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In the early morning, the door knocking sound echoed from the main door. The sound was enough loud to bring complaints from the upper and lower floor as well. "Aahan... Aahan... Aahan.....!", shouted Ritik from outside. The neighbour aunty threw a cornered look towards him, while dumping her garbage bag outside. "Are you crazy, man? Can't you hear me?" He again shouted, being completely unaware of the nearby people's reaction. Another old man, who had just returned from the morning walk looked towards his direction in disgust. His piercing stares finally made Ritik self-conscious. "Wake up, Aahan..." He tiredly whispered, while smiling nervously at the neighbors. He could hear the non-stop ringing of alarm from inside. He knew that his friend was still sleeping as a donkey ignoring the noise of inside and outside. In frustration, he forgot the neighbouring aunty and uncle's look of disgust and shouted, "Aahan! Are you waking up today?" Still there was no response. Ritik had no energy left. He kept banging the door helplessly. To his utmost relief, the alarm sound had stopped. "Finally!" He whispered. He adjusted his eyeglass, that would have fallen a long ago, only if his hawk shape nose was not come to prevent it's downfall. It was sharp 6 am, and the alarm clock rang every day at this same time. The sound was enough loud to pass the wooden door, so that Ritik could hear it faintly from outside. But it never affects Aahan, who slept like a log, wishing only for the battery of the clock to run out. So that he could sleep without any disturbances in his way. And unless any important work, Aahan never woke up early. While Ritik always sounded horrible behind the door every time, he had to help his lazy friend to say goodbye to his sleep, at least for that day only. Aahan stretched his hands in the air and felt free air peeping through the window, and then rippled through his dress. He moved his hands over his head in a way to resize his messy hair. With still wearing the night short pant, he directly went near the door sounding "Stop shouting Now, I'm awake!" His sleepy voice only added extra fury to an already furious Ritik. "Yeah, I have been seeing that from at least 20 minutes!" He mocked Aahan, when the door was opened. "Whatever! Welcome to my room Mr. Ritik Dubey" Opening the door, Aahan showed his left hand inside his room, just like the heroine introduced her family in Indian daily soaps. "My goodness! Oh yeah, good morning!" Ritik said, while giving a punch to Aahan. "Good morning to you too." Aahan's voice automatically lowered with his yawning, which showed his love for the day's sleep was still living in his eyes. "Yeah, sleepy boy! Sleep again, but don't blame me then, if you will be late for your interview." Ritik said throwing a pillow towards Aahan, which Aahan caught without his knowledge. "Oh man, what a catch! Appreciating!" Ritik faked his surprise. "Only if you remember about the college cricket match and my catch which cost the opponent and we won!" In a proud voice, Aahan replied. "Of course I have a strong memory unlike you, who forgets about his interview today!" Ritik said lazily lying on the couch. Realisation hit Aahan. He again looked towards the calendar. It was the month of March. "Oh No! It's 17th." His voice lowered. He sat beside Ritik with a sad face. Aahan Choudhry - the 23 year young man was searching for a good job, while keeping part time jobs under a small agency. He was just an average student with considerable academics, awaiting for his luck to do the tick tick sound for a bright future in the IT world. His handsome physique with six pack abs and triceps was enough to grab some eye-catchy modelling offer for him, but he was never interested into the world of glamour. Aahan was always known as the luckiest boy among the people who knew him from his childhood. He was the former sports club secretary in his college days - the captain of the college cricket team, a not-so-bad academics record and the handsomeness was enough to have a huge fan following among the girls. And his fellow mates considered this to be his luck - the deadliest combination of look, academics and activity. This was not the only reason for which he was tagged as the luckiest. At the age of seven, Aahan had survived a bus accident in which seventy people died on spot including the driver, conductor and all the passengers. The bus was going to Rishikesh, when on the mid way, the driver lost the control due to the lack of attention. The bus fell almost above 1200 ft. into a trench. A large stone stopped a sleeping Aahan's body to roll further on the sloppy mountain. To Aahan's luck, that particular region was covered with grasses, so that he didn't get any severe injuries. It was indeed an miracle that he managed to breath for six more hours, until a local gamekeeper rescued him and admitted into the hospital. With some primary treatment, Aahan got his conscious back to be called as a luckiest boy. While according to the same story from Aahan's perspective made him the unluckiest one. He blamed his luck for protecting his life, which was meaningless for a seven year old boy after his parents' death. As his parents died in the accident, he had to face the cruelty of world at an early age only. Relatives showed least interest to take care of Aahan as there was nothing much property his parents had left for him. And he was left in a orphanage. But he survived there and studied hard. Then from last ten years, he was doing different part time jobs - sometimes as a pizza delivery boy or sometimes in a call centre. And he was never ashamed to accept that because it was his way of living. He loves himself too much and maybe that's why no body could hate him. His thoughts halted feeling a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, man. This time you will rock, Trust your talent!" Ritik consoled Aahan, understanding his tension for a well-settled job. "Hope so!" Aahan said nodding his head. "Listen to me, just go though all the basics again for sometimes before leaving for the interview, and of course, it will bring some good news this time." Ritik said in a confident voice. "Ha-ha, Aahan and his interview! Not a better duo!" A voice arose near from the door, with someone's walking sound of the shoe. To whom, they both stayed silent, thinking as if it was better not to respond. They both knew, who was it this time. Kamal Kashyap, Also known as Mr. KK, another irreplaceable part of the trio best friends - Aahan Choudhry, Ritik Dubey, and Kamal Kashyap. All three were incomplete without each other. They had made a Friendship triangle, which had been standing strong unlike any love relationship triangle. Every time, they needed to fight, Ritik and Aahan stayed in the same Side while Kamal was alone to fight for himself - to defend his jokes or from their teasing. Ritik was the most intellectual