The Gods-2

7618 Words
The sun was lurking just above the horizon when Jamondinatavada arrived on Earth. Already the birds had begun their daily chorus, hidden in the boughs of the many leafy trees which surrounded the forest clearing he had materialised in. The earth smelt fresh and clean, and Jamondinatavada sucked in the early morning fragrance until he felt dizzy from the exertion. Then, catching sight of something shimmering just up ahead, he walked across the dew-encrusted grass to the edge of a small lake. At first his appearance startled him. He leaned further over the still waters, eyes wide as they stared down at the naked form reflected on the surface. His eyes were as blue as the sky, his teeth as white as snow and his hair was the colour of charcoal. Olive skin covered his body and he was surprised to find that he had grown hair on almost every part of it. He looked away from the reflection and down, his hands moving slowly over the dark, curly hair of his well-defined chest, over his flat abdomen and across the thick thatch of wiry public hair which grew like a tangle of briars above his large, uncircumcised c**k. His hand gripped the organ and squeezed it, the action sending a shudder of delight through his body. Yet, his hands did not stay on his c**k for long. They moved down over his thick, muscular thighs then around to the back of his legs and upwards, cupping the twin orbs of his arse cheeks before the fingers of one hand found the crevice between them and disappeared. Another shudder. The tip of his middle finger stayed on the puckered flesh of his arsehole, rubbing it slightly which caused his c**k to start swelling. But again he denied himself the pleasure any further exploration of the area could yield. His hands swept up across the smooth skin of his back until he could not reach any higher. On completing the inspection of his terrestrial form Jamondinatavada turned and started walking towards a place where he sensed traces of the energy of mankind. A smile grew on his lips and his heart seemed to smile as well. He hadn’t known, nor could he have, how infinitely more wonderful being alive on Earth was compared to merely observing it. He walked purposefully around the edge of the lake, the long grass whipping his bare legs, the soft, damp soil cushioning his feet. Every sensation was a revelation; the cool breeze on his flesh, the birdsong that filled the air, the smell of dampness, of rotting reeds and of the mud squelching up between his toes. He was passing through a thicket of trees when he first heard voices, soft and low. He moved carefully through the grove, wary of being so close to flesh and blood humans, and conscious of his nudity. He crept forward through the ferns, taking care not to make even the slightest noise, and only when he had reached the edge of the vegetation did he see them—two men in their early thirties, lying on their backs on a rock that jutted out into the water. Both of them were dangling their feet in the water and both were as naked as he was. He was instantly captivated and only half-conscious that his p***s had begun to stir. One of the males sat up, glanced across the lake and scrambled to his feet. “I don’t know,” he said looking down at the other male. Jamondinatavada mouthed the words, taking note of how his tongue and lips worked together to form the sounds that were foreign to him, but which had meaning to those who lived in this place. Crouched and hidden by the fronds of a giant fern he was able to observe both men clearly without being seen. The male standing up was tall and lean. Light from the ascending sun glistened on his short golden hair and on the thick hair that covered his chest and ran in a thin line to his navel before fanning out around his steadily thickening uncut c**k. The other male sat up, his knees bent and his arms resting on them. He was slightly younger; Jamondinatavada could sense his youth. His scalp was nothing more than a dark shadow, bristles, matching the shadow of the sideburns which framed the chiselled features of his face. This male was athletically built, his chest and torso well-defined and devoid of hair. He had also shaved his pubic hair, making the erection he sported appear even more impressive. “No-one will see us. No-one will know,” said the male sitting down, his thoughts only on getting the other male to fondle his c**k. The blond male turned around and cast his eyes once more across the lake. His back was to Jamondinatavada now, allowing the god to see the perfectly rounded orbs of the man’s butt. No longer did the sunlight glisten on the fine blond hair that was thick on his arse cheeks and even thicker in the crease between them, but the shadows created by the new position were inviting. “It’s a bit gay though, Theo,” said the blond male turning round again. “But if no-one finds out it isn’t. You’re the one that started it, Marcus, talking about all those freaky s*x things you did with your girlfriend. You’ve got me really horny, and if I’m gonna fool around with another guy I reckon it would be better with someone I know.” Theo gave his c**k a couple of tugs. “What do ya want me to do then?” said Marcus. “And I’m not saying I’m gonna do it.” “Just sit down behind me and jerk me off,” explained Theo. “I just want to feel what it’s like to have another guy do it.” Marcus shifted his weight from foot to foot, looking down at them as if they were something that required intense concentration. He kicked at the rock. Theo’s erection began to deflate and an expression of disappointment descended on his face like the shadow of a