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That night, he took me to his place —a penthouse on the top floor of the building he owned in the city. Before we went here, Adam had asked my father to let me move in with him. After he threatened their company's harmonious relationship, my father won't say no. And to no surprise, my father didn't say no. Adam's mom stayed on their ancestral home here in Los Angeles and had offered her home to me to stay the night, but Adam said that it's better if I stay with him. He added that since I am his fiance or 'his wife-in-training', it would be an opportunity for us to know each other. His mother was appalled to learn of what my father had become. She said they have been friends since college. I also learned that her late husband was my father's best friend and it's not just about the business why they wanted their children to marry, it's about conjoining our families. My father lost my mother and his best friend when Adam's father died. Maybe it's the cause of his behavior but, why does he have to take his grief for his friend and anger towards my mother out on me? I still couldn't understand why he hated me so much as if I'm not family despite that I'm the only one who stayed beside him all throughout the years of his destructive behavior towards others. But only now do I really accept why I was left to him.  I did not have the choice to choose between him and my mother.  I confided on Adam. Everything that I've been through, everything I felt, everything that hurt me—I confided it all to him while he cradled me delicately in his arms. He never said a word. He only whispered apologies for the things he did not do and is not responsible for. He's sorry about everything I've gone through living with my father and my boyfriend. But for the most part of it, he just listened. He didn't tell me how stupid I am for staying in an abusive relationship as I expected him to. I'm even surprised at myself because I already knew that the two important men in my life were hurting me. I knew yet I stayed. He didn't tell me how much of coward I have become for letting both of them hurt me, especially my father.  He didn't blame me as I expected him to. Who else is to blame for this kind of abuse? No one is responsible but me. I let them hurt me. Adam just held me and listened even if I expected him to put all the blame on me. I continued to sob in his embrace; cradled in his arms wrapped around me, my face buried in his chest. The feeling of his warmth, his steady breathing, and his heartbeat— I feel safe and it forced me to tell everything I was bottling up in my heart for so long. His embrace becomes somehow became my haven. I don't know how long I've cried and what time it was but when I was able to pull myself together, he got me a glass of water then carried me to his room, more particularly, his bathroom. I could walk but I feel like if I insisted I can handle myself, I might break down again because it's a lie. He then sat me down on the sink then gets a small towel and wet it with lukewarm water. "You'll definitely get puffy eyes tomorrow." He teased, smiling softly as he dabs the towel gently on my face. I know it'll surely be puffy 'cause I've never cried like that in my entire life.  Not when mom left, not on the first slap I got from both Jungkook and my father. "I'm sorry for ruining your shirt." I sighed, eyeing his damp shirt and coat because of my tears. "It's just clothes. At least you're feeling better after a good cry, right?" I immediately avoided his gaze, feeling sheepish after how I broke down. But aside from that, I can't see the reason why he would care. I know we're betrothed but, it's not like I'm a huge catch. His company and the whole business will do well even without a partnership with my father.  So why would he take the extra mile and threaten my father just so he can save me? "Adam... why are you kind to me?" I asked. I can't help but wonder how a stranger would care. My friends would only show care at the moment confrontation, but after everything has calmed down, nobody would even ask how I am doing. "You're my fiancé," he answered "But you don't know me..." I retorted. "Let's just say I hate the way that girls being treated like that... girls should be loved and pampered." "Your girlfriend's very lucky..." I smiled softly. I'm sure he has one.  He's perfect. "Girlfriend?" He asked, furrowing his brows which made me realize the I've actually said my thoughts out loud. "Uhm... don't you have one?" "Nope. And I've never called any girl I've been with as my girlfriend." My brows then furrow in confusion, "I don't get it..." He stopped cleaning my face then leaned towards me. He anchored his hands on the sink, both hands were beside my hips. "My relationship with the girls I've been with is a bit different from the boyfriend-girlfriend thing." He answered, eyes looking straight at mine making my heart beat faster, in a good way. "How so?" I asked. He was quiet for a brief while before a soft smirk formed on the side of his lips. Then, he bowed down momentarily before returning his gaze back in my eyes once again. "I..." He trailed off then chuckled before continuing, "I become their daddy..."  