Chapter 4

2008 Words
"Are you ready yet?" I shout and knock on the door that connects our room with theirs. "One second!" shouts Holly before walking towards the door to open it. We decided to drink in their room because it is a little bit bigger than ours. I am excited to start our little party. The pre night club party is always my favorite part, we are only surrounded by the people we enjoy spending time with. Holly opens the door revealing herself to me. Her dress is gold and her hair is tied up into a tight pony tail. I am mesmerized by her beauty. Her twin Hannah is dressed in a similar dress but it is silver in color. The girls often match their outfits slightly. It is quite cute to be honest and I always enjoy seeing what outfit they come up with next. Emma, as per usual is wearing high waisted jeans and a red tube top. Her hair is straight and her make up is bold. Emma is very fashionable and I always admired that about her.  "You look incredible!" they all shout at once. I can't help but blush. "You guys are way too sweet," I comment and swat my hand at them. "I wish you wore clothes like this more often," comments Emma as I walk into their room. "Red is definitely your color," adds Holly. I chuckle. I do not own many red clothes. I mainly wear black or nude. It is the safe way to go. I don't really like drawing too much attention to myself. "Who's ready to get f****d up?" calls Emma and we all raise our hands up to the ceiling and squeal. Luckily the walls are sound proof so we will not disturb any of our neighbors. Hannah begins pouring our drinks. "I think we should start off with some shots!" she shouts. I roll my eyes. "Of course, it is tradition to start our nights out with a shot each. Hannah hands me my shot and we all cheers before taking the shot all at once. I make a funny face as the vodka hits my throat. I feel it burning as it goes down into my stomach. Did I mention I hate alcohol?  I pour myself a drink with vodka and lemonade in it while I scroll through my phone to try find a good playlist to blast from the speakers. We dance around and sing our favorite songs as we drink more and more glasses of alcohol. I feel like the more I drink, the more confident I become. I become caring less about how I look and more about having lots of fun. After all, I do not do this often, so now that I finally get to do it, I might as well enjoy it. We are having so much fun we do not realize the time passing by. By the time we agree it is time to head out into the town, it has been three hours since we first started drinking. I can feel the alcohol affecting me. My words seem slurry and my walking in a straight is becoming difficult. It takes me a little longer to do the things I want because it feels like my body refuses to listen to my commands. "Lets go!" I shout as the girls are in the bathroom fixing their lipstick. "I want to go dance!" I shout and shake my booty. The music is already turned off because we are about to leave. "Do you know where to go?" asks Emma. I shrug. "I say if we walk down a road we will find some night club to go into. This place is littered with night clubs," I explain. I drink the remainder of my drink and set the cup down on the table. "I'm leaving without you!" I shout and grab my coat. "No, no, no, do not leave without us. You have to stay with us all night. You can't risk getting lost," explains Hannah. I laugh.  "You're right. I'm stupid," I slur. I go to pour myself another drink but Emma takes the bottle away from me. "I think you have had enough for now. Leave some room for drinks in the club," she laughs. I chuckle. "Yeah, all the boys will be buying me drinks," I giggle. This makes the girls burst into fits of laughter.. "Is today the day when Taylor finally gets over her ex?" questions Maeve. I punch her arm playfully. "Would you stop. I am over my ex," I comment and roll my eyes. "Let's gooo," I groan. Finally everyone is ready to leave. I give my room key to Maeve because I trust her more than I trust myself right now. "Don't lose it," I wink as she locks the door behind her. She wraps her arm around me to help me walk in a straight line. For some reason, I find this very funny and giggle all the way across the hotel lobby until we are outside. Hannah calls us a taxi and when we get in she asks him to take us to the best nightclub in town. "I know exactly what you ladies need," he says and begins to drive.  The drive to the nightclub is very short. Only about 5 minutes. We could have walked it if I was in a better state. I look around and realize that I am the least sober person here. This is very unusual since I am usually the one who looks after everyone else while they are drunk. But I do not care. I am having fun. I know I will be incredibly hungover tomorrow and will regret my decisions but at least I am creating fun memories. When we get to the club it is already busy despite it only being 11 o'clock. "People queue here for hours so good luck getting in. If you know someone you will get in without trouble but if not, you might be in the cold for a while," says the driver. "Sometimes they let the pretty ladies in first though," he adds. "Thanks for the tip," I say and get our of the car. One of the girls pay the taxi man while I look around and take in my surroundings. It is already very dark outside but the bright lights from the night club make the area light up. The queue is long and I really do not want to stand there for so long. So I chance my luck and go straight up to the bouncer. "Sup," I greet, trying to act sober. The bouncer looks me up and down before rolling his eyes. "Not today princess," he says and refuses to let me pass.  