
1080 Words
The Concealed Identity The lush green surroundings greeted the students as they arrived at school that day. The freshly mowed grass and vibrant flowers created a picturesque scene, with glistening raindrops sparkling in the light. A gentle breeze carried the coolness of the morning air, while the sun hesitated to rise fully. I closed my tired eyes, trying to gather myself. I took a deep breath, counting silently to calm down. When I opened my eyes, I scanned the parking lot for the car that had brought me here. Disappointment washed over me as I realized that, once again, Rich had left me behind. Although his absence was a familiar pattern, a deep sense of loss lingered. The nagging question of why I was here gnawed at my mind. My steps felt heavy as I walked toward the large garage with its white and gray exterior. The grand sign of Springtide University loomed before me, its name boldly displayed along with the emblematic crest that was instantly recognizable. Hunger gnawed at my stomach again, a reminder of the breakfast I missed because of Rich's scolding. His constant lectures made it hard to have an appetite. This was nothing new; it had always been this way. Fortunately, an information map at the building's entrance guided me to the cafeteria. I saw only a few students scattered around, enjoying their morning meals. I glanced at my watch; it was past seven, giving me plenty of time to eat before my first class at eight. The line at the food counter was short. I quickly picked a wrapped chicken sandwich and a soda, then looked for a table with just two empty seats. An empty table big enough for three caught my eye. The tranquility was interrupted by my cell phone ringing. Rich's name flashed on the screen. With an eye roll and a sigh, I ignored the call. His lectures and reminders about starting anew at a different school were all too familiar. He meant well, but I refused to be controlled. He often said I was a pain in his ass. Psh! I'm a pain in anyone's ass. No one can hinder my path. After all, I am Matilda Rhyce, and I march to the beat of my own drum! While I savored my sandwich, a group of students caught my attention. Their matching attire suggested they were from the same course or department. "Did you hear? They own various restaurants in the Western Provinces. My Auntie said the new transfer student is joining the HRM program. We might even be classmates with her!" "Is she a girl?" one student asked. "Why does gender matter? But yes, she's a girl. My aunt said she's had a history of dropping out and getting expelled. She's known for causing trouble, which is why most schools don't want her. Rumor has it she's quite the player, and there have even been fights over her." "Wow, is she that gorgeous?" another student asked sarcastically. "Looks aside, her parents are influential. Schools can't afford to turn her away, but they eventually give up because they can't handle her." As they talked, I heard the clinking of cutlery and the hum of voices, contrasting with the peaceful rainy day. I sipped my drink, listening intently to their conversation. "Let's hope we don't end up in the same class as her," one said. "I doubt that. My aunt said there are only a few fourth-year classes. She might already be here," another reasoned. "Did your Auntie mention any names?" someone asked eagerly. I finished my drink, anticipation building inside me. But the group fell silent, leaving me hanging on the edge of curiosity. Had they realized I was the subject of their conversation? Suddenly, a string of curses erupted from their table, confusing me. Had they discovered who I was? "He's here!" one girl exclaimed. A voice behind me erupted with excitement. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe he showed up today! I hope he comes closer." The room fell silent as if an angel had passed through. I continued eating, pretending not to notice, but my curiosity grew as I heard footsteps approaching. "He's coming this way," a girl whispered. "Yes! He's in our class. He'll sit with us," another voice said, trying to suppress her excitement. Their behavior mirrored the adoration I was used to in the entertainment industry. The constant attention was nothing new to me. Perhaps there were actors or famous athletes at this school. Rich must have had his reasons for bringing me here. Shaking off these thoughts, I returned my focus to my meal, sensing a presence at the empty table in front of me. I slowly looked up and saw the boy who had caused such a commotion. His food—a sandwich and soda—was identical to mine. I continued to observe him. His tousled hair and pale red lips caught my attention. His features were striking, with long eyelashes and a perfectly shaped nose. If it weren't for his muscular build, I might have mistaken him for someone unconventional. He seemed camera-ready. A smile tugged at my lips. Maybe the rumors were true—this school embraced all forms of love. Would the girls realize that he wouldn't reciprocate their affections? Society had come a long way, and people explored their identities. Although I was seen as a rebellious playgirl, I held to my own principles. Let them be angry with me, but I wouldn't settle for someone like him. What was I even thinking? I forced a laugh, its echoes filling the room. The boy turned to look at me, his thick eyebrows furrowing. His intense, dark brown eyes seemed to peer into my soul. I quickly looked away, taking a sip of my soda. When I looked back, he was still staring, an enigmatic expression on his face. Feeling a mix of discomfort and intrigue, I stood up and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I scanned the silent cafeteria, searching for any sign of familiarity. Who was this guy? I was used to being fawn over, but his gaze made me feel uneasy. It was time to show them who I truly was—a narcissistic, egotistical brat who wouldn't be outdone. I am Matilda, The Ada Rhyce. If he had silenced the women around him, who were practically swooning or frozen like statues, then I would let him salivate over me like the rest.
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