
1167 Words
Tyler. Today is the first day of school, and I am back for my last year at my Non-Denominational Christian private school. I want to do well this year because I want to eligible to be a part of the staff team, and they travel around the world helping those in need. You don't have to go into any ministry training, but as long as you do God's work and be a fisher of men, you can do most jobs. I was only sixteen when I became a disciple, and I've loved it ever since. I want others to see living for God can and will be fun. "Don't get distracted!" My mom called out for the billionth time this morning. She's been saying that ever since I woke up, but I don't worry about it because I've never been distracted. There is nothing that can make me change my mind over the choices I made. "This is sadly out last year, girls." I smiled at my two closest friends. We all headed to our dorm, and we've been in it since kindergarten. Unpacking my clothes, I pulled out my uniforms and casual clothing. I pulled out my bible and several notebooks that I fill up with notes in church lessons. I, of course, have my regular classes consisting of college algebra, psychology, English four, reading, government, and Economics. I'll take government first semester then Economics the next. Yes, I do have a lunch period. Who doesn't? After lunch, I will have my theology class and then a bible understanding development class. My last class is an academic sport, track, and field. Yes, we have a track team. I've been on it since the fifth grade when I discovered I loved running. I am the school's only hurdler. It sucks having all the pressure, but I get more time to practice with my coach. Having one on one time has benefited me because all of my coaches attention is on one student. Taking out my school supplies, I organized then while waiting for Beverly Anthis and Juniper Mendez to finish unpacking themselves. We are going to have a service to kick off the new year. So, I had my bible, backpack, and my phone on me as we left our dorm. Beverly is a tall spunky strawberry blonde with a lot of freckles and green eyes. Juniper is a bit shorter than me, and Beverly is taller than me. Juniper has short black hair, and she came from Japan. I have short curly dark brown hair and light hazel eyes. My skin is tan, but I get darker in the sun. My parents are of different races: my dad is half black, half English, and my mom is Puerto Rican. My mom met him when she was vacationing in London. "So this year we get to have a dance I heard, and boys ask," I didn't care much about that; I have a career to plan. I'll go with the girls, but boys don't interest me at all right now. I want to say it is because there's so much separation between us. I know in my heart, it's best to stay away. When two people get together, who aren't careful, it becomes questionable. "Tyler, it's going to be such fun!" Beverly said, beaming over it. "I know, but we can't think about that now." She nodded understanding and didn't say a word as we walked to the church room. I can't afford getting distracted. Sitting down in a chair, I waited for Father Steven Roman to take the alter. We call him Father Roman for short. He asked us to join him in prayer. I shut my eyes and listened to his words. He prayed to have a safe school year and that the seniors, my class, go out and do God's work. "And I just want to say-" Father Roman was cut off by someone slamming the doors open. Of course, everyone turned to see who is causing all the commotion. "Hello." A boy with thick brown hair yells as he walks in. His tall build and long strides are both demanding. He didn't notice Father Roman silently scolding him. "Can you come up here and introduce yourself, young man." The boy looked at Father Roman. "Sure," He said with a thick English accent. Jumping on stage, he pulled out a piece of gum. We aren't allowed to chew gum in here because the smacking is distracting. "What is your name, young man?" Father Roman asked the boy, who had visible tattoos on his neck and gauges. They weren't big, but they were obvious enough. We aren't supposed to ruin our ears like that. We aren't supposed to have tattoos, but at least he wore long sleeves. The boy's uniform is a black, or red, polo shirt with a pair of beige or black khakis. They had to wear the required black shoes that looked more business casual. The girl's uniform is a dress that reaches mid-thigh or lower. They come in black, red, or plaid of black and red. We had to wear black or white long or short socks, and our shoes were black loafers. Our loafers look more modern. "My name is Harry Styles." He looked around the room at the crowd with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Where are you from, Harry?" Father Roman asked him. "I am from Cheshire, England." He said as his eyes scanned the room with a cocky smile. I wasn't amused, but a little thrown off seeing that's where my dad was born before he moved to London. "What brought you to America, Harry?" Harry sighed. "Honestly, I was dumped here to 'fix' my wild and inappropriate behavior, according to my mum." He put quotations around the word fix. "Well, Harry, I hope you find your way." Father Roman said to Harry as his eyes scanned the room again. This time, his eyes landed on me. A smirk slowly made its way to his face revealing two deep dimples. He winked at me, making me roll my eyes. "Please, Harry, find a seat. Do you have a bible?" Father Roman asked him. "I'm sorry, what?"Please tell me he's kidding. "It's a book filled with books to show us the epic love story between Jesus and us. Each book has an important significance to be in here." Harry looked at it, confused. "Cool, I guess," Harry said, and Father Roman let out a small gasp. I could tell he was trying to give Harry some grace. "Here, you're going to need this." Father Roman said, emphasizing the word need. Harry took it without a second thought before getting off the stage and found a seat behind me. After the lesson, Father Roman, let us go. Finding my college algebra class, I sat down, waiting for class to start. Just as the bell rang, the door opened to Harry. This year is going to be a drag.
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