Chapter 1

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  "Miss. Bennet, my name is Danial Post I am a detective for the Billings PD May I come in?" he asked. I am still trying to wake up not understanding what is going on, as I run my eyes I nodded and stepped aside so he was able to walk through the door. He walked in taking his hat off and standing to the side waiting for me. I shut the door looking at him trying to wake up enough to formulate words. "Would you like to come into the kitchen for some coffee?" I asked him. "Yes Ma'am thank you." he said with a smile as he turned to follow me. I went over to my coffee pot placing a liner and some coffee grounds in the post before getting the mugs, sugar and milk setting it on the table. I smiled at the detective wondering why in the world he was ringing my door bell at 8:00 am on a Saturday. "What can I do for you Detective?" I asked as I placed some of my favorite coffee cake on a plate I offered him a piece before setting the rest on the table before I got the hot pad and coffee pot. "Ma'am I have some sad news for you concerning your family. Please have a seat." he said looking down as I filled his cup with coffee. I poured myself some adding sugar and milk before I took my seat. "What do you mean?" I asked him.  "I am not sure how to tell you this but within the last 2 weeks each of your family members has been killed by a wild animal…" he explained. "Was it the same animal?" I asked becoming even more confused. "We believe so Miss." he said taking a sip of his coffee. "How can it be the same animal if I have family who live here, Arizona and Florida?" I said c*****g my head to the side. His story sounded like a big cruel joke. "I am not sure ma'am all we know for sure is they have the same markings. I am sorry ma'am is there someone your able to contact to help you settle estates and cremation on the bodies?" he asked bluntly. "Please, can you excuse me." I said grabbing my phone and walking out of the room. I dialed my mothers number, it rang and rang and rang than the voicemail came on. "Hi! You have reached Pearl Bennet, Please leave a message after the tone and ill get back to you as soon as possible!" the recording said. I called almost everyone single person in my family and I only got voicemails. I set my phone down on the end table making my way back into the kitchen. "I want to see autopsy photos Sir, I am sorry but I have a hard time believing any of this is true." I explained with my arms folded agaisnt my chest. "Of course ma'am I have them here for you along with paperwork from our coroner if you'd like to look through them." He said placing files on the table. "Can I look at these alone and bring them back to you another time?"  I asked him. "Yes ma'am. Just bring them by the station once you are finished." he replied. I stood grabbing his had and bag before smiling and turning to walk down the hallway back to the front door. He opened the door looking outside before turning to me. "Ma'am please lock the doors and windows after I leave, and if you see patrol cars this evening please do not be startled it is just a precaution with the events that have happened. Please if you need anything my number is in the file don’t hesitate to call." he said before stepping out and closing the door. I walked over quickly looking the knob and setting the dead bolt into place. I turned placing my back agaisnt the door sliding down placing my head in my hands taking deep breathes contemplating what my next steps should be. I looked up at the table with the manila files sitting there. "Come on Fern get a grip, you need to see it for yourself or your never going to believe it actually happened." I said to myself as I got up off the ground. I made my way back to the table sliding the folders towards me and opening the first one. I saw my mother laying on a metal table with her eyes closed and no life in her face, tears instantly sprang from my eyes. I closed it pushing it away from me and getting the second one opening it to find the notes from their medical examiner.   Name of desist: Pearl Bennet Age: 58 Ethnicity: White Hair Color: Brown Weight: 187 Height: 5'5 Cause of death: Blood Loss Notes: After a full examination I have concluded the desist had suffered from extreme blood loss through the two puncher holes to the left side of neck. The puncher wounds are 2 cm in diameter, 3 cm in length and 4" apart. Also please note the bruises on her wrists, they are the shape of large hands  as if someone held her down while draining her.   All of the other autopsy reports said the exact same thing, each person I ever knew was killed by an 'Animal' with long teeth causing blood loss. It sounded like they were all killed by Vampires… But that can't be true, Vampires are things out of stories and myths. I highly doubt that Edward Collin when to each of my families homes and drank their blood. I closed the file setting it with the other, I sat at the table thinking about the words written on those papers over and over again until I got up getting my computer and plopping down on my sofa. I googles 'Vampire's' and it pulled up the twilight movie, the underworld movies basically any movie with a vampire google listed it. I kept scrolling in hopes there would be something I could use. I finally spotted a link taking me to a page of myology about the vampire race, it was littered with drawings and hieroglyphs. It said the earliest recordings about vampires was dated back to 1023 AC. They called it something that was loosely translated to 'Lamia', the story is that a women like creature hidden in the shadows until night fall hit, than she would creep hut to hut looking for young children to clench her thirst before returning to the shadows. She was never seen in the day light and she was dispatched with by beheading and burning her body. Than you have the other tales, you can kill them with a stake to the heart but it had to be made of wood, you can burn them using holy water or a cross made of silver. You know all those tales. But what stood out to me the most was a legend from Greenland, it was said there was a Viking king who climbed to the top of the tallest mountain staying in the caves for 18 days, upon his return the whole village was wiped out, or so they thought after the 34th day they reappeared concerning most of the islands between Greenland and England leaving no survivors. When they went to a small town in Iceland they found a massive grave, the skeletons heads had 3 cm long canine teethe that were said to have been sharpened. I needed to find more information. I got up to get another cup of coffee, I had a feeling I was going to go diving into the madness of a supernatural believer head first.   