Chapter 3: The Mermaid

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M i a   O ' B r i e n I'm doomed! I just broke the rule and might be punish if the council knew about this. "Well...well...well," a voice suddenly approached from behind as I was sitting on the big rock near the shipwreck. "What's the newbie mermaid doing here? I wonder if she committed something bad??" Yup, both of us are mermaids; half fish and half human. I rolled my eyes when identified the owner of the voice. It was from none other than an annoying mermaid ever, Tia. She always mocked me since 4 years ago, saying that I was a disgrace and dirty blood just like mother. "Leave me alone, Tia," I was trying to get away from her but she just stopped me by swimming in front of me, blocking me my way with her body. "I saw that, Mia...." she said along with a smirk. "You are with human..." Oh God! "No I wasn't..." I quickly turned to my backside, completely avoiding her eyes contact. "Hey...." she suddenly grabbed my arm. "Don't you dare turn your back on me!" Aiden's face suddenly crossed my mind, with a playback of my memories when I tried to save him earlier. "...*scoffs*...what a liar." Tia just read my mind with her sudden touch and saw everything when I saved Aiden from drowning. "Please don't tell anyone, Tia," I never thought that I actually begged for her. "Wow...the new side of Mia...." she said in sarcasm. "Was that your old boyfriend? He's kind of handsome." I just remained silent, biting my lower lips while holding my anger from her. "Anyway, what if I did tell to anyone," She then swam in circle around me with her annoying smirk never left her face. "Especially someone from the council?? I wonder what your mother will do to save you in trouble again?" Tia is kind of person who seeking for attention and love to take advantage of people. So I need to be careful so she will never see my flaws ever or else, I might be in so much trouble for sure. "I know you didn't dare to do that either..." I purposely challenged her so that she would stop her nasty behaviour. "Hah...*scoffs*...Of course I dare to that. Just wait and see...." I could tell she was lying by looking at her behaviour whenever she tells lie. See...just look at the way she was reacting. Tia will move away her sight whenever she was lying. "Whatever, dirty blood..." she swiftly swam away from me while murmuring gibberish, leaving me alone at the big rock. *sighs* "I guess, I should go too...before she tried to do something stupid again," I said to myself, then swam back to my new home. Yes...home. The place which you guys couldn't never imagined at all. Even I couldn't not believed my eyes when I first woke up in a big shell-clamp in the mermaid city. None human couldn't enter the city since we have to go through a secret passageway and the most important is that person must be a mermaid or you will never pass through the passageway. Anyway, at first I thought I was dead...I remembered I was dying in his arms. All the memories of the incident were still fresh in my mind especially when I saw him in so much in pain when Aiden thought I left him forever. My mother was the one who brought me here. I couldn't believe my eyes either when saw her as I woke up from the coma for almost a years. I thought she was dead in a car incident when I was 10 years old, but I was wrong. Honestly, I was kind of hate of my mother at first for leaving me, my little sister and my dad after all this time, but when she explained of everything, now I understand. Us, as the mermaid, we actually has two life, one is as a human form and the other one is as a mermaid. Therefore, in our cases, both of our human forms were already dead. Besides, there was a rule too, made by the high council of the mermaid and we have to obey it no matter what or we will face the consequences. So that was why my mother never went back to us even though she was alive after all these years. It was painful for me to accept it at first but when I think of it once again, I was lucky for getting another chance to live my life again even though I have to watch him from afar. I swam back to the town, deep down in the ocean but stopped right at the end of the passageway when saw several high council mermaids were waiting of me with serious expression. Oh God, Tia! She told them! "Mia, daughter of have been caught for showing your mermaid form to a human in....." one of the mermaid council couldn't finished her statement as someone stopped her by calling out my name loudly. With a blink of eye, the merman grabbed my arm then brought me along with him away from the council. It happened so fast and the council couldn't stop us since both of us were swimming so fast. There was only one mermaid that I knew who can swim this fast and he is Dylan, a merman and a close friend to me. Dylan is always helping me and never left