Chapter Four - Proposal and Rules....

1318 Words
Avalon’s P.O.V I sat there my knee bouncing up and down. My heart thudding in my chest. Landon moved his hand from his lap, placing it on my thigh, the same way he did earlier. I shivered in the same way I did then too. “Relax.” He whispered in my ear. I let out a small moan with the feeling of his breath on my skin. Relax? How the heck does he expect me to relax? He is touching me, and whispering in my ear, there is no darn chance I am gonna relax EVER with him close to me. It is not gonna happen. I did try, failing miserably. I hear him chuckle from beside me. I am glad he finds this amusing cause I sure do not. I find it pathetic the way he is making me a weak, hot mess. No man should have an effect like this on me EVER, it is not right. “Avalon look at me.” He said sternly. I slowly turned my head to face him, his face only inches apart from mine. His eyes in line with mine, the colour darker in them again. He smiled at me and you know what happened? I moaned. Yes, I let out a damn moan because he smiled at me. What is wrong with me? “Hmm, you want me more than I first thought. If I can make you moan with only a smile. I can’t help but wonder what else I can make you do when I kiss and touch you.” He growled at me, a devilish look on his face. I closed my eyes over, pressing my thighs together trying to stop the tingling between my legs. I need to put a space between us, be able to breathe probably. I quickly jumped to my feet, standing a small distance away from the sofa. Landon looked up at me, his full-face changing. “Avalon sit back down.” He said that authority back in his tone. “No.” I whispered out, “I can’t handle it.” I added. On darn it. I was not meant to say that last part out loud. I slammed my hand over my mouth, my entire face and neck heating up. he stayed put, looking up at me with a sexy smirk on his lips and a desire in his eyes. He motioned me over to him. I shook my head, trying to keep some sort of control of myself. “Avalon?” he warned. I slowly made my way over to him, standing in front of him. He grabbed me by my hips, pulling me between his legs, pressing his legs against my body, trapping me between his legs. “We need to talk. Now please sit down and stay there.” He said. I nodded, him letting me escape from between his legs. I took my seat back down next to him, making sure there was some sort of space between us. “I don’t usually do this, but you intrigue me. I want you very badly, more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I know you are still a virgin and the thought of me taking that away from you makes you nervous, even a little scared because you do not know me. Is that right?” he asked, and I nodded. “That is what I thought. Do you want me Avalon?” he asked. I chewed on my inner cheek nervously as his eyes stared at me intensely, waiting for my answer. I could lie and tell him, no, but he would see right through me. Of course, I wanted him he made me feel things I have never felt before. “Yes.” I squeaked out. “I know, just wanted you to confirm it. Now that is cleared up, back to what I was saying. I will allow myself to take you on three dates. You get to ask me anything you want but after that, no more personal questions will be asked, it will only be mainly s*x after that. Can you do that? Three dates?” he asked. I nodded, my mind to busy trying to process all the information he is giving me. “And if all goes well then we will discuss further information and rules because there are rules. I am a strong believer in rules. Can you follow rules?” he asked. “Yes, very well. I have always been the good girl type I guess.” I said. “Yes, I get that sense from you. Though if all goes well which I am confident it will we will need to find that wild side that I know all women have in them which will only be for me to see in the bedroom department, no one else.” He said. I was trying to wrap my head around why I was agreeing to all this? Should I not be worried? Should I not be staying away from men like Landon? Probably but I know it is not gonna go that way, I can feel it. I was curious about what he meant by rules. “Landon what kind of rules?” I asked shyly He smirked, reaching in and placed his hand on my cheek “That baby girl is something you are not going to know until the three dates are done which we will be doing over the next week. I will tell you one rule. If you want to continue after these dates then you stay at my place anytime I ask. I need you close.” He said. “Anytime you want me to? And what if I have plans?” I asked. “We will discuss all of that is this shall continue.” He said. “Ok. And what if I don’t wanna continue after the three dates?” I asked. “Then I move on and forget about you, simple as that. I do not wait around for anybody and sure as heck do not try harder to get someone that does not want me. Our first date will be tomorrow. Dress nice, in a dress preferably.” He said. Landon pulled away from me, standing to his feet/ “Walk me out.” He said. I nodded, standing my feet, and followed him to the front door. He turned to face me, his back against the door. “I want a good night kiss from you.” He said sternly. I was nervous to make the first move, but I knew that is what he wanted. I stepped in closer to him, his hands falling on my hips and pulled me into him. He inched closer to me and I closed the small space that remained between us. As soon as his lips touched mine, I moaned loudly. That feeling of euphoria taking over every part of my body, between my legs beginning to heat...become wet. He wrapped his fingers in my hair roughly and I wrapped mine around his neck, Landon letting me do it this time. He swung us around pushing me hard against the door, pressing himself tightly against my body. His excitement pressing between my thighs, a throaty groan falling from my lips. He pulled away, much to my dismay. I wanted more...I needed more. “That is quite enough, for now, Avalon before I f**k you hard right here and now against this door. Do you feel what you do to me?” he said rolling his hips into me. “Mmm.” Fell from my lips. “And I know I do the same to you. Your panties are already probably wet, aren’t they?” he smirked. “Yes.” I moaned. “Good. I will pick you up at 7 pm tomorrow. Be ready cause I don’t appreciate waiting around.” He said moving me away from him. “Good night Avalon. Lock the door as soon as I leave.” He said, a sternness to his tone at the last part. “I will. Goodnight.” I breathed out. “Text me before you go to sleep.” He said and with that, he opened the door and walked away. I stood on the same spot, wondering if all of that really happened. “Door Avalon.” He called before disappearing into the lift. I closed the door, locking it and headed to the sofa throwing myself down on it. What the heck just happened?    
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