants and then when they see the devil side of him unthinkable things happen, and they were never seen again. He drops is hand and took a step back. “I’m sorry if I offended you, I will leave.” He says and then disappears off the cliff. I rush up to the cliffs edge and looked down, but he was no where to be seen. To be honest I did not want him to leave I wanted him to stay. My heart ached in pain that he left and that I hurt him. Shaking my head, I went to the tree and sat down where he sat, I looked down and noticed black roses fully bloomed but small where scattered here and there. They were breathtaking I looked even closer and it was almost like they were glistening in the sun like they had glitter on them. I then closed my eyes and felt the calm air. When I opened my eyes, I felt a guardian angle presents. “Really even here where I can escape the palace, I still can’t be alone?” “I’m sorry I am just following orders ma’am.” Uriel said as he bowed. He was one out of two friends that God has. He was accompanied with Haneil one of Gods guardian angels that protects God or me, whom ever God wants him to watch. “So, I’m guessing that because I left without getting permission that you two where sent here to fetch me like a fish in the sea and bring back to heaven.” “Ma’am with all due respect there Is a rumor that Lucifer himself has been seen near here and thus we are here. Our king is concerned that you where in danger and insisted that we find you and bring you home until Lucifer is dealt with.” Haneil spoke. Haneil and Uriel are twin brothers the only way to tell the difference is when they spoke. Haneil has a really deep angle like voice to whereas Uriel has a more of a soft-spoken voice. “Fine can I just take a few minutes to breath in the air and look at the sight since I don’t know when I will be back here?” I asked. They looked at each other almost like that where having a twin connection for communicating. Then Haneil turns to me, “Very well ill keep a look out in the territory and Uriel will stay with you.” He unfolds his wings that was silver with golden flakes and started patrolling the area, sense there was no humans we were freely able to use our wings without being seen. After I silently said goodbye to the sky and ocean all three of us left earth. Kamuel opened the gates to let us pass, “Back so soon Risna I hope you are alright.” I just smiled at him and nodded, but I can tell that he can see the sadness that I was trying to hide. He was the guardian of the golden gates. His skin is a fare color and his eyes where dark blue. His hair was a medium brown and it was short but had volume. He fixed it to where it was parted to the right and that was the only style, he done with it since I have known him. I followed Haneil to wherever he was taking me, even though I know he was bringing me to see God. Uriel was tagging along right behind me and we entered the palace. “Thank you both for bringing her to me Uriel you can leave.” God said Uriel just bowed to him and then did the same for me before he took his leave. “My daughter I know you love that place, but you will have to stop going there fore a while until we solve the problem of a most troublesome and dangerous man. I’m sure you understand my concern for your wellbeing.” “Yes, father I understand, but please let me know when I can go back it’s the only place, I can be closer to my parents.” I pleaded in the end I almost cried because I miss it already. He looks at me with sad eyes and then nods, “Yes, I will be letting you know personally. You can leave.” He then stands from his throne as I bow and all of a sudden, I felt his hand under my chin lifting my head up to see him. “My child please don’t be sad I know you miss your parents dearly and I’m trying to make it less painful for you, but I also promised your parents that I will keep you save. I’m not trying to make you feel like your being punished for any reason.” He said with a sad tone. “I know father please believe me when I say I understand.” I told him I hugged him before I left. It was about two months and I still have not heard anything. I was getting depressed to the point where I would not leave my room. I was staring out the window watching the Pegasus fly by some had unicorn horns some did not. all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and it was Micheal standing in the doorway. He had blond hair that went down to his shoulders it was wavy. His eyes are sea green and they glistened like the sun was always shining on them, or like he was about to cry I could not really tell. “Our king would like to see you for lunch this afternoon. He wants to tell you something important. Please get ready and meet him in the dining room. I must take my leave have a good after noon princess.” He said then bowed and left. I got excited hoping it was about me being able to go freely back to the only place where I can feel my mother and fathers spirit. I got ready and I was escorted by Uriel to the dinning room. I thanked