
1053 Words
*****IMPORTANT****** It has come to my attention that many of you don't like the way I'm editing MY book, so I have decided to put a note in the beginning of the story as a warning to future and maybe current readers. This book is under edit, no I will not take it all down and I will not explain why that is my business and my decision. As to the time it is taking to edit the book, I am a FULL-TIME STUDENT and work FULL- TIME, so it will take a while so I apologize, but commenting about how long it's taking and being negative towards me isn't cool. So I am putting this note here in the Prologue which this chapter is free, so before you buy the whole book and then complain later about it read this warning. Only until chapter 12 is changed, the rest after that is different. There are gaps in time because I am trying to make this book longer as well as just all-around better. I will not be answering any more negative comments and I will start reporting them, so please refrain from posting negative words, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Thank you and I hope you have a Happy New Year and that you enjoy the edited portion of the book. Have you ever felt like you never really belonged anywhere? That no matter what you did to make yourself feel like you were meant to be part of something, whether it be a club or sport. That no matter how you changed your looks or if you try to change how you act. You never fit in. You are the odd one out all the time or your just forgotten all about in general. Of course, you try everything in your power to change everything but you fail... horribly. Well, that's how I feel and that's what I've been trying to do for the past few years, of course, no one really notices when I fail either so that's a plus. You would have figured that me being the daughter of the Beta would have been enough. Yet, that doesn't seem to be the case for me. I have two other brothers their twins, with them being male and older than I am, they are in line for the Beta position. So naturally, they are part of that 'popular' group in school that consists of the football jocks, cheerleaders, and the captains to all the other sports the school participates in. I don't really care for being the center of attention, that would be one of my downfalls. I shy away from public speaking and any other events that could potentially become a disaster if I said or done the wrong thing. According to my dad if I wasn't so shy and if I wasn't so submissive I would have been in the running for Beta with my brothers, any children that a Beta or Alpha has are all given the chance to fight for the position when they come of age. The only time that a child would not be allowed that chance would be if they weren't dominant enough to compete or it. I honestly don't really care for the Beta position it sounds like a lot of work that I'm not cut out for so I'm glad my brothers are there to take that one. My parents and brother's positions in the pack make it even harder to make friends, they all want to get close to the Beta Twins but try to do it through me. I try to get rid of those 'friends' as quickly as possible, I don't want any fake people to supposedly have my back. I learned the hard way how to weed out those friends, at one point I had a best friend named Sarah or well I thought she was my best friend. We had been friends since 3rd grade but that changed my freshman year when she learned what boys were and apparently had been trying to hit on one of the twins. When she got what she wanted and ended up with a date she ditched me behind to go live with the cool crowd. I was trying to understand why she would do that to me and when I had finally really understood what people just use others for their own benefit and that I couldn't really trust people she came crawling back due to my brother dumping her. I never forgave her for that and told her to leave me alone and don't talk to me ever again. I never blamed my brother for anything that's happened but sometimes I do get irritated with them. It wasn't fair that they could have friends with no issue and had no problems with talking to people or finding the right group to fit in with. Then there was me who could barely talk when a teacher asks me a question in class without freaking out. One day I will find the courage to talk in front of a crowd without cringing and I'll be able to make some decent friends that won't turn their back on me for a couple of boys. And maybe just maybe my mate will finally come into my life and he will be patient with me and caring and understanding of how I feel and we will slowly get to know each other. He will support me when I decide to try something new when I finally get the courage to do so. We will eventually get married and we will be happy for the rest of our lives. That's my version of a happy ending. Maybe this will be the year that he finally comes into my life and then this year will turn out better for me than the last few have. Of course, the world doesn't work like that and my happy ending was nowhere close to what I thought it would be..... .................................... This book is under construction, I had edited the first couple of chapters. There are going to be story gaps and changes to this so when something doesn't make sense this is the reason why. Thank you!
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