Week 2 - WritingCamp - Designing Characters

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Kella Kella grew up with happily married parents and two older siblings. Both siblings became very successful after college while Kella became infatuated with Robby right out of high school. Robby brought her into his high lifestyle supported by drugs. Kella quickly realized the mess she had gotten into but was embarrassed and felt she couldn’t turn to her family for support. She ended her relationship with Robby but stayed in the area after finding a job and an apartment. A few weeks later she realized she was pregnant with Robby’s child. Even though he had a dangerous lifestyle he was still a decent dad. He had a good relationship with his daughter. After seeing Robby being shot in the street over a drug deal, Kella realized this wasn’t the place she wanted to raise her daughter. She packed as much of their stuff that she could and left the next day. Kella was a very proud person and hated asking for help. Her parents would have accepted her back and helped her - no questions asked. But Kella was too embarrassed that she had gotten tangled in that lifestyle to go to them for help. She was determined to start her new life on her own. Kella, 23, was a short woman only standing 5 feet and 1 inch with soft brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a plus size woman with thick curves and rolls. She didn’t hate her body but could be self conscious at times. She laughed loud and often and generally tried to keep a positive outlook on life. Michael At 28, Michael felt proud of what he had accomplished. With a culinary degree and a mind for business, his college food truck had exploded into three restaurants. His moms, Linda and Susanne, were beyond proud of him but wished he would find someone to share his life with. They often wondered if his three best friends were more than friends. Ben When Ben made the mistake of signing up for an 8 AM history class his freshman year, he thought he was doomed. He met Hunter and Colton that first day. Together they managed to pass the class with lots of coffee and sandwiches from Michael’s Tasty Truck. Ben was the compassionate one of the group and always tried to look out for other guys. His grandma, Betty, did the same for him. When his parents died in a car accident, Grandma Betty took him in immediately despite him only being a year old. Ben became a teacher in memory of his parents who both taught elementary school. Ben’s heart longed to find love but he never found girls who wanted to same things. He had conceited the quest for love and believed he would be a permanent bachelor. Hunter Hunter took over the family company at 25, much to his father’s dismay. When he came out to his family as bisexual, his mother and two younger sisters had accepted him with open arms. Even his grandfather had accepted him. His father however had shown Hunter nothing but disapproval since that day. Regardless of Hunter’s grades he could not appease his father. Fortunately his grandfather had written into the terms of the company that the eldest child would be granted the position of CEO at 25 should they wish to continue the family business. Hunter’s father could not keep him from becoming CEO. Hunter enjoyed running Sterling Family Properties. Under his fathers guidance the business had focused more on commercial warehouses and manufacturing buildings. Hunter wanted to expand their horizons and now three years later, they had diversified into apartment complexes, small businesses, and even a few nonprofits. Colton Colton was the quiet one of the group. He was naturally an observer. Some people would blame it on being a middle child. Colton just thought it was who he was. When his dad had taught him how to whittle sticks he was instantly hooked. He loved how he could make anything he wanted with his own hands. He made tons of tiny figurines that first summer. As he grew up, his projects grew as well. He graduated from figurines to birdhouses then on to picnic tables and rocking chairs. Although he wanted to work with his hands his parents insisted he go to college. And fortunately for Colton he did. He became friends with Hunter, his roommate, and then Ben, a classmate, and later on Michael, who owned the food truck on campus. His mom frequently reminded him that if he never got out of his workshop he’d never give her grandkids like his siblings already had. Colton dreamed of having a family but when he was working he could get so focused that he’d lose an entire day in a project. He didn’t feel that would be fair to a wife or kids so he purposefully steered clear of the dating field.
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