me alone whenever I have trouble. He also helped me adapted with this new life beside of my mother whenever she was busy. He's a really a good friend to me. Dylan has a pair of beautiful brown eyes and has a unique tail as he once got attacked with a shark long ago. There was a big scar of the shark bite on the left but he seemed proud instead of embarrassed of it. He used to said that the scar might be hideous but it was the trophy for his bravery in fighting the mightiest creature in the ocean. Yup, he is kind of self-praised person a bit, but he is actually a very nice and sweet person. You will never get bored of his clumsiness and his humour at all if you guys ever met him. "You have to leave....Mia," he sounded serious as we both stopped in the half way. "I heard that the council want to punish you and I don't want something bad ever happened to you. Y-you are my best friend...Mia," he continued, with his voice sounded a little bit c***k. "Hey...hey...calm down," I held both of his hands, while looking straight into his eyes beautiful eyes. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine..." "No...I have to," he insisted. "You should go...." but someone suddenly cut him in, stopping Dylan from finished his words. "I know someone that actually can help her...." it was Tia who suddenly interrupted us. Dylan and I were both surprised by sharing each other looks then turned to look back at Tia. "What do you want, Tia?" Dylan raised his voice a little when asked her. "You actually told them, Tia?" I said to her in disbelief. "How could you!!" I tried to grab her but Dylan just stopped me. "Heyy....relax newbie mermaid," she raised both of her hands on her chest level as if like she meant no harm to me. But I know she was just faking it. It's Tia, for the God's sake. The most cunning person that I ever met. "I'm trying to help you, Mia," she continued but her face didn't show as she was lying to me. "I wasn't the one who told the council." "I don't believe you," I practically glared at her, totally not believe with her acting. She rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, Mia. Just believe me for once. Don't you want to meet your handsome boyfriend again?" "You met him?" Dylan interrupted. I nodded. "He was in danger and I-I have to save him," "Oh no, Mia....we can't meddle with human, you know that right," he seemed so disappointed of me. "So that was the reason why the council were looking at you. I thought you did something else..." Oh God, Dylan. I just hurt him. What should I do?? "You committed a big mistake...I-I shouldn't have meddle in it," it was the first time I saw this side of Dylan. "I'm sorry....I have to go...I'm so sorry again..." Dylan left both of us without I couldn't even say anything to him. He acted so weird which from the way he used to be before. "Dylan...." I called for his name, but it was too late for me to stop him. "Didn't he tell you, Mia, about what happened to his sister?" Oh, I completely forgot about Tia was here with me. I turned to look at her, "What about his sister?" Tia sighed heavily, "How can you call his friend if you didn't know anything about him," that was the real Tia I was talking about. "Ughhh....don't start it, Tia," I replied while rolling my eyes. "His sister has a history with a human long ago. She fell in love with him, but got betrayed. So what do you think after that...." "The council took her...." I continued. Tia nodded, "Yup, newbie mermaid. You're definitely right," I swallowed hard, trying imagining what the council did to the Dylan's sister. "Where did they take her? Do you know about it?" "No idea about that," Tia replied along with a shrug. "But since that day, we never saw her ever." Her words really surprised me when knew the truth. Poor Dylan for losing his sister like that. And now, he's going to lose me as a friend too. "You said that you wanted to help me," I just remembered that she offered me her help earlier. "What is it? But first, why?" "I admitted that I don't want you to be here since the beginning, but I wasn't that bad person, okay" she started. "So, I know a way to save you from the council," "Really?" I was so excited when heard her and even reached for her hands as grateful for finding a way to save me. But she quickly removed her hands out of my grips, "....