
My Bestfriend's Dad


Cassidy Martin is feeling excited and joyful as she plans to embark on a new adventure in New Zealand. However, before she leaves, she wants to fulfill a secret desire that she has been harboring for a long time. She has always felt a strong attraction towards Lewis Skye, the sexy CEO of a pharmaceutical company who also happens to be her best friend's father. Cassidy is determined to lose her virginity to him and is overjoyed at the thought of finally indulging in her hidden passion.

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Kate's house
Coming back from town with my best friend Kate, we went back to her house, we didn’t have any money so we just browsed through different shops the whole day talking about different outfits to wear next year at the University. I enjoy hanging out at Kate's house because just seeing his father brightens my day and night. Kate Skyler is a 17-year-old female with a normal teenage body, dark-haired like her father but hers is a lot longer, with brown eyes and, a nice genuine smile, she's my only best friend the other one kind of dumped us for a cooler crowd at school. Kate lives with her father, her mother lives in another country married to some guy, she kind of left Kate's father for a much richer man and never came back, no one knows why because Kate's father also has a lot of money, so Kate usually visits her on Christmas. Now back to me, My name is Cassidy Martin, also 17 years old with a little body fat all in the right places, my natural hair color is dark but I dyed it since a lot of people kept confusing me with Kate maybe it's because we are always together, we were even starting to look the same but right now I have long highlighted hair, Gold sometimes brownish eyes, strawberry lips, mm I think I have a nice smile, especially when I'm smiling at myself on the mirror. I live with both my parents who are constantly at each other's throats and my two little brothers Jaden and Jordan, who are 4 years old I don't understand why they decided to have these two little devils after so many years of having only me, I liked being an only child. Anyway, next year after the holidays, Kate and I are going to study abroad but before that, I have something to do before I leave. I don't know how will I be able to do it since I'm always shy around him, 5 words are too much when he is around I don't know why, I don't even like alcohol otherwise I would drunk dial him, and then confess all my desires to him. Oops sorry, I'm talking about Kate's father Mr Lewis Skye a 48-year-old male, single, or maybe he has a few girlfriends but he never brought them to the house so I'm not sure. He is tall with a sexy body, muscles honed to perfection dark-haired gorgeous smile, hazel eyes, and long beautiful lashes I'm even jealous of them he has a twinkle in his eyes, strong manly hands with long lean fingers mmh. He is a genuine guy, with an authentic interest in other people, he behaves with consideration, respect, emotional maturity, and a touch of levity 'mmh'. He is my dream man and I want to lose my virginity to him, I have been thinking about that for the past 2 years, it's the only reason why I haven't dated anyone my age. I just want to bless him for being a mother and a father to Kate, I want to feel him inside as I thank him for making my wet dreams a little worthwhile, I want to give him all of me as I tell him how much I have been dreaming about him, how much I have been fantasizing about him, how much I think about him every day, how much I just get wet by just looking at him walking far away. Kate and I were both lying on the bed looking at the ceiling just chatting. "I broke up with Chris". Said Kate putting her cell phone on the nightstand. "Ohh sweety, when?". I asked turning over to look at her. "A few moments ago, I can't do this anymore ". She said turning over to look at me. " Ohh I'm sorry sis but why ? Because yesterday you were saying you love him ? ". I asked a little confused at how her feelings were quickly changing. "Well I just got bored with him so now I will just stay single until I leave here". She said frowning. " Okay, I hear you but are feeling good with your decision?". I asked. "Yes I'm fine, soon or later it was going to happen because we will be living 16 hours away from each other, so what's the point of dragging an already dead relationship?". Said Kate. " I'm very sorry babe, but if you two are meant to be maybe one day you will find each other even if it's 5 years from now". I said smiling trying to make her feel better. I was not good at the whole relationship stuff, I just said what I saw in a movie one time. And speaking of movies I think we should watch one, Ohh wait Kate is still devastated next to me. " Would you like some Ice cream maybe we could also watch some series on Netflix? ". I asked trying to lift her mood which I did."Yes please you get the ice cream and spoons, I will choose a series ". She answered happily. "Okay please choose any series with action or maybe fìction and no romance". I called out going to the kitchen. As soon as I got there I wanted to turn back quickly but my body was too slow to work with my mind, I just stood there in the doorway watching Mr. Lewis drinking water, it was like he was doing a still water commercial for his Adam apple going up and down after every gulp, okay I'm thirsty too!. I just stood there for a minute, he was wearing a white shirt with four buttons unbuttoned yes I counted them his shirt was rolled up on the sleeves with a few veins visible on his arms, well I didn't count the veins. Glancing at him up and down and back to his face, he was already looking at me with a smile on his face. My heart started pounding in my chest, and I could even hear 'pum pum' ringing in my ears, I swear even my knees were failing me, they were weak but I managed to hold myself from falling like a sack of potatoes.

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