~ Four ~

1105 Words
....Continuation...   Levi on the other side reviewed his team mates performance base on the profile that Nathasia gave him. It states there that Robin is the graphic designer and that he's been working for seven years in the company and on the top of that their team remained very unstable. Amanda was the budget planner who always hold an account for the team's budget to build a project, and base on their ratings it's very low to even make a simple house which makes the project run to trash. Zefany is the creator's editor which she's responsible for the proposal making along with the design details, base on the report she's very good as an editor but being in the messed up party it isn't doing any progress with her skills.  "Finished," Robin's words made everyone stood from their seats and came to look at the illustration.  When Levi came to see Robin's finished touch, it amazed him as Robin have a distinctive skill which made him question the profile that Nathasia gave him to review. Robin is good he just need some help to make such an excellent illustration but on the top of that he's great.  Levi then ordered others to gather around and listen to his plan, he instructed Amanda to calculate the materials they will need for this project and along with that some colorful details for the interior designs, while he made Zefany to work on both the budget and project proposal, so they can start and hand it over to the superior and then to the senior manager which is the CEO to get his approval.  It thrilled everyone that they had Levi on their team, he's got the talent and skills to impress not only his colleagues but also everyone in the industry. They knew about Levi's issue that's on the internet which made them hesitant to accept him, but when Levi guided them to work, it only proved that what's on the internet is a fake. Levi has a promising future ahead of him which concludes that everyone would admire or get jealous of his achievements and works. But his team differs from his previous ones, they're willing to work with him with honesty as it inspires his group to learn something from a professional.  Robin was one of the best graphic designer in the team before, but when he came to argue with a snotty close minded project manager, he stopped to work with efforts cause it'll always gets trash and ignored.  Amanda was both a professional in accounting, interior and architectural design but she put under this team because the department head thought so she would make an impressive outcome, but it didn't ever since the previous manager came to mock and underestimate her works, she then lost the courage to put back the knowledge she always had.  Zefany was one of the best employees in the Lux corporation, among the three of them she's the oldest to work in the company, she's supposed to be the department head but she lost the voting and was later on put to the project team. For her it was the best opportunity, but it was bias inside the office, Nathasia was popular and so she lost the favor from others under her professional skills.  Everyone was disappointed and were not having hope to their failing careers, but with Levi's presence and skills it made them full to at least try once again and that's what also Levi wants after he got hired by one of the top corporations, he wanted to not repeat the same mistakes again, to be super competitive that he almost forgot the others who also has a dream like him. So as their team leader and manager he will bring this team on top without using only his power but everyone's ability.  "Done!" Everyone said and passed the design, the budget and proposal to Levi.  Once he got to see and read all of it, he couldn't less agree with their promising talents. It's very organized, detailed, and constructive for a professional to review. It has the quality that everyone would like to have in the industry.  "Okay, this will be first great project we'll be introducing to the superior. So everyone let's work this on!" Levi cheered as he handed to Zefany for the department head to review.  Everyone was very anxious of what will the result look like while Levi was the only one who remained calm all the time. He knows himself that'll it get the superiors approval once they'll get to review the project they made.. He's very confident because for the past years he's been on this career this was the first he's got a very talented team.  As Zefany enter the room with papers on her hand, she looked at everyone with a sad face and then suddenly smiled happily that made everyone's face lit up in excitement.  They immediately thank Levi for his efforts and works because they got the offer and made it to the superior's approval. They will now work together on the professional team to have their project start and composed.  As soon as Levi heard the news, he couldn't help but thrilled for his team.  "Levi would you like to join us for dinner tonight? It's our treat." Amanda asked, which made him shock.  Is he really going to have a treat from his colleagues? It's not that he never had one, but on his first day? That's like excellent progress for him to make friends with other than Alexa and Liliana.   "Come on, it's like celebration for us," Robin said.  "I'll make sure we'll have the best dinner in the city!" Zefany cheered and Levi as well agreed.  "You know what? With your help, this is our first time to progress." Robin said to Levi, who went curious.  "Why?"  "Because the other previous manager was a trash and very bias." They said.  "I'm sure with your help we'll be able to make it on top and crash the first underestimating team." Amanda said to Levi, who got thrilled to have his team make it.  "Don't worry guys I'm sure with all of our skills we'll make it and besides I'll teach everyone with anything I have in mind." Levi promised to his fresh team and friends.  "Hell yeah! I'm sure we'll be able to even earn the CEO's trust, Mr. Jaxon Drews!" Zefany commented, which immediately made Levi paused as he heard a once familiar name.  "Jaxon Drews?" He asked.  "Yes! He's our very own sexy and handsome CEO! The one and only owner of Lux's company!"  Levi isn't sure if he knew or met the person they were talking about, but it absolutely made him feel ecstatic and nervous. 
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