I spent days looking through different websites, books and news articles searching for any kind of clue or answer letting me know if they are real or not. Because if they are real what else could be lurking in the shadows right under our noses. I found a phone number and address of a man who says he was attacked and survived by a vampire. I picked up the phone typing the number in and staring at it for a moment before pressing the call button, it rang three times before someone picked up. "Hello this is Carl Parker, Who is calling?" he said. I took a deep breath and held it for what felt like minutes, I below it out slowly. "Hello Mr. Parker, my name is Fern Bennet. I was hoping you could help me." I replied. "Fern Bennet?? You’re the girl who lost her family to animal attacks?" he asked.  "Yes Sir, that’s me." I said softly. "We can not talk over this line, please give me sometime and I will call you back once it is safe." he said before hanging up. "Well that was odd." I said out loud. BEEP BEEP BEEP my alarm went off causing me to jump dropping my computer on the floor. I turned my alarm off picked my computer up and placing it on the end table. I made my way upstairs to get showered and dressed before my class. I have been taking self defense classes for the last 7 years and I refuse to miss a day. Once I was finished I grabbed my gym and walked out of the garage door after setting the house alarm. I tossed my bag into the back seat of my 1960's baby blue volks wagon beetle. I loved this car because my father and I rebuilt it and painted it ourselves, we even branded the leather seat with our entails, I will never get rid of this car. I pushed the door opener and than focused on buckling my seat belt before backing out of the garage, I closed the door and pulled out of the driveway into the street. Sitting across from my house was a patrol car. I waved and than took off towards the gym, I liked to be at least 20 minutes early so I could get dressed and listen to some music before I had to spend 3 hours training. I finally made it to the gym 20 minutes later.  I got inside dressed and prepped. I sat down putting my headphones in and turning on "Go to war" from the artist Nothing More, they are my go to band before any training or workout shift. "Ferny you ready?" Paul asked bumping into my arm. "Yes are you?" I challenged with a smile. "Girl you need to go easy on me today, you kicked my ass the other day." he said laughing. We got into the ring and started out with drills before we moved to physical training. We spent the next 3 hours throwing punches, dodging punches and grappling around the ring, it ended with me pinning Paul to the mats and giving him a good punch to the kidney. "Ferny!! Your going to make me pee blood if you keep punching me that hard!" he said laughing as he held his side and rolled back and forth. "Do better at blocking next time than." I said before helping him up. "I have to go though it's been a long day and I want to get some things done around the house." "Alright Ferny you have a goodnight and be safe out there." Paul said as I walked away gathering my bag and heading out to the car. As I walked out to my car it felt like someone was watching, I pulled the pocket knife I had in my gym bag out and opening. I kept it open until I was in my car with the doors locked. I placed it on the seat next to me as I made my way towards the road. Once I was in the clear and that feeling left me I closed it and placed it back in my bag. On my way home I stopped by 'Freshens' one of my favorite take out places, you can get this rice bowl with black beans, brown rice, lettuce, cheese and they put a spicy ranch and some guacamole on it, it’s the best thing in the world. Well at least to me it is. I got some of that and a green drink before going back home. Once I was home showered and settled I made sure the alarms were on and than I sat on the sofa turning the tv on and digging into my meal.   "You better watch your back because I may just need to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder." I heard. I looked up to see that vampire diaries was on, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the clicker to change the channel. I went to the next channel, it was some sports game so I clicked it  again setting the remote down to take another bite. “There are darkness's in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” I looked up to see that yet another vampire show was on, this time it was Dracula. I let out a food muffled groan before changing the channel to some reality tv show before setting the remote back down and started eating again. Everything about today was so emotionally draining I wanted to eat, curl up on my sofa and sleep until the next day. I finished my lunch, I brought all the trash into the kitchen and glanced at the stove clock. 1:19pm. I started making my way back to the sofa to fulfill my plan, I intended to sleep for the rest of the day until the phone started ringing, I looked down to see it was an unknown number. Agaisnt my better judgement I answered it. "Hello?" I said "Miss. Bennet? This is Carl Parker." he said softly "Oh, yes hello. How can I help you?" I asked. "Oh, no I am calling to help you ma'am. You are in a great deal of danger." he said quickly. "I know it might be a little forward and you may not want to believe me but please come to New York and I will explain everything." "Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Vampires. I have proof, photographs, recordings you name it I have it and I will show you everything and explain everything to you. Please take a chance. I can help you escape this nightmare." he said. "I am going to think on it. If I decide to go I will let you know." I said before hanging the phone up. I set my phone down before laying back on to the sofa pulling my favorite foe fur blanket over me. I watched tv until I was fast asleep.    