1355 Words
I heard the clinging sound in the kitchen. Ellen, my foster mother shouts from downstairs, “Come down, now, Silver. we are having guests in the evening, and you have to help me prepare the dinner.”  Like I give a f**k, not my monkeys, not my circus, but guess what? I have to go down in the kitchen and help her because I have no other options. I descend the staircase in haste and went straight to the kitchen where I saw Ellen arranging the cutlery on the dining table. It seems like someone important is coming tonite, otherwise, this woman will never work this hard to impress anyone. She even places a vase filled with daisies on the table. I was keen on observing her, decorating the dining table while standing in the corner. “Are you going to stand there like a statue and watch me doing all the chores? Or you will help me?” she crossed her arms below her breasts and orders me like I'm her personal maid, “come here and place these elegant crockery on the table.” she shouts on me  I move toward the counter and hold the plates in my hands. i approach the dining table carefully and place the plates on it. Well, at least I tried to place them better than her. “This is not the correct way to put that crockery, you dumb child. I don't know how many times I will tell you but you will never get it or try to learn anything…” Ellen yelled at me but she halts when baby Bella started crying loudly. I felt bad for her baby as she has to tolerate this demonic pig as her mother; I hope she won’t turn out like her.  Ellen took Bella in her arms and cooed at her, which made Bella stop crying. Ellen turns to me and yell, “What are you looking at? Go, cut those veggies. I have to prepare the dinner within 2 hours.” “Oh!! Sure.” I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen counter. I pull out a knife and start chopping the vegetables. I was wondering who is the guest who will swig on Ellen’s horrible cooking. She is the worst cook in the world. I finish chopping and wash my hands and went into the hall. I saw Ellen putting sleeping Bella in her crib.  I did my job, so I went to hide in my cave. As soon as I step on the stairs, Ellen calls me, “where are you going? I keep you here for nothing. If you are living here, work here, i***t. Come back to the kitchen.” Yeah! Exactly, that's why you have adopted me from the orphanage to make me your free maid. Bloody b***h!  I was glaring at her back. What is her problem? Since she divorced her husband, she made my life no better than hell. Now, she got her ticket of freedom to be a w***e because she stays out over 3 days in a week, f*****g random guys of the streets. Who knows if she is diseased or not? Ellen keeps uttering words under her breath. Say whatever you want to, b***h. I don’t care anymore. “Fill that big tumbler with juice; I have to tell you everything now? You are just a useless child, maybe that’s why your biological parents must have left you.” she insults me and smirked wickedly while doing whatever she was doing before. I grab the handle of the tumbler tightly to hold on my anger. To be honest, I want to throw the damn tumbler of juice on her, but I just can’t. Wait… I Can do something else... Oops… I dropped the tumbler on the floor and made it look like an accident. “I am so sorry, Ellen. I lost my grip on it, somehow.” I apologize to her, trying to act as natural as I Can.  “What the hell you have done, Silver. This tumbler was an antique, and you drop it, you moron.” She yelled at me and slapped me hard on my left cheek. My cheek is red and stinging hard. But the pain was worth it when I saw the expression of Ellen's face. “Go back to your room, you ruined it. You stupid girl! Useless. Get out of my sight.” Ellen screams. Gladly, I left the kitchen with a smile formed on my lips and I rushed into my room. “That’s what happens when you mess with a rebellious teenager, whore.” I fake talk to me while walking into the room. My room is small in comparing with the other rooms in the house, but it was my heaven. My room is the only place in this whole place I decorate which. I'm tired, so crawl to my bed and took a short nap. Soon after, a loud knock on the door interrupts my sleep. I huff in irritation and get up to open the door. Ellen is standing in front of my room. What she wants now? If she is smart enough, she will not ask me for any help. I even try to hold my smile back. “What I can do for you?” I asked her straightly.  “Wear something nice and get down in 15 minutes. My guest is about to arrive and pretend to be a good child. I don’t want any drama while dinner. Understood?” Ellen commands me and left. What she thinks of herself, she is the one who creates drama. I close the door and went back to my bed. I am not interested in her dinner party, but my stomach is growling shamelessly now. I choose a floral dress which reaches up to my knees. I braid my hair and slid a pair of flip-flops. I descended from the stairs quietly as I heard someone talking down in the hall.  “Here she is, meet my daughter Silver. Isn’t she pretty? Silver meet my friend Adam, he is our guest tonight.” Ellen grabs my arm and introduces me to the guy who was standing in the hall. I choked on my saliva when Ellen called me her daughter. I smiled slightly to look that I am interested in their conversation. But honestly, I am disgusted by Ellen and her so-called friend. “Hello, Silver! A unique name you have. I kind of like it.” Adam praises and shakes his hands with me. “What would you like to have first?" Ellen asks Adam and her voice fades as she took that guy into the dining hall.  I sigh in frustration and I feel weird about Adam. Something is not right about this guy. He givings some negative vibes. Even though he is very good-looking, but something seems to be wicked about him. I shrugged my intuitions away and joined them in the dining hall. “Silver please places these platters on the tables.” Ellen smiles but her eyes warning me to not to ruin anything. I try to hold my laugh back. Scared? b***h! The dinner went nicely smooth. Ellen even praised me in front of Adam. Maybe she is trying to impress this guy. “So tell me something about you Silver?” I choked on my food when Adam asks me.  “I am sorry. Why do you want to know about me?” I reply ignorantly.  Adam frowned at me and Ellen quickly covered him, “dear, Adam will be your stepfather, soon. That’s why he wants to know about his stepchildren. Bella is too young to introduce her, but you can. I want your bonding to be like perfect father-daughter bonding. Am I right Adam?” Adam nods his head in agreement. A Spoon slips out of my hands, and my jaw drop to the floor in surprise, “WHATT?????”
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