cloud. It was transparently clear to Jamondinatavada that while for Marcus this situation was new and frightening, Theo was speaking with the voice of someone who desired his friend with every fibre of his being, and always had. His words were a ploy to persuade, to lure. For Theo this was no experiment. “Hey, Marcus, I’m sorry. You don’t have to do it.” Another lie. Theo was desperate to feel the flesh of his friend against his own. But it was not a malicious lie. It was a lie born out of true desire, a longing. Marcus kicked at the granite once more and sucked his teeth. Jamondinatavada could feel the man’s desire, but also his fear. Finally, and with just enough reluctance not to look eager, he stepped behind Theo and sat down, their auras sparking with the energy of anticipation and excitement. Marcus inched forward, his legs on either side of Theo, until they were as close as it was possible to be. He reached around and grabbed Theo’s c**k, gripping it tightly before sliding his hand up and down the thick shaft in slow, steady movements. “That feels good, mate,” Theo sighed, his body relaxing into the curve of his friend’s body. “Just the way I like it.” “If ya tell anyone, I’m gonna kill ya,” said Marcus. “And I ain’t kissin’ ya.” “Just keep pulling my cock.” Jamondinatavada sat down in the leaf litter, pulling a small twig out from under his arse. His hand moved down to the organ that had stiffened between his legs. The moment his hand came into contact with it, it twitched and a feeling more intense than any he had known of or felt before pulsed through his body. He gripped his c**k more tightly and began to slide his hand along the shaft just as Marcus was doing to Theo, noting how spongy, firm and warm it felt. His hand moved up and down faster and with this increase came a more powerful flood of energy, washing over his body like a waterfall of love and light. His other hand moved up his torso, exploring the sensations of the flesh until it came to a stop at his n****e. He tweaked it between his thumb and forefinger, and shuddered. The feeling produced by gently twisting the small, dark-pink nub was electric and he had to stifle the desire to burst out laughing. It would not do to attract the attention of the two males on the rock. They might not take kindly to him being there, watching them sharing such an intimate moment. The whole time he kept his eyes on the males in front of him. Theo was facing him directly; his legs bent and spread open as Marcus’ hand slid effortlessly up and down the shaft of his fat seven-inch c**k. A small groan escaped Theo’s full red lips and when he leant his head back against Marcus’ shoulder Jamondinatavada saw Marcus flinch slightly, but noted that he didn’t push his friend away. “Slip your finger into my hole,” said Theo. “What?” Marcus exclaimed. “Come on. You’ve come this far.” Jamondinatavada smiled. The man who loved men had a silver tongue. Marcus slid his free hand down between Theo’s legs, his middle and index fingers stiff and straight. They disappeared between Theo’s fleshy arse cheeks. Theo closed his eyes and another long groan escaped his parted lips. He grimaced slightly as Marcus pressed them into the sensitive flesh of his anus. Then Jamondinatavada heard Theo whisper something and Marcus immediately withdrew his fingers. He brought them up to Theo’s mouth and slid them between his lips. Theo began sucking on them like they were a tiny c**k, licking them and running his tongue along the groove between the two digits. Then, when they were slick with saliva, Theo brought his friend’s hand down between his legs, lifted one butt cheek off the wet granite and fed the two fingers into his arsehole. “Oh that’s it,” he moaned. “Finger it real good.” Theo began twisting the fleshy nubs of his n*****s. His body was writhing against his friend’s hairy torso; his head rolling back and forth on Marcus’ shoulder. “Oh, buddy, you’re the best.” “You’re really getting into this, aren’t ya?” asked Marcus. “f**k yeah,” Theo replied. “My balls are gonna explode.” Jamondinatavada felt his own balls begin to tighten. It was a strange sensation; one he didn’t understand. He took his hand off his c**k and was relieved when the unusual sensation abated. It was then that he saw Marcus kiss the back of Theo’s neck, but when Theo turned around to meet his lips Marcus pulled back. Jamondinatavada held his breath. A few tense seconds passed before Marcus, caught up in the moment, returned his lips to the bare flesh of Theo’s neck. His kisses were surprisingly gentle, and lingering. Jamondinatavada could also see that his eyes were closed. Was he imagining a girl or just enjoying the sensation of being with another man? The image was not clear. “Ahhh Marcus, that’s it. I’m gonna c*m!” Theo stretched his legs out in front of him. His hips gyrated against Marcus’ groin and against the rock beneath him. A long groan emanated from his throat. “Don’t stop, buddy. Don’t stop.” Marcus’ hand flew up and down Theo’s swollen c**k. His lips remained on Theo’s neck, the tip of his tongue tasting the perspiration on his flesh. Between Theo’s legs his fingers pistoned the lightly-haired arsehole with gusto. “Keep going. Nearly there.” Theo bucked his hips once, twice, three times and then his whole body tensed, becoming like a plank of wood. A thick white jet of c*m erupted from his engorged manhood. It arced through the air before splattering across the grey granite rock. Marcus’ hand continued working its magic, making Theo shudder and sending a second and third ribbon of c*m shooting into the air. “Je-sus!” laughed