among them with his brilliant mindset. His glass was his sign - that a topper he was. A matured boy he was, and he was the 1st one among them to grab a job. Aahan met Ritik in the orphanage only. As a reserved kid, Aahan found a best friend inside the silent Ritik. Unlike Aahan Ritik was there from his birth. He had no idea about his parents except for his surname. The orphanage caretaker had told him, how he was left in front of the orphanage wrapped in a blue sheet, with a chit that contained a name for him - Ritik Dubey. He had never seen his parents to be upset with them, so he poured his anger on that heartless caretaker. She could have at least cook up a false story to narrate a child. Why to directly tell him that he was unwanted from his birth by his own parents! Aahan and Ritik became best friends. From sharing their pain from past to planning a better future, they spent their ten years of friendship. Being the studious guy, Ritik grabbed scholarships in the best school. While Aahan followed his footsteps, by sacrificing his sleep for almost two months. Finally, he was able to c***k the scholarship test in the same school that Ritik had got admission. After high school, they studied in the same college for two more years. Even They had opted to study in the same course irrespective of the interest of it, but only wanting to make the friendship stronger. They chose CSE branch and studied in the Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Technology (RGIT). It was Aahan's plan to study in Computer science, as he was much more fond of computer and all. While Ritik had no such passions, he just wanted a degree to earn for a better life style. In RGIT, Aahan and Ritik met Kamal. He was totally opposite of them. With his immaturity and skills to c***k any jokes, had given him a special place in Aahan and Ritik's life. With a short span of time, He had become the best remedy for their mood offs, and the reason of their headaches too. Kamal was the only son of Mr. Niraj Kashyap - whose name was counted as a brand in the textile business. NK was definitely a brand and Kamal never left a single benefit of having a rich Dad. But the whole Kashyap family were amiable and down to earth despite of their high status. Kamal's mother - Mrs. Priya Kashyap was very much fond of Aahan and Ritik. Much to her dislike, Kamal had grew his hair till shoulder, and often he tied them in a pony. Even Mrs. Kashyap always complained about Kamal's pierced ears in front of his best friends. Being a matured guy, Ritik tried to make Kamal understand. While Aahan took the chance to create more trouble for Kamal, by coaxing his mother with some secrets of him. Apart from jokes and comedy, a part of Kamal's mind was also occupied by dirty thoughts about all those p**n sites. And Aahan had his shares of fun by blackmailing Kamal with his mother's name. "Are you guys not even going to wish me a good morning?!" Kamal broke the silence with holding Ritik's cup of coffee - to irritate them. "Such a shameless you are! Asking to be wished!" Ritik responded. "No doubt in that!", Aahan also added from the bookshelf. He sighed in relief, getting the book he was finding. "Okay, Fine. By the way, this coffee tastes so good!" In a teasing voice Kamal replied, while taking a sip and making an weird sound with the coffee in his mouth. "What the f**k! You started your drama again?" Ritik showed his irritation and continued, "At least don't ruin the morning mood, and leave Aahan for his preparations." "It's Okay, Ritik. No problem." Aahan said. "Okay, fine!" Kamal Showed his fake anger, and started again to make the weird sound with coffee, to which he first broke into laughter. And Ritik and Aahan couldn't also stop laughing. The trio had a good time, releasing Aahan's tension for some time. "By the way, Aahan. You keep reading. We are leaving now." Ritik suggested Aahan, seeing his book. "Yeah." Aahan replied with more concentration on his book. "Let's leave now." Ritik held a stubborn Kamal's hand, who had no intention of moving out and pulled him outside the room, while adding for Aahan, "Hey, get ready by 8am. Okay?" "Okay." Aahan replied, focusing more into his work. In the Four years of their graduation, they had seen ups and downs many times, but they three stood stronger with all the odds. As if each of their heart beat 1/3rd times for one of them. Brothers! They were like 3 brothers from different mother's, when Aahan had his mother in his memories only. He couldn't even recall his mother's face, when he lost her. Only the photographs had kept his parents alive in his mind. He had always his parents photos in his money purse. He was in so much with love for his deceased parents. Losing parents as a kid, Aahan never knew on which direction the fate was taking him to. He hated his relatives the most and of course his hatred for his relatives was justified, when he was brought up in a orphanage as they denied to take care of an innocent child. And Aahan loved only these two friends of his, and respected Kamal's family as his. Still Kamal's family couldn't fill the void in his life. The love he wanted from his own family, that will be only his was still not with him. Ritik was well settled with his job. Kamal had taken over his father's business. While Aahan was still there, without any progress. Though Mr. Kashyap offered him to work in his company, but Aahan denied politely. He for sure didn't want to take any advantage of his friendship. He wanted to get his job by his talent. He wanted to find a girl, who will love him like there is no tomorrow. He wanted to build his own family, his own wife, his own kids. Ofcourse he won't leave his friends. They will went on outing and with three of their families. That's what he had in his heart, though he never showed it to outside. He knew that family and love was his only weakness, that he never had. And he knew the world enough to show his weakness to them. From outside, he was a good-looking extrovert, with an adventurous life. Yet, he was waiting for someone to see the him from inside, to care for his heart to fulfil his expectations, to be his everything. And he was confident that he will got the one. The God who had saved him back then from that fatal accident won't be that much cruel. He must have some plan prepared for him. Even if he won't, then his parents from there will made him to do it. And Aahan was waiting for that day in his life, when he will get all the love he had missed all these years. He will build a castle, not out of stone or brick, but with his love. He will let his love of life decorate it with her love. But that dream had to wait for years. For now he had to grab this job. It was enough promising for his future plans and he again focused into his books. The hope that was never shattered inside him was there binding him with a kind of positivity. To be continued...
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