I wanted to laugh. I didn't know if he was joking but as I continued to stare in his eyes, I knew he's serious. And after what he had done for me tonight, he doesn't deserve to be humiliated just because I think his answer was ridiculous. "Daddy? You mean... the kink... the lifestyle?" I asked eyes widened upon the revelation. Here I think he's a perfect man, a normal person... "So you have an idea about that... but your expression is kinda offending, Emilia. Are you judging me already?" His eyes squinted as he stands straight.  "I'm sorry... it's just that... I thought you're normal." "Why? Is having a kink an abnormality?" Conversations like this always had consequences. If he's Damon, he would definitely snarl at me for saying stuff I didn't think before speaking. "No... I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry, please-" I was starting to panic because he said he's offended and that I was gonna be in trouble again for upsetting him but I trailed off from pleading when he touches my cheek... His palm was cold because from leaning against the sink but nonetheless, it feels good upon my skin. "Stop pleading like you're gonna get hit. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said sternly but maintained a soft smile.  I nodded gently in response and look down at my hands upon realizing how I reacted. I somehow feel pathetic. But what could I do when I haven't had encountered such a calm demeanor like this from a man, I never get close to any man apart from Damon. "I changed from that lifestyle a few years back since I was gonna meet you, and here we are..." He started, caressing my cheek with his thumb, eyeing the purplish bruise. Is he implying he changed for me? "But then, Mia had to be so freaking fragile... that I..." he trailed off again and my breath hitched when his gaze turns to my lips. "I wanna take care of you..." he continued, returning his gaze back in my eyes. "I know we're engaged but... but you're making me feel like this again. I wanna treat you like my baby girl, my princess..." he added making me confused. What does he mean by,  "Again?"  I asked. "I want you to be my Litte,  Mia... be my princess," he stated now cupping my cheeks with both hands then trailed down to my shoulders. I've heard of this kink before, where the girl or the 'little' who's the submissive must follow rules given by her 'daddy' who's dominant in the relationship. And from what I've also heard, there are punishments inflicted when rules are broken. It's like a regular father and daughter thing... only without incest as this is actually kind of a role-play between two consenting adults where one must act the authority figure hence the endearment daddy. And of course, the s*x. That's all I know. The word Daddy is so sexualized nowadays. But... Punishments... I don't wanna get beaten again. "Uhm... I know I'll be living with you for a while and if soon... i-if it will really happen, we'll be getting married but if we jump into that lifestyle... I... I may break a lot of rules and I... the punishments..." I started stammering and don't even know if what I was saying made sense but thinking of getting punished made me panic. I knew I will break rules... I always do and I always disappoint people.  So I will always get punished. Don't I have anywhere else to go? Can't I escape this life? My tears started forming once again. "No... princess, the punishments are far from how you're thinking it. I'll never hurt you like that." He rests his forehead with mine as he embraces me once again. His touch is always so comforting that with just one motion, I've calmed down from losing my s**t all over again. However, if I'm going to assess myself... I've always been a submissive. I've always been following rules set up by the people I love. But compared to them— my father and Damon... Adam is the only one that asked me first. He asked for my consent. It's not like people are always going to ask consent if I'll be willing to get hurt, but the thought behind it had enlightened me.  Some people may unknowingly hurt you because some situations are out of our control. But there are also situations we can control. And for the past years, I've been letting those two hurt me when I can simply walk away. I've become so attached that the choices were narrowed to one.  I thought I didn't have a choice. "I wanna trust you," I muttered, looking up to him. "You can trust me, princess, I will never hurt you like how they did. You will never feel those pain in your body ever again." I hold back my tears from falling before nodding my head, not pulling back from how close his face from mine. "You accept?" He asked. "I'd like to try... but, you know I'm in love with somebody else." "I can wait, no matter how long it would take, I'll wait. But I'm glad to hear you're willing to try. If you don't want to, it's fine with me. As long as you'll accept me, then I'll be satisfied." I then nodded softly, holding his wrists as gently as he cups my cheek. I'm in love with someone else and trusting this man — Adam will be a risk for me to take. But I have nowhere else to go to start anew. The home where my father is no longer home and if I go back there, I would get beaten for every single thing I do. The home I hoped with Damon is a lie as I realized how he had been treating me. He had no trust for me since he gets easily jealous and he may beat me as he please every time I displease him.  