Chapter 4

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Fraya This can’t be happening. The moment I realized who he was, I got up and left through the kitchen door. The staff tried to stop me, but I kept running, needing to get away. For three hundred years, I have kept myself pure, not even kissing another man, wanting to save myself for my mate, and he turns out to be a f*****g dragon? Not just any dragon, the f**k prince! How ridicule is it that I saved myself for my enemy? I am probably the oldest virgin there is in history, and for what? Just to give myself to the man whose parents murdered my parents? This has to be some sick and twisted joke. My wolf is still jumping in excitement and is urging me to go back in there and claim my mate. She doesn’t understand politics and past pain and hate, she only understands that Alexander is our mate and the only one that will be able to complete us. I wish I could slap some sense into her, make her understand that we will never be whole, because I would rather shove a silver stake through my own heart before I will ever accept him as my mate. I hear the door open behind me where I am standing behind the hotel. I quickly turn ready to defend myself and let out a breath of relieve when I see that it is only Isaac. He opens his arms and I nearly fall into them. Why couldn’t he have been my mate? I know he is gay and even though he is extremely handsome, I have never been able to look at him in that way, but in his arms, I find comfort and no judgment. This is the one place I can be weak, the one place I can show my fears and weaknesses without being taken advantage of. I let my tears spill onto his chest, glad that I didn’t wear much makeup, because it would surely be ruined now. I don’t cry often, I didn’t cry at my parents’ funeral, only felt anger and the need for vengeance, but this is just too much. How can the goddess be so cruel as to make the one man I can never be with, my one true mate? How will I ever be complete? How will I ever be able to find my happily ever after, there is no future where we can ever be together? It is cruel to place the one thing you want in life, right there in front of you, just out of your reach, teasing you with what could’ve been. Isaac doesn’t say a word, just allowing me to let out my pain and anger. When I am done crying, he lifts up my chin so that I am looking at him and then proceeds to wipe off my tears. He gives me a kiss on the head and then takes my hand and leads me back into the diner. We stop just inside of the diner and I take a deep breath. I will just need to get past tonight, find a way to get the dragon prince alone and then reject him. I don’t want to make a scene in front of all these people and it is best that no one knows that we are mates. I am sure he wants to reject me as well but from the way he is looking at me now that I am sure he has figured out who I am, he probably doesn’t want his family or the girl he has practically sitting on top of him, knowing I am his mate. I head over to the group of fox shifter, determine to make the best of tonight and to keep up pretenses, now more than ever. I refuse to look at him again, I need him to come to me, I won’t be chasing him down. Isaac is standing beside me, like an anchor at my side, giving me strength. I stick a smile on my face and greet the fox king. “Goodness Queen Snow, you look absolutely beautiful tonight.” The fox king says and I blush under the compliment. “King Rupert, you are too kind.” I tell him and allow him to kiss my hand. “I see you still don’t have your mate at your side. I was hoping you would’ve found him by now, you of all people deserve to be happy.” It takes everything in me to keep the smile on my face. “All good things come with time Rupert.” I tell him, but in all honesty, I want to swear at the goddess for my chosen mate. I talk a bit longer to Rupert about what is to be expected this weekend before moving on to the next group of people, all the time feeling Alexander’s eyes on me. I really want to look at him, my wolf wants to run to him and rub her fur against him, but I resist. I keep a smile on my face and pretend like my world hasn’t been turned upside down. After dinner, I risk taking a look over at Alexander’s table and I wish I didn’t. The tramp on his lap has her arms wrapped around his neck, whispering in his ear. I feel sick and have to swallow down my dinner. I can’t stand being in this room with him any longer. I stand up and excuse myself, saying I am tired and will be retiring. Isaac stands up to follow me but I give him a shake of my head and he nods at me in understanding. I need to be alone, I need to try and figure out what my next move will be. There is no way that I can accept my mating to Alexander, the only way I am going to be able to go on with my life is by rejecting him and I will have to do it soon. The attraction I feel towards him is already building with every second I am waiting.   
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