Marcus, flicking a string of the milky white man paste from his fingers. “Yeah, I’m a big cummer,” explained Theo, relaxing into Marcus. “Thanks, buddy. I really needed that.” A minute or so after Theo’s post-coital bliss had evaporated he turned and noticed that his friend’s c**k was rock hard and dribbling precum. “What about you? You gonna shoot your load?” Marcus shrugged his shoulders and gave his c**k a couple of tugs. “Suppose I could jerk off,” said Marcus. “I’d prefer a f**k, though.” “f**k me?” asked Theo. Marcus threw back his head and laughed. “I’m not fuckin’ gay, mate. I meant a girl. I’m gonna save it ‘til I can f**k a girl.” Theo crawled to the edge of the rock, reached into the lake and washed his c**k and arse. When he’d finished he flicked the water off his hands and turned around. “I don’t see any girls here,” he said. “Yeah, I know. That’s why I said I was gonna save it.” A small silence descended like a barrier between them. Jamondinatavada shifted his weight to alleviate the numbness that had started creep into his leg and arse muscles. He watched with eagle eyes to see if the two males would do what was in their minds. He smiled. What a dance they are leading each other through, he thought to himself. Marcus stretched back against the rock; his well-defined chest arching while his steel-hard pole speared up at a forty-five degree angle to his flat stomach. Jamondinatavada watched Theo as he stared lustily at his friend’s c**k. Words were forming on his tongue. He knew it before Theo did. “What if I…” Theo began. “What if I…I mean I could, I could sit on it.” Marcus sat bolt upright. “You’re kidding me. You’re not a faggot, are ya?” Jamondinatavada’s ears pricked at that word; that insult. He felt Theo bristle. “No,” Theo snapped back. Jamondinatavada watched Theo’s face going red with interest. “You are,” countered Marcus. “Why else would ya wanna sit on my c**k?” “Just trying to return the favour,” Theo explained. “You got me off.” Another silence. “But you are a shirt-lifter, aren’t ya?” asked Marcus, refusing to drop the subject. The gentle lap-lapping of the water against the rock replaced the sound of voices. Somewhere a bird called and there was the faint sound of wings flap-flapping on the water. “All right then,” said Marcus finally. Theo turned and looked at his mate. “What was that?” “I said all right. You can sit on my c**k. But again, if ya tell anyone I’ll so fuckin’ kill you! I mean it. I’ll hunt ya down and kill ya.” Theo smiled. His aura glowed golden. Wasting no time he got down on his knees and took Marcus’ c**k into his mouth. “What are ya doing?!” growled Marcus. “I said ya could sit on it. Not suck it.” “I need to lube it up so it’ll slide into my arse without tearing me to pieces. Okay?” Marcus huffed and lay back down. Jamondinatavada felt the organ between his legs begin to stir once more and once more he took it in his hand. He squeezed the shaft and noticed how the swollen head became even larger. What a miracle, he thought to himself as he started stroking it. From where he hid, amongst the saplings and leafy ferns, he could see the back of Theo’s head going up and down on Marcus’ c**k and the movement of his arm as he simultaneously m*********d it. Then Theo got up from his knees and positioned himself over Marcus’ c**k. Jamondinatavada saw Theo’s hairy hole stretched open and felt strangely drawn to it. What mysteries did that invitingly pink pucker surrounded by a ring of thick, dark hair hold? Theo lowered himself, reaching behind to guide the thick wand of flesh into his tight hole. Already Marcus was starting to thrust. “Steady, buddy. I got to take it slowly,” said Theo. The head of Marcus’ c**k disappeared inside Theo and as it did Jamondinatavada became aware that a thin string of clear, sticky fluid had begun to seep out of the hole at the end of the organ between his legs. He touched it with the tip of a finger and marvelled at the way it stuck there, becoming thinner and thinner as he pulled his finger away, before finally snapping. He touched the top of his organ again capturing some of the gel and rubbing it between his finger and thumb. Always curious, he sniffed it and touched the tip of his tongue to it. It had no particular taste, but then what did he have to compare it to? It was neither sweet nor salty, though perhaps a little bitter. Only by accident did he find that if he wiped it along the shaft of his c**k the motion of his hand on it became smoother, silkier and produced a more intense sensation. When he looked up again Theo had settled onto his friend’s c**k and was rocking slowly back and forwards on it. “Tight arse there, Theo,” said Marcus, who up to that point had been lying there as though paralysed. “Feels so good.” Theo didn’t reply. Instead he got up off his knees and manoeuvred himself into a position whereby he was sitting down hard on the c**k, his arms stretched out behind him to support himself. He bounced up and down, grinding his hips into Marcus so the swollen c**k would go deeper into him. “Gee you’re better than a chick. Tighter too,” said Marcus. “Thought you’d like it,” said Theo. “Feels good up there.” Theo leaned forward. His arse was still working Marcus’ c**k but his hands reached out and began to fondle the blond man’s n*****s. Only because of his position could Jamondinatavada see Marcus’ toes curl, but even he was surprised when Marcus grabbed Theo around the waist and started pulling him down harder onto his c**k. The smack of sweaty skin against sweaty skin became louder and soon both males were puffing and panting in unison. “I’m