~Chapter 4~

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~Chapter 4~  sorry short chapter As we walked through the halls to her room i realized that I volunteered to take care of this beauty for the next 6 months. As we walked into her room, the sight was heart breaking. her foot and hand were in wraps, and she had a blood bandage on her forhead, with a blindfold with blood drying through. You could'nt see her face, but you could tell it was swollen without recognition. Her face was so swollen you could'nt see any features in her porcilin face. thats when it hit me, that she was beat really bad, and i remembered she had no one else to rely on, to depend on, and that broke my heart even more. Nico turned around with sympothy in his eyes, and i knew that he was on bored for this. i could see that he knew that we had to help her. we couldnt just leave her with no one by her side. i was the only one she really had. "I will leave you alone for a bit, i would like to fix her intake on some meds. i will be with you two shortly for any questions or concerns you may have." Dr. Garinson said while exiting the room. When he left, i just walked over to her unconcious body, and sat in the chair next to her. I took her hand into mine, and just held it. my heart ached for her; not only because i was magnitized by her, but also for her recovery. I needed to do this, I needed to help her. i refused to leave her side. "Donivan," Nico began, "What the hell were you thinking? we don't even know her, and yet you told him you were married to her?!" he shouted in a whsiper. i looked at nico, "Nico, i had to see her..." i said begining to tear up. Nico's face changed with realization. "Are you crying?" he asked concerned. i didnt reply, i just looked back at her, with her hand intertwined in mine. "I've never seen you like this." Nico began. "You must really like her." "look," i began, "i do really like her. I can't just leave her. Nico, look...She will stay in my room, and she wont bother any of you guys if that's what you're worried about." "Donivan, i dont care about that. Dude if she needs help, i will be there just as much as you, but i see the way you look at her. i just dont want this to go south." Nico explained. "you're really willing to help?" i asked. i was a bit surprised, he didn't know this girl very well but he seemed 100% on bored. Nico nodded. "Can you tell the guys about whats going on, i dont want there to be any surprsises ahead. Arina needs us." Nico then walked out of the room, as the the doctor returned. "These are her perscriptions, and this pamflet is information about her condition, along with other notes that maybe of use for you." he said. "When can i take her home?" i asked. "Well..." Dr Garinson began. "She is in a medical induced coma at the moment; the pain was just too much for her when she did happen to wake. So i would think in a few days. I would like to keep her at least for 2 nights for observation. Head injuries, {especial savere ones such as her's} could be unpreditable, and i just want to be cautious for the first 2 nights of her condition." I looked back at her with her hand still in mine. That's when Dr. Garinson noticed. "please excuse my noseyness, but i know for a fact you two are not married, how long have you been together?" he asked. I looked at him in surprise. "i could see you really love her, son. But you're famous, and not poor in any way of the word. By the way you look at her, you would have given her the biggest ring you could buy, and even given her expensive taste in clothes. and yet you haven't, which leaves me the conclusion that you two are yet to be engaged, let alone married. you are Donivan Bozeli from Falling Gravity, my daughter loves you. You are a huge music sensation, not to mention you inherited all of your family's wealth after their passing." the doctor explained. "oh, and before i forget, these are her hearing aids, we noticed them while she was unconcious." He said. i was very surprised, "wait, she's deaf?" i asked. "she is only partially deaf, not completely. in her records it explains that she reads lips very well and hears fine while her hearing aids are in use. Hasnt she come forth about this before?" Dr. Garinson asked. "no, she must have kept it a secret." i said. "well i'm sure you still love her just the same, am i right son?" he asked. "of course, sir." He then left, i remained holding Arina's hand. 
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