Court room

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“Your honor, I would like to bring to your notice that this is the fifth time Mr. Abram Ali has not attended the divorce hearing. He deliberately harasses my client Mrs. Maira Noor by delaying the hearing," Thomas, Maira's lawyer, pleaded. “I object, my lord. Mr. Ali is going through serious health issues which require him to frequent the hospital and stay for treatment," the opposition lawyer argued. “So my friend Mr. Nathan here is saying, since the day he filed for divorce from my client, he is either not well or out of the city. My lord, for two years, Mr. Ali has neither attended any single court hearing, nor he is responding to my client's call whereas my client Mrs. Maira never missed her appointment though she has a career which also needs her attention to." “I would state again that Mr. Ali is deliberately delaying the session as he doesn't have a valid reason to divorce my client, and she can sue him for mental harassment."  “Mr. Nathan, this was the last time I am postponing the hearing. The next session, I want your client to attend it unless he is on a ventilator," the remaining crowd giggled, hearing the sarcasm in the judge's words. The courtroom was filled with many new lawyers or interns who wanted to learn the art of debating in the live courtroom. “Sir, on behalf of my client, I request the next hearing to be held after 2 months. Till then, he would recover and attend the court without fail." “Request granted, next case hearing shall start after the break," with that, the judge adjourns the hearing. Maira stepped out of the court along with her lawyer. “Mrs. Maira, did you try to talk to your husband again?" Thomas asked while going through the file his assistant has given for review. “Yes, but now it says the number is invalid. He is not using that number anymore," Maira replied, heartbroken realizing there was no way to talk to Abram, and it has been more than 2 years since that fateful day. “Don't worry, this time the judge has given the ultimatum. The case is now in our favor, plus he doesn't have a valid reason for divorce," Thomas assured her in his professional tone.  “Well, thank you so much. I will take your leave now. I need to reach the office," with that, Maira parted her way. Boarding a passing cab, Maira was lost in the past. While she was reminiscing the part, a lone tear escaped from her eye. Why Abram? What did I ever do to you? You left me when I was vulnerable and need you the most, she cried inwards. The cab driver gave her a sympathetic look through the rearview mirror. She was brought out of her thoughts when her mother called her. “No, mamma, again, he didn't come," she quickly hid her sorrow and spoke as if she didn't care. “God only knows what that boy is up to. He neither talks to you directly nor attends the hearing. It looks like he is punishing you for no reason," she could hear her mothers complain over the other side of the phone. “Thomas assured me that the case is in our favor because of his absenteeism." She tried cheering her mother up, noticing the sadness behind her voice. “I always tell you to let us accompany you during the hearing. Why don't you let us be with you." Her mother couldn't help but complain. “Mamma, you know how much time it will take for the number to come for the hearing? I can't let you wait for long hours plus, I have to go to the office too from there. I can't let you and Dadda be on your own," Maira lied, knowing how emotional her mother will become once the reality of the courtroom hits her. Before her mother could retort, she immediately interrupted her, “Okay, I have reached the office now and need to go. Already I am late than the assigned time, love you, bye." With that, she hung up the call while, in reality, she was still in the cab. Letting out a deep sigh, she stared blankly out of the window till she reached her office. It took her nearly an hour to reach the office as the civil courts are located at one corner of the city while her office was in the main commercial area. “You are late, and I am sure that ass again didn't turn up," Sharon said while rolling her eyes at Maira's face.  Anybody can guess what is going on in her mind, and yet she pretends as if it doesn't affect her, Sharon thought. “Well, we should always look for the good even in bad times. The case is in my favor because he is not attending," Maira said with her signature smile. The unusual part of her smile was her Dracula teeth, which made her smile more charming. “Yes, Mother Teresa, now move your ass as we have a meeting with the boss, and later we are going for a party." Seeing that Maira was declining her offer for that party, Sharon abruptly interrupted her, “I am not taking no for an answer. Either you come willingly, or I am abducting you." “Sharon, you know my family and me, we don't do parties. We are lower middle class, who value their virtue more than anything, remember?" Maira said while flicking Sharon's head. “There is a reason I call you mother Teresa. You live for others, and look where it landed you?" seeing that Maira was hurt by her words, Sharon immediately apologized. “I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, Maira, but you have to learn to live for yourself too. I am concerned about you, babe." “I know you are worried about me, but I can't lie to my family. They trust me, and I can't break that trust." “You are not lying. It's just you are not telling the truth either, plus we are not going to do anything wrong. Just hang out and have some fun. You need a break, and I will do anything on my part to get you out of your depression." Sharon was always good at manipulating things, and she knows Maira was the kind of person who thinks from her heart rather than her brain. “I already spoke to your mother, and she is okay with you staying with me for tonight. Now the end of the discussion or we will be late for our weekly meet," With that, Sharon dragged Maira towards the elevator. Both worked for a multinational company that provided financing as third parties and provided customer support services to various clientele companies. They worked as business analysts and mainly worked on managing customer data for millions of customers and forecasting future hurdles. “Today's meet agenda is client visit as well as a new assistant vice president will be joining us along with the client. Basically, he worked in the US branch but has now relocated to our Indian branch," Maira's manager Shantanu addressed his team. “Now I want no mistakes as a business analyst team, their agenda for visiting the Indian branch is to revamp our team with new technology, this client visit is essential for us. One mistake and will cost the company. So pull up your socks and give your best in the coming month." With that, he dismissed the meeting. After their office was over, Sharon took Maira shopping to buy a new dress for the party. Much to her horror, she chose a beige color bodycon dress with full net sleeves, making her fair complexion stand out. “Are you crazy? I am not wearing that dress. You know short dresses, and especially body hugging is a big no for me," Maira said in disbelief. She never expected her best friend not to know her clothing preference. “Oh, you always dress like an old lady with loose clothes, and the place where we are going has a dress code, so go now and try. We have to buy you sandals also." Sharon pushed her into the trail room. You have seen worse in your life, and I want to make you forget the s**t you went through for that ass, Sharon thought. Going to the party was just an excuse to make her come out of her shell.
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