:~Chapter 1~:

1436 Words
     Is this what they call ‘love at far sight’? Because standing here, staring at his strong figure as he marched about outside, I think it is.        His black shirt strained against his chest, lips as plump as cherries that curved and twisted at every word. His slightly dirty hands cutting through the air as he gave instructions to my Mom’s workers alongside the butler.        And by the door, hoping he doesn’t see me hiding myself and checking out his fine behind, I stopped staring to take a deep breath and lean my head against the wall.        By the time he came back inside, I had lost it. Control became an unwanted scrap metal. His eyes were wide open as I pushed his body onto the kitchen counter. Forcing my lips to his juicy ones, I relished the feeling of their skin before tugging free his bottom lip. Within a second I gained entry to a hot, wanting mouth.        His pelvis rocked with mine, causing me to push against him nonstop until his hardened tool was as stiff as mine. It made me want to gasp from the pleasure I received from sliding my member against it. Will he moan? Will he push me away? I want to grip the sides of his waist tighter, and push up on him harder. Feel his body shake even more.        Too bad I’ll never get to experience that euphoria.        That was my last thought as I was awaken by that same person.        “Get up! Don’t you hear your alarm ringing?! You have a board meeting first thing today. And by the look of the time, you’ll have to attend to that before anything else.”        Sadly this beauty’s hands let go of me after he saw that his shaking had woken me up. Blinking green eyes bore like those of a curious cat into my face. I stretched my arms and he eased off me. Oh. I guess I should’ve let my arms stay down.        “Let me sleep,” I told him. “It’s not like those old broads will miss me much. The later I get there, the more they’ll feel superior.”        To my dismay, Christen made his point by shoving the curtains open. Menacingly bright light shined to my room, a tilted rectangle laid on the red floor at the foot of my bed. He strode to the window to my left and blinded me with the sun’s rays. I had to bring my hands up to my eyes to shield myself. Well, someone’s never gonna’ sleep again. I sat up, rubbing my face as the drowsiness fell from my shoulders. On the way out, Christen passed by my bed again. “I think you can give them something better to talk about,” he smiled at me, and then left the room.        He made me want to smile back.        As much as I would love to, I know I’d never hear the end of it if I went to search for food in my birthday suit. So I switched the birthday one for a gray one and stepped in front of the mirror. Water droplets dripped to my cheek. Pulling the brush through my hair again and spraying on Temptation cologne, I locked the door and marched downstairs to the lore of Christen’s voice. Midway, I felt vibration on my ass. Hm? Who could be texting me at seven forty in the morning? I got it out and let the device warm up in my hand while the other punched in the code.        Hey babe! You left something at my place! U don’t mind if I come over do u?        I left something? My charger’s here, the badge and proxy are in the briefcase…        I brought a hand to my face, then softly blew into it. And my good breath is where it’s supposed to be.        Thanks, c u soon! ;-)        ~ Anthony        I smiled and put the phone away without replying. I had a feeling I knew what I left behind.        As I stood by the kitchen watching Christen stand and direct the chef, last night’s memory came into play, yet I knew I wouldn’t do to him what I did in dreamland. I sighed and glanced up. There is much to be accomplished before I die.        “So, what’s for dinner?” I modeled in, rubbing my palms together.        Christen looked up at my entrance and glared. “Breakfast,” he corrected, just like I thought he would.        I smirked. I must have seemed too relaxed sliding unto the stool, as his glare didn’t weaken. “Right, breakfast! So anyway, what deluxe meal have you prepared for me, Chrisy?”        Christen ignored me and passed me the plate. Not that the food wasn’t great, anything from Stevy would be topnotch, what looked even better was his hand as it retreated back to it’s owner. Even as the food traveled past my tongue, my main attention was captured by his figure as he took the stool across from me. He slid his share of breakfast across the counter, picking up a newspaper to read. It’s a miracle any food passed by my lips at all.        “After that you don’t have any appointments, so I think today is pretty lax.”        Christen read off the tablet as he walked in step behind me, while I listened and twirled the car keys around my finger. “So instead of going anywhere, I’d advise you to come home early and catch up on some sleep before you start looking like a granola bar.”        “Aww,” I teased. “You miss me coming home early, don’t you?”        Christen issued a closed-mouth smile. “As long as I’m not the one accompanying you, those moments without you have been the happiest of my life.”        When he said that, he drew closer to adjust the collar of my shirt, sweet olive green eyes so intensely focused. I could see the center of his head from here. Just when I reached out to touch it, an unnecessarily high pitched voice broke the mood.        “Babe! Jeremiah! Guess who’s back!”        Christen no longer stood in front of me once he knew who was heading up the driveway. One of mine latched on to my shoulder, kissing me as if we didn’t just see each other the night before.        He pulled away enough for me to spot the heavy smile on his face. “I don’t see you carrying anything,” I told him, arms having long ago snaked around his waist. “Don’t tell me you left it?”        “I have it right here babe,” he said as he landed another kiss. Then he pulled back, gazing up at me through his gray eyes. “Right in your arms.”        I knew it.        Taking his giggling as him being distracted, my eyes turned their attention to Christen. Either he was always like this, or he saw my head move and turned away, but his eyes were facing the line of trees with the tablet pushed against his chest. I could tell he was peeved by the way he was trying to remain calm about everything. What expressions does he make when no one’s looking?        “Christen,” I called and turned around for him to see. “Anthony,” I gestured to him. “The person to go to when you need good company.”        Anthony beamed at my compliment. He wrapped his arms around my waist, smiling.        Christen didn’t return it. Instead, his focus was on the tablet when he responded. “Yes, and we can find one of Mr. Anthony in every gay bar.”        He frowned.        I had to keep my face from forming a smile.        Looking up, Christen placed the device to his chest again. “It’s almost time, Jeremiah,” he stated sternly. I smiled at him. My right arm gripped Anthony’s waist while I guided us to the car. Once more, his smile brought out his features, no doubt delighted to be by my side again with me holding him close. His dark skinny jeans showed his exact figure, and a loose “Sucker Punch!” gray shirt did nothing to hide his pointy n*****s. I felt the pressure of his body pushing against mine.        I guess no one ever taught him about respecting personal space, I thought, smiling back at him.        “Jeremiah,” Christen called out. I gazed back, meeting his upset face. Was this it? Is it what I think it is? Did seeing me hold on to another guy turn him as green as his eyes?        “Your shoes.”        Baffled, I glanced down. Instead of work shoes, my toes still held on to my bed slippers. I sighed, indeed. With a nudge, Anthony held out his hands for me. I smiled, resting the briefcase in his arms before kissing him on the cheek.        “And that is what I love about my bodyguard,” I said, jogging back inside. “You always remember!”        “And you always forget!”
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