Chapter 3

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Lily' POV We reach home and I go straight to my room. I change and then come down for lunch. Everyine is seated, including Bella. " How was school? " Mama asks. " It was boring as usual, professor stopped me for an extra lecture. I was dying but I somehow survived. " Bella says, seriously as if she came out of a war zone.  " Bella, it's just school not a battle ground. " Mama comments, just what I was thinking. " Must be hard, for her love. " Papa supports Bella. She is a daddy's girl.  " Yess it was and do you know, I couldn't even get my starbucks today " She whines. " First world problems be like. " Brandon comments and both mama and Brandon start laughing. And well Brandon is a mama's boy. " How was your day? " Mama asks me. " It was good. " I reply not looking in her eyes. " Lily what's wrong with your face? " Bella exclaims. Mama notices that too. " I.." I am not able to form a sentence. " Someone pushed her into the lockers, she hit her face. " Brandon lies, quickly and swiftly. " Don't worry, I complained to the authorities, he has been taken care of. " He replies, like an angel. Brandon loves mama a lot, he has this good boy image infront of her. " I'll talk to them myself about this. What was the boy's name? " Papa asks. Brandon tenses at that.  " Dad don't worry about that, it's not a big deal. " He says. " I expect you to be in my office after lunch. " Dad orders. It's scary how he goes from a loving father to a serious boss. It's scary. " Jake is something wrong? " Mams asks, still not getting the whole situation. She has blind trust in her son. Whereas papa does too, but not to an extent that it becomes blinding. He knows Brandon did something, but Brandon is his son. He will scold him and then cover up for him. It has happened many times. He does try to punish Brandon, like limiting his credit card and parties but he doesn't tell mama what Brandon does to me because it will break her heart. And truth be told I don't tell her anything for the same reason. " Everything is alright love. " He says, kissing her on the forhead. They are so in love! Will I ever find someone like that? " By the way Alex and Sabrina are coming over for the party. " Mama informs. We are having a pool party, due to the arriving summer. Just family and friends. " Yayyy!! " Bella exclaims. Sabrina aunt is really fun to hang out with. So I'm happy too.  Papa doesn't look happy though. He never looks happy whenever there is a mention of them. Mama told me he is jealous of uncle Alex. Sometimes she does it on purpose to make his jealous. " So alex will be here too? " He asks. " Yeah. Any problem? " Mama asks innocently. " No, of course not. " He says, putting up a fake smile. " Wait isn't uncle Alex out of town? " Brandon asks. " Brandon you ruined the fun. " Mama whines. A look of relief finally crosses papa's face. Fianlly we all go to our rooms. I start studying. Maths has always been difficult for me so I call Drew for help. He is a brilliant student. After an hour, a maid comes in. " Your father has called you in his study room. " She informs. " Okay, I'm coming. "  I get up and go to papa's  study room. Brandon is seated there too. " Come in Lily have a seat. " He welcomes me, with a smile. I take a seat besides Brandon.  " Kids I don't know why you hate each other but this needs to end. " He informs both of us. " I don't hate him. " I tell papa. " I know Brandon hit you, I don't think I can hide it anymore from Crystal. This is my last warning to you. Do not test me boy." He warns Brandon. Brandon looks scared. " Apologize to Lily and leave. " He orders. " I am so sorry Lily, it will never happen again. " He says and leaves. The way he said it, it seemed more like a threat rather than a apology. " I've talked to him. He won't do it again. " Papa assures. " But he always does. He even hit me today papa. " I complain. " I know and I asked him to apologize for that. It would break Crystal's heart. You know that, don't you? " He asks. I nod  " So keep this to yourself. I assure he will never hit you again. " He states. " Okay, can I leave now? " I ask. He nods his head and I go. Even though he tells Brandon to stop, but he never allows me to tell anything to mama. This is unfair! Follow my book, leave a heart guysss.
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