Chapter Four: Emma Endless

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CHAPTER FOUR EMMA ENDLESS Just because I cut off Oberon’s head, didn’t mean that he was dead. Or, at the very least, gone. Before I was even born, my family had sold me off to the faerie King in exchange for their fortune, and revenge, amongst other things. I had married him against my will, and the marriage had not been happily ever after. In fact, I’d cut off his head for trying to kill the love of my life. The love of my life who, in turn, had become the new faerie King. I’d escaped one of the darkest parts of my life. I was back home. I was safe. But happily ever after was a f*****g myth. Instead, I had the same nightmare, over, and over. I was alone, trapped in my bed, in that goddess forsaken tower that he’d locked me in. Every night Oberon, the definition of the warrior king, with long, blond hair, and muscles came into the room. I was trapped there, unable to move, unable to escape because of the pelvis injury I’d gotten while flying in his arms. “You’re going to spread your legs for me, your majesty,” he’d say, his eyes hooded, and dark. He crawled onto the bed, predator like, and then he would pull up the skirt of my red dress that I’d been wearing when I’d fallen. He would reach down, and cup me through my panties. “This is all mine, my sweet. No one else may have it.” Then, he pulled my panties off me, and undressed himself. He took his c**k out, and thrust in. Holding onto the head board, he thrust, and thrust, and thrust, his eyes flashing red as he looked down at me. I would try to turn away, but he would grab my chin, and hold it as he forced me to look at him. “Don’t you turn away, you b***h,” he snarled, “you did this to me. You did this to us.” “No!” A sob would escape me. “No. Please-----ah—ah-----” I’d wake up every night, caught half way between a sob and a scream. I could still feel his hands on me, I could still feel him inside me. The first week after Oberon died, I’d stayed with Clark in faerie. Having him beside me, I’d been able to push the dreams away. But here, in the human world, Clark wasn’t there. When I had the nightmare, I woke, feeling empty, needing to be clean. Or to have someone’s hands, anyone else’s on me. The first night I returned home, I sobbed for half the night. I tried to keep quiet so no one could hear me, but I hadn’t been able to keep my secret for long. “Emma!” Ben had burst into my room, wearing pajama pants and a black shirt that said I drink and I know things. I looked at him, unable to stop sobbing, and Ben crawled into bed with me. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he rubbed my back, trying to soothe me, “what happened? What’s wrong?” “He’s in my head, Ben,” I whispered, “Oberon’s dead, but he’s still there. I think…I think the binding he talked about is real, and he’s haunting me because I broke it.” “What do you need right now?” he asked. “Anything you want, I’ll get it for you.” I looked up at him. “I…I need to feel someone else’s hands on me. Anyone else’s besides him. Every time I close my eyes, he’s there, touching me, and I can’t….” “Emma, are you sure? What about Clark?” “Clark is King of Faerie now. I can’t go to him every time I have a problem and…. if I go there, I have to go back to that palace. The place where he trapped me. Please, Ben, I know I don’t have a right to ask this but….” “Whatever you need, Emma. Whatever you need.” The words were too similar to the promise Clark always made me. Whatever you wish, your majesty. Whatever you wish. But even still, it was exactly what I had needed to hear. That was how I began sleeping with Ben. It was why, at one o’ clock in the morning, I was sneaking out of my brothers’ room now to go to Bens. I knocked on the door. Ben opened it immediately. I was always worried one of these nights he wouldn’t. He had a serious look on his face. “We’ve got to be careful now. Louisa knows. She heard you talking to Bradley tonight.” I winced. “Ben, if you don’t want to---” He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. “I want to, Emma. I’ve wanted this for so long, you and me. Then, when you and Clark got together, I never thought it would happen. I know this might not be forever, but I’ll have you as long as you’ll have me.” He rested his chin in the crook of my neck. “Thank you,” I whispered, “thank you.” He let go of me but kept both of his hands firmly placed on my hips. He looked down at me. “You look great in that purple dress.” “Thanks, it’s tight and I can’t breathe in it.” “Alright, well, let’s put it some place that it’s better suited,” he said with a growl, “like on my floor.” He undid the cloth buttons, and helped to pull it off, then took me inside, closing the door behind him. He kissed me deeply, running his hands through my long, dark hair. Then, he put me on the bed. He took his shirt off, revealing his chest. The first time I had seen his protective rune tattoo, it had been a shock. But I figured he must have gotten it after coming here, and hadn’t tried asking questions. The tattoo looked like an upside down broom. Or a pitch fork. I traced the tattoo with my fingers, and he wriggled the rest of the dress off me. “Please Ben,” I whispered, “let me make you feel good too.” “Okay,” he replied, “okay.” He undressed, and his c**k was there, hard with desire already. I took it in my hand, stroking it, watching it grow in underneath his touch. Ben tensed, and gripped my headboard, his back muscles now taught as a groan escaped him. “Let go, baby. Let go. I want to c*m inside of you, not on you.” He grabbed the blue protection potion I had managed to get from the Godmother in faerie, then gave me a sip too. It was easier, not having to worry about condoms, or pills. And, I suspected, stronger. He leaned down and whispered into my ear. “I’m going to make it so that the only hands that you think of are mine, Emma. So that the only touch you want is mine. Spread your legs for me, baby.” I did, and the next thing I felt was his tongue on me. My body tensed, and a groan escaped me. “Oh goddess!” I screamed out. When he pulled his head up, he moved to play with my breasts. He massaged my right breast with his right hand, and suckled at the n****e of my left. My hips bucked and I arched into him. “Ben, please….” I whined. He took his own sweet time, enjoying my breast as if it were his favorite dessert. But he did stop playing with the right one long enough to move his right hand over my cunt. For a moment, he did nothing, except for rest his hand there, as if it were his and his alone. Then, I felt a single finger slide into my entrance, and he began to stroke. He stroked, and stroked, until I was dripping with wetness, with desire for him. I gripped his shoulders and my fingernails dug into them, certain to leave marks. I should have felt bad. I should have thought of Clark and done something to push him away. But in that moment, I was consumed with thoughts of my first real boyfriend, my first fiancé. The person I had wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And then, I remembered the water sprites words. “For your first born,” the tiny little blue faerie had said as she’d handed the baby blanket over. “Stop,” I called out. Ben, sweaty, and panting, pulled his hand away from me. He looked at me with furrowed brows. “What’s wrong?” I sat up in bed, wrapping the blankets around my chest. “Ben, there’s something I’ve got to tell you.” “What is it, Emma?” He reached up and stroked my bare shoulder. “You can tell me anything.” “I might be pregnant,” I told him.
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