gonna c*m!” Marcus cried out. “Get ready buddy.” Theo rode Marcus’ throbbing boner like a cowboy while his fingers continued to work his friend’s n*****s. “Shoot it buddy. I wanna feel you c*m inside me.” Marcus gripped Theo tighter and began pounding up into him. “Here it comes. Here it comes!” Jamondinatavada felt the tightness return to his balls. He looked down and saw that the head of his organ had swollen and was now flushed a deep pinkish red. A loud grunt followed by a long moan from the rock announced the fact that Marcus was delivering a load of warm cream into his friend’s arsehole; the image of which sent a great gush of c*m shooting out of the head of his own organ. He grunted once, as Marcus had done, and then again as he creamed the ground beneath him. Jet after jet of pearly white liquid erupted from the eye of his c**k. But there were other sensations. His aura was sparking silver and pulsing around him. The sense of overwhelming pleasure was like a tidal wave crashing down on him with such intensity that he closed his eyes and allowed himself to be carried away in it. And when the rapture died away it was replaced by a sense of great calm and of peace. For a long while he almost forgot what was going on in front of him, but he opened his eyes just in time to see Theo slide off Marcus’ c**k, and to see the small dollop of white cream that dribbled out of his arsehole and splatter onto Marcus’ glistening c**k. Marcus got up on one elbow. “I guess we’d better be getting back,” he said. “Where did ya put our swimsuits?” Theo took a few steps towards the bushes. Jamondinatavada’s eyes widened. He put a hand down, ready to lever himself up should he need to make a fast get away. He watched as Theo bent over and picked something up then as he was straightening up Jamondinatavada saw him look into the bushes. Suddenly he was gripped by another sensation, one he didn’t like. His chest felt constricted and he was finding it hard to breathe. His eyes were riveted on the male not two metres away. Only when Theo stood and turned around did he allow himself to suck in another breath. “Here they are,” Theo shouted. Theo threw the red pair at Marcus and stepped into his blue and white pair. “Last one in is a cocksucker,” said Marcus, diving into the water with a great splash. Theo, not to be outdone, took a running jump and flew past his mate, bringing his knees up to his chest and landing in the water with a splash that must have shot four metres into the air. Jamondinatavada got to his feet. He parted the fronds of the fern that had hidden him and watched as the two males swam further and further away, back to where they had come from on the other side of the lake. He stepped out of the bushes and onto the rock where the two men had performed their s*x act. The evidence was still visible on the grey granite; a pearly white paste turning clear and losing consistency in the heat and light of the sun. He smelt it and rubbed it between his fingers noticing that it wasn’t as thick and slippery as the liquid he had produced. He looked again across the lake. The two men had become dots on the surface of the water. “Theo,” he said out loud. He stepped off the rock and onto the muddy ground at the lake’s edge. The wet earth between his toes felt strange, but it was a pleasant feeling. Knowing what something felt like was nowhere near as satisfying as actually feeling it. Everything was a fascination to him—the breeze on his face, the odour of the mud and of the water, the sound of quacking and the way the ducks bobbed on the surface of the lake like pieces of flotsam. Even the motion of walking, the mechanics of the human form, enthralled him and he was aware of every muscle, every nerve, knowing its function in propelling his new bulk forward around the lake. After a while he came to a camping ground. This was not the place Theo had staggered exhausted from the water, but people had been here. There were two tents, the remnants of a campfire and a canoe, pulled way up onto the dark grey mud of the lakeside. Wherever the people were they weren’t here. He could sense only insects and birds, something larger behind one of the bushes, but no people. He noticed that the owners of the tents had strung a length of thin rope between two trees and hanging on it, blowing in the gentle breeze, were some clothes. He walked over to the makeshift clothesline and pulled off a pair of khaki cargo pants and a black T-shirt he thought might fit him. He put them on and although the pants were a bit tight, the shirt was a good fit. Earth time passed so quickly. By the time he arrived at the picnic area where Theo had been, the sun was low on the horizon. The trees were casting long shadows and the air had got cooler. Only one car remained and the young couple who owned it were packing away their folding chairs and barbecue equipment. The woman, who was in her late thirties, picked up a plastic bag of rubbish and was carrying it towards the rubbish bin when she noticed Jamondinatavada. “Hello,” she said, a weak smile forming on her lips. “Where did you come from?” Jamondinatavada pointed across the lake. “You’ve come a long way then,” she said, stuffing the bag into the narrow metal receptacle. He nodded and looked over at the car and at the man who was shutting the boot. “Where are you going?” he asked. “We’re going home,” said the woman. “It’s been a long day and I’m ready for a long, hot bath.” Jamondinatavada smiled at her and she smiled nervously back at him. “Come on, love!” shouted the man. “What are you doing?” The woman glanced over her shoulder. “I’d better be going,” she said. “It was nice to meet you.” Jamondinatavada watched her walking towards the car. He wanted to go with them. Perhaps they were going to where Theo was. The knowledge that time was running out for him was at the forefront of his mind and he had to be careful that he didn’t do anything rash, out of desperation, like chase after her. The woman got into the car and the engine started. Invisible fumes poured out of the exhaust pipe, foul, malodorous. He screwed his face up against them. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of his gut when the car moved forward, but then it stopped and reversed towards him. When the vehicle was level with him the passenger side window slid down. “Would you like a lift into town?” asked the woman. Jamondinatavada’s face beamed. He nodded and after fumbling with the handle of the back door he finally managed to open it and get in. “Pleased to meet you,” said the driver, offering his hand. Jamondinatavada looked at the hand quizzically and, remembering what the gods had said about fitting in, did the same. The man grabbed it and shook it, and had to pull it free from Jamondinatavada’s grip when he didn’t let go. He saw the man give his wife a strange look then move the stick with the knob on next to him which seemed to make the car go forward again. The journey into town was one filled with short bursts of conversation and long periods of uncomfortable silence. The woman did her best to keep the conversation going, but Jamondinatavada refused to say more than was necessary in case he said something he shouldn’t. The man kept his eyes on the road, his face grim and his lips pressed tightly together. His aura glowed a deep, dark red. “Where would you like to go?” asked the woman when they reached the outskirts of the large town called Hadfield. “Theo,” Jamondinatavada replied. “Theo? Is that the name of your street?” asked the woman. “No, the name of the man.” The woman looked at her husband, who continued to stare straight ahead. “How about we drop you off in the middle of town?” she suggested. “You can catch a bus to wherever it is you want to go from there. We really have to be getting home.” Jamondinatavada nodded. That sounded like a good idea. If he was in the centre of everything he would have more chance of finding Theo. They arrived in the bustling hub of Hadfield and he got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. “Not even a ‘Thank you!’” he heard the man say as he accelerated into the approaching night. Jamondinatavada looked around the busy main street. The trees and grass and water had been replaced by buildings and lights and people. Most of the men and women were dressed in suits and hurrying home from work or dressed up and on their way out for dinner. Everyone looked at him, at the way he was dressed. No-one smiled. No-one smiled at anyone. It was a very cold place and brimming with people who had auras that were various shades of grey. For an hour he walked the streets, looking through shop windows and occasionally going into one, but since he had no money he couldn’t afford to buy anything and had to content himself instead with just looking and touching. There was a gnawing feeling in his stomach. He kept pushing at his stomach, hoping to make the empty feeling go away. The tempting aromas emanating from the various restaurants seemed to be making it worse. He picked up an apple from a street vendor and started eating it, the sweet juice and cool fruit causing an explosion of sensations within his mouth. The vendor had been too busy with customers to notice the theft and Jamondinatavada was able to finish the fruit in peace. Finally, he found himself on a street where music pounded out from clubs with names like “Bang!” and “Damnation Alley” and “Candy Apple.” Men and women in tight clothing, leather and cotton, boots and high heels, jostled each other on the pavement as they went in small groups from one club to another, from restaurants to pubs; most of them not even acknowledging his presence. Each person had their own distinctive scent, some manufactured like perfume, cologne and cigarette smoke, others more natural like sweat and pheromone and even the sticky substance that he knew came from the male organ. Theo was here somewhere. His fingers still had traces of the man’s c*m on them and those areas had begun to tingle. But there were people everywhere, weaving in and out of the small crowds which dotted the pavements outside the nightclubs. Heads bobbed; people screamed and laughed. It was a confusion of over-stimulation. Then he spied him; the clippered head and the beautiful face. Theo was fully dressed now, in jeans and a black shirt. He was a vision, one as perfect as any angel, and there were two other men with him, friends of his. Neither of the men was the blond-haired Marcus. Jamondinatavada shouted out, surprised that he could make his voice so loud. But he was too late. Theo and his friends had disappeared into one of the clubs. He followed, pushing through the crowd and drawing dirty looks and rude comments from those he bumped into. Yet when he got to the door of the club a large man with a shaved head, tattoos and an earpiece put his arm across the door, blocking his entrance. Remembering his Earth etiquette, Jamondinatavada said, “Excuse me.” The bouncer’s brow came down over his eyes. “What?!” he growled. “Excuse me,” Jamondinatavada repeated. “You ain’t comin’ in here,” said the bouncer. “Not til ya get dressed.” Jamondinatavada looked down at himself. He furrowed his brow and looked again at the bouncer. “But