The girls catch up with me and try pulling me away. "Come on Tay, we can't be causing any trouble," says Maeve. I give up and begin to follow the group before I hear someone whistle at us. I look around and spot the three men who approached us earlier. "Hey pretty ladies, what brings you here?" asks the blonde one. I laugh. "We're obviously here to party!" I shout and throw my hands up in the air. The girls all laugh. "Is the bouncer giving you a hard time?" he asks. I see him glance over at the bouncer before looking back at me. "Yeah, he won't let me in," I explain. The guys laugh. "Come, follow us," he says and extends his arm, palm up. I take his hand and follow his lead tot the bouncer. The girls follow close by. "Frank, these pretty ladies are with the boss," he explains. I raise my eyebrows as he looks at me in shock. "Oh, I am terribly sorry, please come in and enjoy your stay," he says and opens the door to let me in. I jump up in joy and follow the men into the nightclub.  When we get inside I am taken back by the size of the venue. It appears to be three stories high and have a massive dance floor on each floor. "Each floor has a different music genre. They are all surrounded by soundproof glass to prevent the music overlapping," explains the guy. He has to shout in my ear because the music is too loud for me to hear him speak. "Follow me, I can get you to the VIP area," he says. I look at the girls excitedly and follow him. I do not care who he is anymore, I just want to have fun. The other two men disappear into the crowd as I follow the man up the stairs. We come across another bouncer who is standing at a gold door with his arms crossed. This one seems scarier than the last. "Mark, what did boss tell you about bringing random girls to the VIP area?" questions the bodyguard. He looks me up and down before looking behind me, where my friends are standing looking around.  "These are not random girls," comments Mark. He leans in and whispers something in the mans ear. This seems to immediately change his point of view. "My apologies, come in, come in, I will make sure you are not disturbed," he says and unlocks the door for us.  I frown. That seems a little sketchy to me. What did Mark say that could convince this scary looking man to let us in. Why is he so eager to get us into the VIP room. I begin to think a little clearer. Am I putting myself and my friends in danger? "Who are you?" I ask as we enter he VIP room. This rooms seems more expensive than my entire apartment block. The furniture sees to be made of gold or at least covered in it and the couches are white leather. There is a stripping pole in the room but no stripper to be seen. I am extremely tempted to dance around and have fun on the pole but I control myself and prevent myself from doing so.  "I am the bosses best friend," he explains. I nod. "What does that have to do with us?" I ask. He smiles. "My boss has spotted you today and seems to be very intrigued by your beauty," he states. I frown. "Not gonna lie, that is kind of weird, who is he?" I question. Mark chuckles. "You will meet him very soon, don't you worry. But for now, sit back and relax. Or don't, get up on the pole and dance. Do whatever you want, this room is yours and you can invite whoever you want into here. All drinks are on the house," he explains. All my friends gasp at once. "Free drinks?" questions Emma. This is her dream come true. "Girl if you don't want boss man, I will have him," she comments. I laugh. I feel a little uncomfortable but it seems like this boss man is a nice guy. What could go wrong? After all, there are five of us and only one of him. We also have security outside the door so if something was to happen, I am sure he would step in and help us.  I can't help but feel like this boss man is a bit strange. Did he ask the guys to go after me and invite me to the club earlier today? Was it him who was in that silver car? I have so many questions. But now is not the time to ask them. "Oh f**k it. Let's have lots of fun!" I shout to the girls and they all jump up and down. This night is going very well so far, it could potentially be the best night out we have ever had. Who knows. I push the idea of the mysterious boss to the back of my mind and order a bunch of drinks for the girls and I. Maybe if I have a couple more, I will be confident enough to dance on the stripper pole!
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