him and he left before two guards opened the dining room double doors. “Ah, please sit I have some exciting news.” God said with a smile. I did as he asked after I bowed to him. Then he started to speak again, “I am happy to tell you that the problem was solved, and you may go back to the small island without danger.” I smiled brightly more then happy to know that I was finally free from being cooped up in the castle. I ate quickly and went to the golden gates. “Where too Risna?” Kemaul asked. “My normal place, sir. I cant wait to get there.” “You take care of yourself Risna. Ill see you when you get back.” he said and then opened up the gates to let me pass. I opened up my wings and flew there on record time. Once I landed, I stopped suddenly. When I looked at the tree the same man who clamed to be Lucifer was leaning against the tree almost like he was waiting for something or someone. “I was waiting for you it too me a while to fool those angles. I need to be honest with you when I met you, I could not stop thinking about you. However, the sad part is I didn’t get to hear your name.” he turned to look at me with the same breath-taking expression on his face. Then he continued, “I know what they say about me, how I make people I want to see disappear. However, I want to ask you to please give me a chance to prove to you that what they say is a lie.” As he says the last part he was pointing in the direction of heaven and there was pain and sadness in his voice. “Okay I don’t see why I should give you a chance after all, what they say are just rumors right?” I told him and walked to sit in my usual spot. He smiled and started to relax knowing that I would listen and the fear that was shown in his face disappeared with nervousness and happiness. “I happy that you have giving me a chance to prove that I’m not what they say I am. Most people would run away with fear or try to kill me. Somehow I knew you were different.” He said as he sat down next to me. He then continues to tell me what happened and why he cants go to heaven. Without realizing the time, I have spent I said my goodbyes and was about to leave. “Wait I didn’t get your name.” he said and grabbed my wrist. his touch sent electric waves throughout my body I turned to look a t him and his face of full of hope and plead. “Risna, but that’s all your getting for now.” I said and then he let go and I left. I came back the next day and he was waiting just like he was before. And I smiled that is when I realized that I have fallen in love with lucifer. We talked and laughed, and when I had a question to ask him, he would listen and answer it. I could tell that it was the truth. Days turned into week, and weeks turned into months to the point to where we would kiss each other goodbye and hello, and cuddle during the time we spend in the isolated island. He even showed me is “true self” as he called it. He was in his devil form. He had a body like a human, but it was churched almost like he was burned all over. He had wings with holes here and there they looked like raw flesh and on his head was horns that cured and his eyes where black and filled with evil, but I could tell it was still the kind him keeping the darker side of himself at bay. I cupped his cheek, “Lucifer you said this is your true self, but this isn’t you it’s just a part of you. You make who your true self is not what you look like but how you treat others and how you act that is what make you.” He then forms back into the breathtaking human form and a few tears slipped from his eyes. I whipped them off and he then pulled me gently in a hug. “ Thank you Risna that means so much to me. I lo-“ “RISNA GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!” Haniel’s voice boomed through the earth and sky. I quickly turned and I saw him with Uriel, Micheal and some of the army. I was scared for Lucifer’s life that I pulled away from him and ran to Uriel. “Oh, for the love of not mentioning his name, did you really have to ruin my day.” Lucifer said while throwing his hands up in the air. As he did that a portal that was bleeding thick black blood opened and an army of demons came through. “You know the rules Lucifer and you also know what will happen next.” Micheal said to him he as the same tone as God but a little bit on the higher side in the tone. Lucifer looked at me with sadness almost like something was going to happen to me I was concerned and looked to Uriel, “What’s going to happen?” “Be silent devil loving angel.” He said in a harsh and hateful tone. He then grabbed me roughly by the arm and put chains around my ankles and wrists. That made Lucifer angry and he quickly changed into the devil form. “Get your hands off of her!” he said in the deepest and distorted voice I heard that it scared me to the core. “Only if you leave God will decide what to do with her in trial. You knew the deal that you have made if you left her alone you wouldn’t see her in such manner.” Haneil said and the grabbed my other arm and they flew