I am dressed,” he said. The bouncer took his hand off the wall and put it on Jamondinatavada’s chest. “Are ya tryin’ to be funny?” he snarled, giving Jamondinatavada a little push. “Now get out of the way. You’re blockin’ the line.” Jamondinatavada stepped back and the line began flowing again. For a while he paced up and down in front of the club, wondering how he could get past the bouncer. He could see quite clearly that everyone else was wearing more clothes than he was. They had shoes and socks, pants and shirts and jackets. He had cargo shorts and a T-shirt. With no money and the hour being late there was no chance of getting the things he would need to gain entry into the club. All he could do was wait. He sat down on a bench across the road from the club and watched the endless parade of people coming in and out. Nothing could distract him. He was acutely aware of the time, of the fact that he had more of it behind him than he had in front of him. Even when a group of punks, with liquor breath and drug addled brains, began harassing him, he stared straight past them. They soon got bored and moved on; the dull throbs from where they had shoved and kicked him barely registering. Another man, rough looking and with a full beard, stepped deliberately into his line of vision then opened the long coat he was wearing. The man wasn’t wearing anything underneath and his c**k was erect. Jamondinatavada ignored him and leaned to one side, making sure Theo didn’t leave the club without him noticing. The hour was late and the moon had disappeared behind the buildings that lined the busy street. Jamondinatavada was beginning to think he would be taken back to the realm of the gods before he could experience what it was like to couple with another male. He’d have little to report back from his time on Earth—a few general impressions, the incident at the lake when he had first met Theo, but nothing concrete. It was while these thoughts were wafting about in his head that he saw Theo leave the club and even more fortuitous was the fact that he was alone. “Hello,” he said, rushing up to the surprised young man. Theo looked him up and down and continued walking. “Sorry mate, I don’t have any money,” he said. Jamondinatavada chased after him. “I don’t want any money,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for you.” Theo looked at him, frowning. “You’ve been what? Why?” “I saw you at the lake today,” Jamondinatavada explained. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what you did with that other male.” Theo stopped. “How did you find me?” he asked. “Have you been following me?” Jamondinatavada could see by the dark expression on Theo’s face that an honest answer would not be the best answer. Perhaps following people was against their customs and he couldn’t risk angering Theo. “Luck,” he said, for in truth there was a little of that involved. “I came to the centre of the town because I thought that if I was going to find you it would be here. Of course, I couldn’t know for sure but…” “And what were you going to do once you found me?” They started walking again, slowly. “I wanted to do the same things with you that you were doing with the other male today at the lake.” “Marcus?” “Yes, Marcus.” Theo nodded. He hung his head and looked down at his feet. He is good looking. Very good looking, he thought. Nice bulge. Jamondinatavada smiled as he read Theo’s thoughts. His heart was filled with happiness for he knew that because of his pleasing appearance he would get that which he most wanted—Theo. “Well, I was feeling rather horny,” he said. “It’s strange that you should find me so easily though. You sure you’re not some sicko?” Jamondinatavada was not sure what a ‘sicko’ was but his instinct told him that it wasn’t a good thing. “I am just someone who wants to experience life.” Theo nodded again. “You want to come back to mine, then?” “Yes, I would.” They walked to the end of the street where there was a large car park. Someone was throwing up behind one of the cars and a couple were f*****g in the shadows by an old eucalyptus tree. Theo hurried quickly towards a small, black hatchback and unlocked the doors. They both got in and Theo drove back to his apartment. “Would you like a drink?” asked Theo as they stepped into his tidy pad. Jamondinatavada nodded. “What would you like? A beer? Whiskey? Coffee?” “Water, please.” Theo filled a glass with tap water and handed it to Jamondinatavada, who swallowed the whole lot down in one go. Theo laughed. “Gee, you must have been thirsty.” “Yes, I was,” Jamondinatavada replied. “Can I have another? Please?” Theo took the empty glass from his hand. “Sure, mate. Plenty of water in the tap. You’re a cheap date.” He laughed at his little joke but Jamondinatavada could find no humour in his words. After finishing the second glass of water he was led into a bedroom lit only by the light from the electric hall light. Once they were inside he felt Theo’s lips touch his and immediately the organ between his legs began to swell. “You’re a hot looking guy,” Theo whispered as his lips brushed lightly against the skin on Jamondinatavada’s neck. “What’s your name?” “Jamondinatavada,” he replied. Theo pulled away. “What was that? I can’t keep calling you that all night.” “But that is my name, Theo.” “Can I call you James for short?” Theo asked. The name James sounded strange. He’d had his name for such a long time that any other did not seem to suit him. But then he realised that it wouldn’t matter one bit what Theo called him. They had, at most, an hour in which to enjoy each other. Names could