chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4 Alex P O V As soon as Max gave me the idea of contract marriage I thought about Mia she is need of money and I am the one who can help her right now and she is the one who can help me. We both will be benefited with this. Mia P O V After getting scold from sir I went back to my office and started to think about how should I arrange the money. While thinking about it I didn’t realize that it was lunchtime with that I went to the cafe and there I saw my colleague over there all of them were enjoying their food. I went to the counter and ordered for a sandwich after getting my order I was looking for my friends where are they were sitting there I saw Emma waving her hand I smile at her and started to walk to her and sat beside her. Emma “hey how are you" she said in a cheerful tone with a smile she looked at me and her smile disappeared and she had a tensed expression on her face "why do you look so lost and weak what’s wrong”. Emma started to shoot her question at me. I just smiled at her and said "I am ok there is no problem it’s just that I am tired” I said with a fake smile on my face as I didn’t want my friend to know about my problem. I asked her "where are others" to change the topic Emma said "Sara has an important ppt. Liam and Lucas are helping her" I replied "hmmm" and we both started to eat our food After lunch, I went first to Emma desk just when I was about to sit with her john came "hey Mia boss is calling you right now go run” he said hurriedly "oh OK I will now" I got up and hugged Emma and said bye to everyone and started to walk to the boss office. First I went to my office and took my notepad then I first stand outside his office for 2-3 sec and try to control myself as I knew that sir is going to shout again. Then I knock on his door 3 times and waited for his answer as soon as I heard him saying come in I went in and stand in his office and saw he was sitting on the chair “Sir you called me" I said “yes I did" he said in a authoritative tone "I have a proposal for you are you interested in it?" sir asked me “hmm sir what kind of proposal" I asked him in a confused tone “A contract and we will get married in one week” he said that calmly like as of he was telling me that I am giving you your salary in advance or I am giving you bonus “what why will I married you, sir," I shouted that “I want you to marry me for a year in return I will give $500,000” he said “But sir I said that I will pay you back the money why this contract marriage” I said that in an anger tone “the first thing I cannot wait for 3 years, second we will be getting married for one year not more than that, and in this way, you will not even have to pay me so we are getting married get ready I don’t have time to waste on this” sir said this to me wow is he crazy after listening to sir I said "sir I can`t accept this" and I left the office
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