There's nowhere else to go... Maybe simply walking away would be difficult.  But then, there's always someone we can ask for help. To think that I've been enduring all the pain for years. And Adam— he asked for consent and he's not asking much from me. He just wants me to accept him.  "I'll trust you," I said softly which quickly earned his smile and a soft kiss on my forehead. I wasn't expecting that kiss.  His lips lingered there for a while... it made my heart flutter. It feels good to be kissed that way. It feels nurturing. Maybe being his little wouldn't hurt as much as I've been hurt before. He then left me alone and let me clean myself in his bathroom. He lent me his clean clothes since my stuff will be brought here by tomorrow. After I finished, he then presents me with his rules. I breathe in deep as I read through while he once again pulled me in his lap. It's funny how I just let him hold me like this but everything about him is soothing...  Maybe, that's all I'm after. • RULES FOR MY PRINCESS • • Princess must call me Daddy unless daddy says otherwise. In return, daddy will call you a princess or any other endearment I decide to. • Princess must always listen to daddy. If daddy says no, it means no. • Princess cannot talk back to daddy. Daddy has the final say to everything. • Princess must always be honest. Do not lie to daddy. • Always ask permission. If princess wants to do something, go out of the house or shop, daddy must be aware of it. • Princess must be polite. She must thank daddy for every reward I've given. • No cussing. Daddy hates a bad-mouthed girl. • If princess misbehaves, she will be punished. • Always tell daddy if princess did something wrong. Daddy will try his best to be lenient and princess will be punished if I deem it appropriate. • Princess must show daddy her outfit whenever she changes and if daddy disapproves, princess must change quickly. • Only daddy can see you naked. • You will ONLY be submissive to daddy and NO ONE ELSE. Princess must never allow herself to be bullied and hurt by others. • Playtime will depend on daddy's mood but if princess is a good girl, then we'll have playtime the soonest. • Princess's body is daddy's alone. NO OTHER MAN OR WOMAN IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH YOU. • If princess wants to touch herself, she must ask permission. • Come to daddy if princess is sad or has a problem. Daddy always has time to listen. • Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Unless you're with daddy and I approve. • Princess must always text back as soon as she can. Daddy will also try his best to respond the soonest. • NO SELF HARM. Remember that daddy loves you. I don't want my princess to get hurt. • Princess must always take care of your body and your health. • No skipping meals. Princess must eat at least 3 times a day. • Princess must not miss drinking medicine daddy has advised her to drink [birth control pills and vitamins] • If princess wants something, she must ask daddy and I will provide whatever princess desires given that she's been a good girl. • Princess' curfew if she's out is 9 PM. Bedtime is at 11 but depends if daddy adjusts it during playtime. • If princess does not agree on daddy's rule, she must tell me immediately. Daddy is open to change the rules and compromise with you. • Daddy can add an additional rule if necessary. DADDY IS IN CONTROL OF: • What you wear. • What you eat. • When you sleep or wake up. • When you touch youself, playing with toys and when you c*m. PRINCESS' RIGHTS: • Contact your friends or family. Princess can always text or call them. • Make plans with friends and family. Just ask daddy for permission. Daddy knows that there are other important people to princess. • Call for a hold anytime. You can always talk to me as an equal. PUNISHMENTS: • Spanking • Early bedtime • No playtime with daddy • Phone confiscation. • Cold shower • Loss of sweets • No TV or internet • Face the wall • Locked in a room DADDY'S PROMISE: • Daddy will take care of you. • Daddy will never hurt you. • Daddy will be understanding. • Daddy will listen to you when you're upset. • Loyalty. You are daddy's only princess. "The spanking..." I stated and trailed off with my words before turning my attention to his face. "It's not gonna leave a mark on your body... you'll find it rather... pleasurable." He answered. I then nodded softly before avoiding his eyes as I look back on the paper once again. "Uhm... we're really gonna do it?" I asked. "You're a virgin?" I shook my head in response, furrowing my brows sheepishly as I bowed my head down. He then sighed out loud, "If princess does not want to, then daddy will respect that." I look at him once again and smiled, "Thank you." "Thank you... what?" He scoffed teasingly, a smirk formed in the side of his lips. I immediately understood what he wanted to hear, what he wanted me to call him. I have to get used to this even if it's something I find a cringe.  But maybe, it's not so bad. "Thank you, daddy."  I still don't know what I've gotten myself into.  It's a gamble.  But if he turns out as the man I think and hope he is...  Then... I'm in safe hands.
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