hardly matter now. “Yes,” he replied. “Call me James.” Theo pulled Jamondinatavada’s T-shirt off and then Jamondinatavada pulled Theo’s shirt off, not realising that he should simply have undone the buttons. Three buttons were ripped from the thread that held them in place but neither man said a word. They pulled off their pants and stood naked in front of each other. In the semi-light Jamondinatavada could see that they were about the same build, six-foot, gym-toned and athletic. But while Theo was smooth, he was hairy; very hairy. Both their c***s were uncircumcised, though it was hard to tell now that they were rock hard and jutting out in front of them. He felt Theo take his erection and wrap his fingers around it, sending waves of ecstasy radiating through him. He shuddered. Then Theo began to slide his hand up and down the erect shaft; long, rhythmic motions which created a warm feeling in his loins. They kissed, their lips gently brushing each other before Theo brought his free hand up and wrapped it around Jamondinatavada’s head, pulling it closer, pressing their lips harder together. Hot breath blasted into Jamondinatavada’s mouth as Theo’s passion grew. Their lips became wet and slid over each other easily, and then he felt Theo’s tongue slip into his mouth, probing, exploring. He sucked on it, holding it between his teeth for a moment before letting it go again. He pushed his tongue into Theo’s mouth and soon both tongues were sliding over and around each other in a sensual wrestle. Jamondinatavada felt himself being inched towards the bed; he felt them knock into the mattress and then Theo bending down. Jamondinatavada bent with him and they landed softly on the mattress, bodies together, c***s together and their kiss broken only for a brief moment. It felt good to be so near to someone, to feel the heat of their body, to smell their flesh and taste it. He had never known anything like it. It felt so ‘close.’ He could not think of any better word. There was the physical closeness, but there was also a desire for pleasure which brought them closer, and the primal need for human touch. Their minds were together as well as their bodies and their mouths, and soon they would be even closer together, joined in the act of lovemaking. His body was awash with so many feelings and sensations. If there were words to describe what he was feeling, he hadn’t heard any of them. ‘Happy’ or even ‘elated’ did not seem to perform the task adequately. He felt Theo’s hands slide across the muscles of his back and he likewise let his hands roam the smooth, warm skin of Theo’s back. As Theo’s hands went lower, so did his until he felt Theo’s fingers in the crack of his arse, pushing their way between the two muscular mounds until they found the sensitive ring of puckered pink flesh between. Jamondinatavada closed his eyes. His whole body was twitching and quivering as Theo’s fingers massaged his arsehole. He started to return the favour, finding Theo’s lightly-haired arsehole and rubbing it in circular motions, but he was soon so carried away by the wave of euphoria created by Theo’s expert finger that he could do no more than close his eyes and moan with delight, his finger resting motionless on Theo’s anus. Their lips stayed together, even though he was moaning he could feel his bottom lip touching Theo’s. Their warm breath mingled, hitting each other’s faces in short, sharp bursts. “You have a nice tight hole,” whispered Theo in between little pecks. “I’m going to slide my c**k in there and f**k it really good. I’m going to make you blow the biggest load of c*m you’ve ever shot. Oh baby, I am going to fill that tight hole full of c**k and I’m going to make you moan like a slut.” Jamondinatavada didn’t completely understand everything that Theo was saying. He did understand, however, that he was going to experience the very same s*x act that Theo had himself experienced earlier that day. He was going to know the thrill of having someone else’s organ inside him, filling him full of liquid. Theo removed his fingers from Jamondinatavada’s arsehole and brought them up to his partner’s mouth. “Suck them,” he said. Without question Jamondinatavada opened his mouth wider and let Theo slide the two fingers in. “Get them wet,” whispered Theo. “Get them really wet.” Jamondinatavada sucked them, working his mouth so that it produced more and more saliva, and when Theo removed them they glistened in the scraps of light spilling in from the hallway. Once again the fingers returned to his arsehole. He pushed his hips out so his tight, virgin hole slid onto the middle finger first and then, after he had relaxed, the index finger too. At first it was uncomfortable. No, it was more than that. It was painful. His arsehole was throbbing with discomfort. But after he had calmed down, after he had made a conscious effort to relax, the sensation became more pleasurable. The gentle movement of two fingers slipping in and out of his tight hole was just the right combination of pleasure and pain, and when Theo rolled him over and mounted him from behind, he was ready. At first the muscles of his anus resisted the efforts of the engorged c**k-head to penetrate it. A c**k was larger than a finger, even larger than two fingers. But it was also softer. There was more flexibility in a c**k. “Just relax, baby,” said Theo. “I’ll be careful. I’m as horny as a jackrabbit, but I’ll go easy on you, I promise. Just relax.” Jamondinatavada did his best to do as Theo had asked. He rested his face in the pillows and willed his hole to loosen, and soon he felt the swollen mushroom