I: Cantaloupe? What a Name.

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Wham!  The sound of our bondaged knuckles hitting the punching bag can be heard echoing around our training area. "Why don't you just accept his offer, Kil?"  Milton asked while we're getting a much needed break before we break a bone or two. I cracked my knuckles and squared my sore shoulders.   "F***, he's going to kill us sooner or later, Mil."  I groaned and blew out a breath before drinking a whole bottle of water.  I emptied the glass before I continued.  "Because I don't want to, simple as that. Besides, you're his next in line, aren't you?"  I grinned at my little brother and stood up.  "Because he has no other choice but me. Even if I do not want to be his successor, you know I cannot just reject him. Since France and Aunt Monique, Uncle Francis has no one but us." I nodded in agreement.  Five years ago, unidentified men ambushed the car where Aunt Monique, and our cousin France who were only ten years old at the time are. I am five years older than him and Milton is three years older than France. France was supposed to succeed, Uncle Francis' underground business, but the unfortunate accident happened. Our Parents are against the idea of Milton and I succeeding him, but Uncle Francis is family. And you do not abandon a family. But who would want to risk their lives so easily?   "Besides, you know I'm the one Dad wanted to take over the company when I graduated."  When I said that, his face fell which made me laugh.  "That is why I'd rather be part of the Mafia, man. Do you see how old Dad looks because of stress? The man is fifty-five, but looks like seventy!"  we laughed together at that.  "F****, if he hears you. He may look old but he sure can still kick your ass." He shrugged and we proceeded back to training.  Now, you may be wondering, what sort of training? Work? Running?  No. Hell no.  They are training us worse than military training.  They are teaching my brother and I various kinds of guns, knives, grenades, name it.  Hell, they even train us to be immune to various types of toxins. And now you may be wondering, why go through all that when you are not the one inheriting the position? Simple. Because I am a good brother.  "Let's go, squirt. We still have a class at ten."  I called out to my brother before sliding inside my car.  I messed up my slightly wet hair before starting the engine.  When Milton hopped in, I drove my car out of my Uncle's mansion and made my way to School. I am currently in my last year before I get to leave the damn School and Milton will still be struggling for another three years, unlucky him. We were so caught up in our conversation that I did not notice a girl walking in front of our way.  "S***!"  I cursed as I hit the brake.  "Son of a b***h!"  I smashed my hand on the wheel and angrily stepped out of the car after unbuckling my seat belt.  I saw Milton aiding the woman up, who's still obviously quivering with fear.  Her straight and long auburn hair is hiding her entire face so I cannot see her face. But that doesn't really matter now, does it?  "Are you blind?! What if I run you over? And so it'll be my fault and waste money for your hospital bills because of your stupidity?!" I yelled out and gritted my teeth in irritation.  "Quit it, Kilton! She's already scared and you're just scaring him more. Miss, are you okay?" Milton snapped at me while speaking to the woman. My face screwed up at his words.   To our shock, she violently flipped her auburn hair and addressed me with swift but heavy steps and pushed me hard which did not faze me but peeved me more.  "You're the stupid driver! You know this is the School Zone and you're driving like crazy! What, just 'coz your car is expensive you think it'll make you look cool?!" she yelled out and now I am free to see her face.  Yes, she is beautiful, I admit, her beauty struck me and amazes me. Her forest green eyes are narrowed while looking at me. Her eyebrows are as auburn as her hair, which is a sign that it is her natural color. Straight nose with dorsal hump. A mole on top of her heart shaped lips. Little freckles all over her cheeks, proof that the little spitfire is not wearing any makeup. I lost my anger for a while because of her beauty but when she talked? Turn off, man. Women with bazooka mouths are what I detest the most.   I narrowed my eyes at her as I stared at her, scrutinizing her face closely. The little girl has the guts, I give her that.  She didn't even reach my chin, did she not know I could toss her easily?  Not that I'll actually do it. We stared at each other for a minute, no one wanted to give up. Attempting to intimidate each other—which is not really working if you'd ask me. Why would I be intimidated by her? And her.. trying to intimidate me with her cute size. Heh. "Midget."  "Asshole."  I heard gasps of shocks around us because of what she stated.  What can I say?  I was known throughout the School and to see someone like her insult me is new to them.  "If you look where you're going I won't bump into you."  "If you slow down you won't hit me."  "Okay, okay. Enough, guys. We both have mistakes. Miss, please forgive my older brother. He's a bit stressed, but he's nice." I heard the girl snort and I lifted my eyebrow as if to ask if there is something amusing.  "I'm Milton by the way. Milton Algarotti and this is my brother, Kilton Algarotti."  From our staring contest, her eyes shifted to my brother and the look of annoyance faded from her face which irked me. Does she find my brother more attractive?  Milton and I look exactly alike that you will think of us as twins. We both have sandy brown hair inherited from our Father. We both have round eyebrows, but mine is thicker that it makes me appear like a bad boy. I have close-set eyes while Milton has a pair of wide sets of eyes. I got my Mother's hazel eyes while he got Dad's blue ones. He bears a long nose while I have an overprotective shaped nose. He got a pair of thin lips while I have a pair of full lips.   "Lou." she answered my brother.  "Nice to meet you, Lou. Again, I'm sorry." Milton smiled at her and turned to me. "Come on, Kil. We are bothering the others."  I stared down at 'Lou' and smirked. "Next time, don't be stupid."  I scowled at her before getting inside my car.  