Taking Amy

1052 Words
Amy’s POV: It had been a long shift, I had started at 7am this morning and it was now 10pm. My legs and feet were aching, and I felt sweety, I needed a shower badly. I served my last customer a cup of coffee, he was a regular so I mostly felt obliged. “You almost done there Mike” “Yes, thanks darling, I needed that, go a long shift ahead of me” I smiled at him, feeling some of his pain. Mike worked as a security guard at the Mill, and he was on graveyard. He greeted me as he walked out and I watched as he got in his car and drove off. I stared out the front window feeling a little uneasy. I ignored the feeling because Frank the cook was still here with me. I started to clean the counter and started to cash up. I threw the money in the safe and made sure everything was locked and secure. I locked the diner and waved to Frank as he started to walk towards his bike “You need a lift Amy” “No, I’m fine thanks, John will be here any second now” I saw the lights flash in the parking lot and turned to Frank “Seems like he’s here already” He kept his 1966 Impala’s lights on, which annoyed me a little, I had to hold my hand in front of my face because of the glare. I got into the car, but something seemed off. The space in the front seat was a lot less. My eyes fell on his legs, and they were huge. I followed his legs up over his bulky frame and my eyes landed on the guy from earlier today’s face. I let out a loud scream and he cupped my mouth with his hands. “Would you stop, please, I am not going to hurt you” he removed his hand and I screamed again. I heard him utter “f**k, I didn’t want to do this, I’m sorry” I felt a prick in the back of my neck and then nothing, I drifted off into oblivion, and I welcomed the darkness. Connor’s POV: I sped out of the parking lot with Amy unconscious next to me. When I got back to the diner her f*****g fiancé was waiting for her, I chocked him out and threw him behind the dumpster. He had a weird scent about him, something wasn’t right with him, so I was actually saving her or was I only telling myself that. Either way she was mine, she belonged to me and I was taking what is mine. My Wolf was also happy with the new development, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this was wrong, I just couldn’t help myself. I stared at her sleeping form she was exquisite. Her bone structure was fine, but she wasn’t rake thin, she was just right, for me that is. I could feel my wolf stir, Drax wanted to mark her, but she wasn’t ready for that, not yet. I thought of what I had just done, I told myself it was the only way, that in a few weeks so would have been married and then, she would have been lost to me forever. I could feel Cain and Kai try to invade my mind with their mind link, but I shut them out. Soon I would be completely out of reach. My phone rang and I could see Cain’s number appear. I ignored the call and sped up. I wanted to be at my pack before anyone realised what I had done. Cain and Kai would talk me out of it and Joe would insist on me taking her back, but I couldn’t. I had waited for her long enough. I heard her moan in her sleep and turned to her. I stroked her cheek, and I could feel the sparks jump between us. It was glorious. She sighed into my hand, and I knew she felt it to, this pull between us was undeniable, how she could ever ignore it was beyond me. My phone rang again, and I saw it was Kai. I answered it because I knew they were going to keep phoning. “Yes” “Where are you, Con?” “Just driving around” “Bullshit! We know you did something; we could all feel it and Joe is convinced it has something to do with Amy” “f**k!” I hit the steering wheel. “She’s my mate Kai and she was about to get married” “What did you do?” “I rescued her” “Jesus Con please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did” “What do you think I did?” “You took her” I could hear Joe’s hysterical ramblings in the back. “You would be right then, tell Joe to calm down” “Con we could all get in some serious s**t” “I was careful, I wasn’t seen, no one knows it was me” “Stop where you are, we’ll come get you and we’ll sort this out” “No, I am taking her to Crescent Moon, and when I am there, she is going to learn how to love me. She is going to learn about wolves slowly and then she will love me, she has to” I said the last part out of pure desperation, I was desperate for this to work. “You just kidnapped her, I doubt she is ever going to trust you” “I’ll think of a way” I slammed the phone down and accelerated once more. I need to get to Crescent Moon fast, to the protection of my pack. I had earned most of the members loyalty, so we would be safe there. We still had a couple of hours to go but I should make it before them. I checked the fuel gage, I was going to have to fill up soon, but I needed to look for the right place, somewhere where there are no camera’s and where people won’t be asking to many questions.
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