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NOVA The Spring Festival happens once every two years. It's a celebration of the end of winter and the dawn of spring. But more than that, it's a one-time chance where a lot of unmated werewolves get the chance to find and unite with their mates under the full moon. The different packs in the region take turns hosting the Spring festival. There are three head-packs in the region. Our pack is the Northern Valley Pack, there's the Southern Green Pack, and then the Western Hill Pack. I've never visited the other major packs, because I'm not allowed to leave the borders of our pack. This year, it's our turn to host the Spring Festival. I've never had the opportunity to attend the Spring Festival. Illegitimate children are not allowed to, and it hasn't been hosted in our pack for a while. The last time our pack hosted the Spring Festival, I was eleven. And I was locked in, throughout the three days it lasted. After turning nineteen two months ago, I've been having dreams about the Spring festival. I've been fantasizing about meeting my mate and getting freed from this hell. It's been on my mind and I got completely obsessed with the thought. I wanted Rex to be my mate. But now, it's never gonna happen. So, the Spring Festival suddenly doesn't excite me anymore. "Nova!" Kit yells and I'm startled from my thoughts. "Are you going to hand me the cup or what?!" "Uh, yeah. I'm so sorry. Here you go, Ma'am." I walk up to her and carefully hand over the cup. We're inside now, and she's in the living room with Luna Danielle, demanding a cup of coffee. "Why? Scared it might spill on you?" Kit mocks with a grin, as she sips the coffee. "I'm just being careful, Ma'am," I mutter. "Imagine how terrible it's gonna be if I spill this hot coffee on you. You don't have a wolf yet so you won't heal fast. How are you going to take care of your chores? It'll be a disaster." Tears sting my eyes but I blink them back. The fact that I'm yet to have my first shift is like a sore wound in my heart. Kit knows that. And that's why she's taunting me with it. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," I say instead and leave. I hear her mock laughter but I try not to look back. From the kitchen, I can hear both of them engaging in a conversation. I try not to eavesdrop but they are incredibly loud. Kit especially. "I'm so excited that I can't even eat anything. All I want to do is shop for the best outfit for tomorrow. I need to look drop-dead gorgeous when my mate finds me." Kit gushes on and on. For someone who's just 20, Kit is rather too obsessed with finding her mate. We all are, in a way, but hers is on a different level. She's depressed and cries most nights 'cause of her desperation to get a mate. Sometimes, it gets pitiful listening to her sobs, but then, who am I to console her? She's just going to rip my hair off if I get an inch close to her. "Take it easy, dear. You shouldn't get your hopes up. That's how you get hurt." Luna Danielle says calmly. With Kit, she's calm. With any other person, she's barking. "Why, Mum? Don't you think I'll finally get to meet my mate tomorrow?" Kit sounds pouty, her excitement hitting rock bottom. "I think you will, dear. But I just don't want you to be very obvious about your desperation for it. No man appreciates a woman who can't control her emotions." "Oh, okay. I'll keep it in check. Oh, how I wish Alpha Rowan is gonna be my mate!" My eyes widen at her words and I'm forced to peek at her through the door. Did she just say Alpha Rowan?! The Head-Alpha of the Southern Green Pack? "Watch your words, young lady." Luna Danielle reprimands her sharply. "But why, Mum? Alpha Rowan is the strongest Head-Alpha and don't get me started on how much of a hunk he is…" "Don't get me started on how much of a disaster it's going to be either." Luna Daniella retorts. "Your Father will never approve of that union and you know it. So better throw that fantasy of yours in the drain. It'll never happen." "Whatever. I still wish it'd be him. Father will have no other choice but to accept the will of the moon goddess." Kit mutters angrily. I'm finally done with mopping and washing the dishes. I walk out of the kitchen and I'm face to face with Luna Danielle. I quickly lower my gaze. "The Alphas arrive tonight. So make sure you stay out of sight. Lock yourself up and don't you dare come out. Do you understand?" "Yes, Ma'am." I bow. Just then Master storms in, looking frantic. "What's wrong, sweetie?" Luna Danielle purrs, rushing to his side and caressing his face. "There was a ruckus right outside the Head-Alphas hotel." "What?" Luna Danielle's face scrunches in worry. "What happened?" "Alpha Rowan and Alpha Chester had a fight at the receptionist's desk. Or an argument. I don't know which. But it was chaotic. Just like everything that involves the both of them." I slow in my tracks on my way to my room and turn to look at him. Head Alpha Chester? The Alpha of Western Hills? He's here too? It's terrifying to know that the two infamous head Alphas are already in our Pack. Head-Alpha Rowan and Head-Alpha Chester. A crazy curiosity of what those two actually look like rings in my head. I've heard a million tales about them. It'd be nice to see if they look half as vicious as they are painted. "Alpha Rowan stormed off in anger. He didn't check into the hotel. He isn't at the Head-Alphas nightclub either. It's chaotic out there." Master completes his narration. "Alpha Rowan already arrived?!" Kit adds giddily, as she joins the duo. Master eyes her. "What's with that excitement?" "Uh, nothing. Father." She quickly erases the smile from her face. "Oh, goddess. What do we do?" Luna Danielle mutters in panic. "I wonder where he'd gone. He doesn't know his whereabouts in our Pack." "What if he returned to his Pack?" Kit asks. "Then that would be a disaster." Master huffs out, exasperatedly. "If he leaves, every other Alpha would wanna leave too. Then the Spring festival will be a flop. Alpha Rowan could be an insensitive bastard but we need him. We need him for the festival to happen." "Maybe we should alert the Pack warriors. They need to patrol the pack. Find any strange-looking man. Or better still, we give them pictures of Alpha Rowan. That could help to find him tonight." "Yes, you're right. I just really pray he didn't return to his Pack. Dear goddess!" I resume walking to my attic-turned-room but their conversation goes on a loop in my head. Makes me recall the unnerving stranger I met earlier. The one who saved me from the car. He couldn't be Alpha Rowan, could he?
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