*clears throat*....that's so awkward." I put a small smile on my lips, " Kind of, sorry about that." "Okay listen, have you heard that forbidden place down in that dark side of the ocean?" she asked. I nodded several times, "Yes, I did...why?" "There’s actually a witch who can help you. Just tell your any desire you wanted so much in your mermaid life and she will grant it for sure." "Any desire?" the flash of Aiden's handsome face appeared in my mind. "Are you sure about that, Tia? Or you are trying to play me." Tia then sighed heavily, "'s up to you whether you want to trust me or not. I just shared that info with you, in case if you want to get your human's life once again. It's better from got caught by the council." Well...she is right about that. "I guess I should give it a try," I said, even though I was hesitating at first for making that decision. "Well, good luck then, newbie mermaid," I knew she was not meant that for sure. "And never come back here, okay..." I scoffed, "Never come back, huh. Fine I will...just tell Dylan that I'm sorry, will you?" She rolled her eyes, "Whatever...just go before the council caught you..." "Okay...okay...thanks, Tia,"I replied. "Take care...." I took a last glance to the direction where Dylan took to run away from me, hoping that I might see him again for the last time, but it only gave me a heartbroken for losing a good friend like him. "I'm sorry, Dylan..." I murmured to myself then swam as fast as I could to the dark side of the ocean on my left side; The forbidden place for our kind. Hope Tia is right about this. ***** I have no idea I have been swimming for how long to reach at this creepy side of the ocean. There were so many of shipwrecks and sharp pointed rocks down there. Wait, is that angler fish? It's so terrifying...I better find that witch quick before I met some other scary creatures in here. There was a cave right in front of me as I swam a little bit further and it was surrounded by so many of deadly jellyfishes on the right and left side of the cave. Those jellyfishes were pretty, no doubt about it, but they will kill you instantly in just 3 seconds if they ever touched you. So I better not make contact with them or I might be dead for sure. I managed to enter the cave but I stopped right away when heard a scary laughter coming from my front direction. It was so terrifying and almost made me to change my mind about the witch. "What is a young, clueless mermaid doing here, in this forbidden land..." a dark tail mermaid suddenly appeared on my right side, swimming so close to me until I could see her wrinkle-creepy looking face, making my hands were shaking so much. "I-I u-umm....need your favour, Ma-madam..." I replied her with so much of stutter while trying my best not to look into her red color scary eyes. "Do I look old to you??" Her face gotten scarier than before with her eyes were all glowing in red when she leaned closer to me; maybe just a few inches from my face. Uh-oh....I think I just made her mad of me. "U-ummm I'm sorry, Miss, I didn't mean to call you that..." I quickly apologised, while trying to not to look into her scary eyes. "...*sighs heavily*...Anyway, what are you doing here, little mermaid??" "I got caught from seeing human," I started. "And I need your help...." I couldn't finished my words when she suddenly held both of my hands, along with a smile curved on her lips. Her weird, scary looking smile to be exact. "What a handsome human...." she said, as the flash of my memories was saving Aiden played in my mind, just like when Tia touched me earlier. It was one of our ability as mermaid, which we can see some of part of the memories when touched with each other. It sounds insecure right? but it could be avoid if the mermaid has a stronger mind. Wait a second....did she just, "I I understand all of it...." That witch just saw everything from my previous life. Oh god, what a weak mind I have. The witch then released her grips, " I can help you...but with under one condition." I was so happy when heard she could help me with my problem. Plus, I will do anything so that I could get away of this place and be with Aiden again for sure. "Anything...I will do anything so that you will help me." She suddenly burst out of laughter, "Are sure about that, because I didn't say anything about my condition yet." I nodded, "Yes, I'm long as you can help me, that's all." "Hmmm....what a brave mermaid, if that's so....I'll start with my spell now," she continued, then swam towards her cauldron in the middle of the cave and started with her gibberish talks, maybe reciting her spell, I guess. I saw her threw something into her cauldron while reciting something which I couldn't understand at all. Some parts of me said I just did a big mistake, but I don't care though, this is the only way for me to see him again. She just took awhile to finish her spell casting, then swam back near me with a lavender color liquid inside of a small tube on her hand. "Here's the potion," she gave it to me. "You will become a human after you drink this...." I took a look at the small potion on my hand then turned to look at her again. "That's it? Wow....why they didn't my mother say anything about this...." "Well, they didn't know my true power, that's for sure." She replied. "Thanks," I said to her, feeling so grateful with her help. "I'll drink right now..." without wasting anytime, I took off the cover