I even pushed my horn that made her slightly jump, making me laugh.  "Oh, this is going to be fun. And here I thought this year was going to be a boring one."  I grinned at my brother and he just shook his head at me.  Now, I am not exactly a bully who enjoys tormenting others for their own entertainment, but I am also not a good student. Let's just say that when someone gets my attention, I will not stop until I get the truth. Until I am done with them.  "She's a girl, Kil Don't even think about it."  Before I started the car I heard someone shout before the brave woman turned.  "Cantaloupe!"  My grin widened. Cantaloupe, watch out because I am coming for you. PROFESSOR MARTINEZ is currently babbling, well, more like teaching really, but my mind is currently preoccupied by a certain fruit.  Cantaloupe. She appears to be bold but I know she has weaknesses. Damn, I can't wait to break her tough facade.  I cannot wait to make her cry. I can't wait 'til I find out what she's possibly hiding. I wonder what I should do first. I licked my lips as I thought of a flawless way to deal with her. Lock her in a room overnight?  Well, too lame.  Make her clean the entire field by herself?  Pft, too simple.  How about making her run for an hour?  Hmm, not bad, Kil.  "So, what do you think, Mr. Algarotti?" I blinked and turned to my professor and found that the entire class was looking at me.  Some of them were smiling, some were smiling bitterly, some just couldn't care less.  "I'm sorry, what?" I asked genuinely confused.  "Were you even listening or am I just talking in the air? Do you treat me as nothing, Mr. Algarotti?" Professor Martinez asked, clearly displeased and offended.  Some snickered and some laughed, but I stayed calm.  "I was listening, actually. Too much that I got bored, not that I'm saying you are boring me, but that is precisely what I'm trying to say. I mean, man, even a high school student can do better than this and you call yourself a professor?" I snorted and began packing my things. I ignored their looks and left with my head held high.  Now, don't get me wrong. I am not exactly your typical rich boy who abuses his power, I am not that smart either, but when I know I am in the right I will not just keep quiet.  And I know what that Professor is doing.  He wanted to humiliate me because of what I did to him last year. Is it my fault that his little girlfriend likes me and left him for me? The old geezer is a cheater, that's why.  He deserves it. He's foolish if he thought he could step on me.  Not on my watch, Martinez.  Not on my property. I received various greetings and only nodded in response to them.  One of the things my brother and I were taught was reading expressions. And we are taught not to instantly trust anyone.  Hell, even a family can stab you in the back.  I know that nearly everyone I meet, there are cowards who want to be friends with me because they do not want to be my enemy. Some are just speaking to me because of my family name. There are pompous assholes who want to fight, but always lose.  Idiots who will not go away either because they know what I can do and where I came from.  "Hi, Kil." And women who think so highly of themselves will also surround us. Some of them just want what's between your legs or what's inside your wallet. Some have bigger breasts than brains. "Bye."  I said to her before shrugging her manicured hand off my shoulder. Just because I am handsome doesn't mean I am a f**k boy.  They are not my type, I do not like those who look in the mirror every now and then to check if the lipstick painted on their swollen lips is fading. I don't like a woman who throws herself at me.  I don't like women who make it a priority to find a rich boyfriend who can buy them whatever they desire.  I want someone independent, someone who will punch me in the face when I do something evil.  Someone who can knock some sense into me.  Someone who's capable of putting me in my own place.  And that someone is walking past me.  It's as if time ceased and all I can do is stare at her, after her.  Her eyes held no emotion, her lips with no hint of any lipstick are pressed on a thin line.  She's frowning like the first time I saw her, but why the heck do I find her to be so damn beautiful like that?  "Cantaloupe."  She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to give me a deadly glare.  "Lou."  She spat.  I grinned.  "Cantaloupe."  She scrunched her face adorably and rolled her eyes.  "Your face is ruining my day."  after she said that she walked away from me. Instead of feeling offended by what she said, I smiled even more.   Oh, you will see my face more often, fruity.  I put my hands in my pocket and whistles while walking my way to the guidance office. I did not bother to knock and instead went straight to the School's President office.  Why do I need permission to see my own Aunt?  "Hello, my beautiful Aunt."  I greeted my Aunt with a grin. She just sighed at the sight of me, as if already worn out even if I haven't started my purpose of visit.  "What now, Kilton?"  I scratched my neck and gave her an innocent face.  "I'm just saying hello to my favorite Aunt. Is that bad?"  "Yep, no. Because I'm your only aunt, Kilton."  she rolled her gray eyes at me.  I laughed and walked closer to her desk.  "I'm not here to fool around, Aunt Mylene. I'm serious. Well, maybe I'll talk to your secretary for a while, but that's it."  Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at me.  She reminded me so much of my Father and Uncle when she did that.  But I know my Aunt Mylene, she loves my brother and I because up until now, she has not been blessed with a child.  "Are you going to do something foolish again?"  "What? Me? Of course not. I'm leaving now and I still have class."  I took a closer step to her and kissed her forehead.  "I love you."  I grinned affectionately at her and waved.  "I'll visit you guys this weekend. I'll cook you your favorite."  she said after which made me smile.  "Can't wait!"  I said before closing the door behind me.  I walked closer to Jackson, who is his Secretary.  I saw him gulp when I sat in front of his desk.  "Hi, Jackson. I have a favor to ask."  "I have a bad feeling about this."  he swallowed again and I just grinned at him.
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