up in the air and left. All I heard was Lucifer yelling with anger and sadness. I started to cry because I know what happens to angels that disobey God, they get their wings cut off and the wound was burned so the wings do not grow. If they did, they would look like Lucifer’s wings when he is in demon form. Angel hit me in the back of the head with is hand, “Quit looking like your in love and pay attention.” He said as he brought my thoughts back to reality. He was the announcer for the whole kingdom what God says and what happens in trail, which is where I am, his job is to spread that to the whole kingdom. I looked at God angrily and then spoke out of turn, “I’m being punished for falling in love with Lucifer?!?!?” “NO TALKING BACK TO ME!!” God said in a thunder booming voice. He closed his eyes took a deep breath and then opened his eyes again, “ You will make sure that Lucifer and his demons don’t take control of earth if you don’t you will have your wings clipped and you will be in chains am I clear.” I lowered my head not wanting to cause more trouble then what I already am in.   “Yes, my lord you are.” I said while still looking down. “Then its settled as of January 15th, 2025 you are banned from heaven until god sees it fit that you return. Micheal break her wings.” God said in a sad tone and then left. Micheal came to me with a hammer that looked too big to carry he nodded and Haneil and Uriel held down my arms while Raphael, the heavens doctor, made my wings open by giving me a shot. Then Angel and Raguel held my wings in place so I could not move. “I’m sorry Risna.” Micheal said and then he hammered my wings in different places. I screamed in pain tears burning my eyes and my sight begins to bur. All I could see from my wings is the white feathers being stained with red blood and my bones on my wings sticking out. Raphael looked at the damage that was done nodded to Micheal and then gave me another shot that made my wings go back into place. I almost passed out form the pain all I could see was dark colors and all I heard was voices being muffled. That is when I was punished for falling in love with the devil himself. I hated my life in heaven, I mean do not get me wrong it is all white, silver, and gold. It is like a fairytale castle with white horses with golden hair. The castle was silver with golden and silver roof tops the windows where boarded with a silver border and golden swirls in the silver border. The door is not just a normal door its bordered with a protection spell just in case the demons wanted to invade heaven. The door is silver with golden swirls and two white angle statues attached on each door facing each other. The guardian angel’s escorted me to the golden gate I was in silver chains that was attached to my wrist and angles. As we passed angles, they looked at me with disgusting and disgraced looks. Some even whispered starting gossip more than likely. I was always an outcast here I lived in the castle when my father died. God is my godparent which is funny but at least my father made sure I was taking care of. My mother died after my birth she was Poseidon’s adopted sister Kailani. when I was born, I had the darkest of all black hair that no one has ever seen with bright medium blue eyes and pale white skin with cherry lips. They named me Risna Jemisha Nephele. My wings are one of the rarest wings on an angle they are bright white with golden flakes here and there within the feathers on each wing. I always wore a black dress that was at knee length in the front and it touched the floor in the back. the sleeves where cut and at the end it was rippled. I never wore any shoes because I hate wearing shoes, I just never felt confrontable. I always wore my mother’s necklace she gave my father and he gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday and told me to never take it off. It was silver angle like shape for the base, with a diamond shaped diamond that was placed where the torso would be if it was an angle. The diamond was kept in place by two golden swirls that crossed each other in front of the diamond. There are bright light blue wings on each side of the silver angle shape base. the chain that goes around my neck to keep the necklace in place was white silver. The necklace rested where my heart is, it feels like my mother and father are with me when I wear it. After we passed the golden gates we were at the edge of the clouds and that is when one of the guardians unchained my wrists and ankles and the other pushed me out of heaven. I was free falling down to earth if I were to unfold my wing they would rip off and damage my back or worse. I looked for somewhere where there was water thanks to my mother’s side of the family, I can control water that is around me. Now you are probably thinking well you can control the sky right. Sadly, I can only control the water I would not even know if I can control the sky let alone how to control the sky.    
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