from the tube then quickly drank the liquid before it got mix with the water. I could feel's really fast working potion. I could feel my tail is changing. But wait....I-.I couldn't breathe.... "Silly girl," she suddenly laughed with an evil laugh. "Do you think it will that easy for you...even Clarissa couldn't help you after this...." W-what is she talking about? I-I don't understand. "You will lose everything you remember about your previous life or even your mermaid's life. You'll become human with zero memories and will soon be dead if you can't make him confessed his love for you again....." I was so stupid for not hearing her condition earlier, and it was too late for me to take it back. I tried to swim out of the cave and it was so hard for me without a tail. I couldn't breathe in water anymore and the pressure was killing me. "Mia!!!" I heard someone was calling for me outside of the cave, but I can't answer him instead of drowning. I will be dead for sure if I couldn't get into the surface right now. All of my memories were fading and slowly vanished out of my mind. "Oh God, Mia," Dylan??? Is that really you? You came back for me. But I couldn't reply him at all, instead just being in his arms as he was swimming so fast towards the surface of the sea. I'm so sorry, Dylan, for troubling you once again. ***** I woke up on a beach in the middle of the night, with a black jacket was covering up my lower body. I couldn't remember anything at all, my name, where I came from or what just happened to me. I put on the jacket on me, covering my naked body and tried to get on my feet even though I fell for a few tries. There was nowhere for me to go and no one was here too, but there's a sound caught my attention. I wonder what sound was it, so I just followed where it came from. *piano's melody* There was a guy sitting by that black thing which producing a very nice sound. He looks so handsome, but sad. I wondered what happened to him,  making him in sadness like that. The dirty blond hair guy then stood up, walking away from that black thing in front of him. He then vanished out of my sights which troubling me so much. I just want to see him again and want him to do what he just did earlier. It's very beautiful sound ever. I snuck into his house through the balcony, which there was a wide glass door opened. The house was so clean and....*stomach growls*...what is this smell? I wobbly walked towards the room with a big table and several chairs where there were fresh fruits on a basket on the table. I took some bites of all the fruits and there were all delicious! My eyes were caught with the huge silver thing beside of the table with a hole on it. There were buttons on it with....*ice crackles*...why there were cold stones coming from that hole? I titled my head a little when saw the cold stones, then tried to explore more with the huge thing in front of me. I grabbed on the handle and pulled it a bit, revealing so many of delicious smell of foods in it. this kind of magic? I took all the food out of the silver thing and put on the table behind of my back. There were a lot of food, and some of them tasted so badly, especially that oval-thingy looking and that pink coloured thing. I went to the other part of the room, after I have done with that huge thing with my stomach felt full already. I saw that guy again through the door, and he was...ummm sleeping. So I made my mind not to disturb him and went to another room which has a huge black box in the middle of it. Unfortunately, it didn't show anything so it was kind of board for me. But the chairs were comfy enough, making me jumped on them excitedly onto one another. But I stopped when saw that black thing again, the one that produced the beautiful sound. I walked near to it but there was nothing at that thing which can produced the sound just like that guy did. So, it's kind of bored for me too. There was another room left which, I didn't explore yet, and it was next to that guy's room. I was mesmerised when walked into the room, especially with the nice smell was coming from the small bottles on the middle of the room. There were a lot of clothes in there and it was sorted out nicely. I took one of the nice jacket from one of the hanging clothes and put it on since my jacket was kind wet and dirty. I walked with the new jacket on me but startled in shocked until I suddenly crashed into the weird looking thing inside of the room. I saw someone else with me in that room and she was standing in front of me. She just followed everything I did, and finally I figured out that she was just my reflection. That girl in front of me is myself. *footsteps* "Mia????" My eyes widened opened when saw that guy was standing at the doorstep, with a surprise look all over his face. To be continue…                    
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