head of Theo’s c**k push its way inside him, into the warm, moist cavern on the other side. He gasped into the feather-filled pillow. “How does that feel?” asked Theo. “Feels good,” he lied. He gritted his teeth as Theo slowly slid the entire length of his c**k in, inch by inch until his trimmed pubic bush was flat against his butt cheeks. He felt Theo pause for a moment and for that he was grateful, but all too soon the thrusting began. In and out. In and out. Every nerve was firing. At first the thrusting was slow and measured, allowing him time to get used to the sensation of having another man’s p***s inside him, and then it became faster, harder and more urgent. But shortly after Theo had started he stopped. James looked over his shoulder and felt himself being pulled backwards, up on to his knees. Soon he was on all fours, like a dog, and Theo was kneeling behind him, hands gripping his hips and c**k buried deep inside him. “Now you can jerk off,” Theo explained. Jamondinatavada didn’t really know what Theo had meant by ‘jerk off’ but at least he now had the opportunity to grab his own c**k; something he had been desperate to do ever since Theo had entered him. Every nerve in his body was buzzing. His arsehole was tingling, his c**k was throbbing and his skin had become ultra-sensitive to the slightest touch. Even his n*****s were hard and when the muscles of his arm brushed gently against one of them he quivered. Theo began to pick up the pace again, drilling his hole with gusto as he began to stroke his c**k. Small beads of sweat from Theo’s forehead fell and landed on his back.. The room was filled with the smell of s*x and the sound of Theo puffing and panting, and his own moans. Adding to their vocalisations was the sound of Theo’s legs and hips, and his low-hanging balls, slapping against the back of his thighs. Theo pleasured him in the same position for almost ten minutes before rolling him over and entering him in the missionary position. He preferred this position because he could see Theo’s face, watch the smiles and the grimaces. He could also lift his head off the pillows and catch glimpses of Theo’s c**k as it slid in and out of his arsehole. Theo even leaned down and kissed him for a brief moment, while his hips continued to pump his throbbing hole. “Your arse is so tight!” said Theo as his face contorted into an expression that Jamondinatavada would have said was one of pain. “Gonna make me blow.” He only half heard what Theo was saying. He could feel a strange, all-consuming sensation building up in his groin. He had never felt anything so powerful before. It was like there was an explosion building deep within him, one that threatened to go off at any moment. But it was an ecstatic feeling, one that he wanted to continue, and as long as Theo kept slamming into his arsehole it would. “I’m gonna c*m, mate,” Theo announced. “I’m gonna blow my load. You want it?” Jamondinatavada nodded. He would accept anything Theo offered him. Suddenly Theo grunted and cried out. Jamondinatavada didn’t know what was wrong but he found himself crying out too as a great jet of warm thick, sticky liquid shot out of the eye of his c**k. His hips bucked against Theo, his arse muscles clamping down on the still ejaculating prick inside him. He felt Theo’s fingers dig deeper into the flesh of his calves, pulling him sharply forwards as his host emptied every last drop of c*m he had into him. He himself had shot at least four decent jets of pearly c*m across his sweat-beaded stomach and chest. And when they had both finished Theo collapsed on top of him. They lay together for a whole two minutes, puffing and panting to catch their breath. Then Theo kissed the top of his shoulder. “You were fantastic.” “Thank you,” Jamondinatavada replied; his body bathed in a glow of golden light. Theo kissed him again, this time on the lips, and pulled his glistening, semi-hard c**k out of Jamondinatavada’s arsehole. He collapsed onto the mattress with a sigh. “You can sleep here tonight if you want,” he said. Jamondinatavada smiled and lay staring at the ceiling. In a matter of seconds the room was filled with the sound of gentle snoring and with dawn sneaking in through the open curtains. He turned to watch Theo as he slept. His eyes focused on the sleeping man’s slightly parted lips, on the bristles and on the curve of his eyelashes accentuated by the paler skin of his eyelids. His smile broadened though it didn’t last for long, for as well as the comforting sound of a sleeping man he could hear the dawn chorus. The sun was not far away and that meant his time on earth was almost at an end. He got out of bed and walked into the small en-suite bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror of the bathroom cabinet. With the tip of his finger he traced the line of his nose and the contour of his lips, which he parted so he could look at the whiteness of his teeth, and at his tongue. Then he stood back and ran his hands over his hairy chest and torso, enjoying the way the hair felt beneath the sensitive pads of his palms. A strange yet familiar feeling began to take root in the pit of his stomach. It was nothing like any of the sensations he had experienced that night or over the course of the previous day. This was not a warm feeling, in fact it scared him. As the room began to shimmer and fade away he glanced quickly over his shoulder to steal one last look at Theo, and just before he disappeared he felt the warm trail of a tear spill over onto his cheek and snake its way towards his jaw.
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