I dreamt of a dark figure lurking in the woods watching my with pitch black eyes, long claws wrapping around a thick tree ripping into the bark, clouds of its breath puffing out towards me. I could hear a low growl before I turned taking off through the woods in an unknown direction with an unknown destination. No matter how fast I moved my feet I couldn’t outrun the beast lurking in the woods watching me with empty black eyes. I feel into a bed of moss looking towards its direction and it was just standing there looking at me, watching me. It never made a move towards me or did it try harming me. It seemed like it was watching over me rather than wanting to attack me. I felt the urge to approach it. I stood and held my hand out waking towards it, I was so close to touching it before I was ripped out of my sleep by the door bell going off. I let out an annoyed groan, getting up and walking towards my front door. I looked through the peep hole seeing no one I opened the door and in front of it was a 2 dozen roses sitting there. I picked them up brining them inside, shutting the door and locking it resetting the alarm. I walked into the kitchen setting the vase down, I saw a small note attached to one of the roses by a golden ribbon. I pulled the ribbon untying it. I flipped them over finding a small blood red wax seal holding it closed I broke it up and looking to see what it said.   Dearest Fern, I am sorry it had to be this way. I hope that one day you will learn to forgive me. I look forward to seeing you, I will be at your home in 6 days to turn you into what I am and than we can spend all of eternity together. Please be ready to leave at dusk on the 7th day.   L   What in the actual f**k is this? I placed the card down and went to get my phone, I dialed the detectives number pushing call and placing it on speaker. I walked to the window seeing there was a patrol car sitting in front of my house. I looked around and didn’t see anyone else and I didn’t see any cars. While I was waiting for the detective to pick up the phone I turned the alarm off, unlocking the door and stepping out. I closed the door behind me and sprinted across the street I knocked on the officers  window. When I didn’t see him move or react I opened the door, he didn’t move I looked closer to see two puncher wounds to his next. I took steps away looking around I swear I saw the shadow move at the corner of the street, I froze staring at that spot seeing if it would move again. "Hello Miss. Bennet, how can I help you?" the detective asked. "Someone killed you officer and I swear they are watching me." I whispered. "Fern where are you?" he asked. "I am outside by the patrol car." I said even though I was slowly backing away towards my house. "You need to get inside NOW!" the detective yelled. I turned and sprinted back inside, switching the locks over and setting the alarm. I went to the closet near my bedroom and took the run out, I went from room to room turning lights on, opening closet doors and checking under beds before I sat down to take a deep breath. "Are you inside Fern??" he asked. "Yes, I have a gun, everything is locked and I swept the house no one is in here." I said. "Stay where you are Miss. Bennet we are on our way." he said. "Stay on the line with me please." *Knock Knock* I heard on the window. I turned to look in that direction, there was a man with dark hair, pale white skin and blood red eyes staring back at me with a large smile showing long pointed canines. "Detective, he is at my window staring at me…." I said with a shaky voice. "I just pulled up, stay where you are." he said before the phone went dead. My eyes were still locked on his face, his eyes mainly. They were the scariest things I have ever seen. There was voice screaming something, the strange man slowly tore his eyes from me and looked in that direction than back to me before he disappeared. I saw the detective look through my window motioning me to open my door for him. I stood up on shaky legs making my way to the door opening it for the detective. "Miss. Bennet I am sorry but he got away. We will keep 8 police cars here until we can find this man." he said, "He left a note." I said "I have 6 days until her comes back." "Can I please see it?" he asked. I nodded and went to get it, I brought it back to him and stood there waiting for is response. "I am going to take this for evidence." I said. I nodded and than grabbed the files he left here handing them back to him. I watched him walk away as I closed the door, locking the door and setting the alarm again. I picked up the phone dialing Carl Parkers number placing the phone to my ear. "Hello?" he said. "I will be there in 3 days." I said before hanging the phone up, I placed another call to my attorneys office. "Hello, this is Bill what can I do for you?" he said. "Hello Bill, its Fern. I would like to liquidate all assets other than the list I provided you. I would also like to sell my home and everything in minus my car and a few personal items." I said sternly. "Yes Ma'am I can have everything ready for you to sign by 4pm tonight and once the papers are signed you will have the funds transferred to your account within 24 hours." He explained. "Thank you Bill, just email everything to me when you are finished and I will sign them." I said "Yes Ma'am." he said before hanging up.   I moved around my home grabbing my laptop, iPad and a few photographs along with a couple other important things adding them to boxes and my clothing in a bag. I looked up flights to Manhattan, I found one ticket 2 days from now, I booked that and transportation for my car to go into storage. I than looked up houses for sale in the area. I found one over looking time square, it had great security and it was very private. I called the realtor and got everything ready, she emailed the documentation and I informed my bank that I needed to transfer funds. After that was done I found the documentation from my lawyer and signed that sending it back. I looked at the clock seeing it was already 8:56pm, I set my phone down on the charger and made my way to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and than I went to bed. As soon as I hit the pillow I was pulled into a deep dreamless sleep. 
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