
The Alphas Omegas

opposites attract

The Alphas Omegas contains multiple mates with MM - MF - and MFM scenes. If this isn't your thing, then please don't read :)

Brayden Dalgaard is the Alpha of Blackpaw Pack- a once vile and cruel man who had no tolerance for same-se.x couples, and especially not Omegas. Mean to his Omega sister all her life, bullying, belittling, and even torturing her, she finally flips and attacks Brayden. Close to death, Brayden's mate appears, only not the mate Brayden was expecting. Upon opening his heavy eyes, Brayden sees the Moon Goddess has granted him a male Omega mate. Unable to stand this, once able to leave his birth pack, Brayden flees. Fifteen months later, a changed man, an Alpha of his own pack, Brayden, returns for his mate. The Moon Goddess could have let Brayden die the day his sister attacked him, but she had other plans for the once ruthless Alpha in the shape of Xavier and Blue—two Omegas who turn the Alphas life upside down. Where one Omega is calm, the other is fiery. Where one has the power to soothe, the other has the power to destroy. Fire and Ice meet the storm within Alpha Brayden, and the three together are explosive! Join Brayden on his journey to claim his Omegas and prove to his family that he is not the man he led them all to believe.

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Fading out
Xavier This book is the property of K M Dimarrco and is exclusive to Dreame and Stary Writing and should not be uploaded anywhere else. If you’re reading this book or have read this book elsewhere, please report it because it is stolen. Thank you. “So, how long do you think I have left?” Rona looks at me through her lashes and sighs. “It’s hard to say, Xavier. You’re weakening at a rapid rate, and nothing I do seems to be working. I’ve worked with many Omegas over the years, and I have to say that you’re the first one to hold on this long.” Rona sits on the edge of my bed, her large breasts pushing against her white Doctor’s coat. She takes my big hand in her small one and sighs. Rona was best friends with my mother before she died. They were closer than sisters and would have done anything for each other. Rona used to joke that my mother was the vanilla to her chocolate, referring to their skin color. It was never needed, but Rona has always been a joker. When my mother died right after my father, Rona took my twin sister and me in and cared for us. Those around her said she should have left Xena and me in the children’s home; it’s what’s best for two eleven-year-old Omegas. Rona refused because she never gave a damn that Xena and I were Omega’s; she loved us regardless. She petitioned to keep us, even going so far as to seek an audience with King Thane. She won her case and raised us with love. Now, after nine years of caring for me and pushing me to train my body to be stronger, Rona has to nurse me in death. This is killing her; I can see it. But as our packs Theta, or layman’s term, Doctor, it’s her job to heal to the best of her ability. However, nothing can be done for me, and Rona knows it. With a long dark finger, Rona pushes my long hair out of my eye. I’m grateful because it irritates me, and I don’t have the strength to lift my hand. “What are you holding on for, baby boy?” I smile while trying to force my eyes open. They’re so heavy and burn, and I just want to sleep. But it makes me smile when she calls me baby boy; it somehow makes me feel close to my mother. Mom. I’ll be seeing her real soon. Rona was never able to have children of her own, so she has always treated my sister and me as though we were hers. Even when my parents were around, Rona was like a second mother to us. I love her more than she’ll ever know. “What are you holding on for?” Rona repeats, even though my eyes are closed. I’m holding on because I had hope that my sister would return. She’s been missing for months, and no one has heard or seen anything. It’s like Xena vanished into thin air, and there is nothing I can do to bring her back. I miss her, and I need her, but Xena is gone, never to return. I also hoped that Brayden would come to me. He swore that day in the forest that he wouldn’t be gone forever; he just needed time to figure things out in his head. Finding out that you have a male mate can be daunting, especially when you’ve never looked at a man that way, and neither Brayden nor I had. I didn’t ask to be mated to a man. But I wasn’t disappointed either when I walked into that hospital room and saw Brayden lying there. Cyro, my Alpha, had called the packhouse and asked Paul to send me to Silver Dawn Pack. My Alpha needed help because my Luna was taken ill while visiting her family. I might be an Omega, but Cyro never treated me as such. Having an Omega mate himself meant our new Alpha was much more understanding than the last. Cyro was quite happy, allowing me to train in combat with everyone else. He was impressed with my ability to keep up with even the strongest wolves. Omegas are usually the weakest in the pack. But Cyro disputed this, saying Omegas are only as weak as they are led to believe. When I arrived at Silver Dawn, I could smell the most alluring scent I’d ever encountered. I thought I’d found my mate and that she’d be around somewhere. So, I followed the smell, leading me straight to the infirmary. My heart was banging inside my chest, and excitement filled my veins. I’d been dreaming of meeting my mate since I was a child. I imagined her to be a brunette with big blue eyes and a smile that would light the skies. But what did I see when I walked through the door? Bryaden Dalgaard, locked in sleep, and I had never been more confused in my life. So many emotions flew through me. I knew I was looking at my mate; I didn’t need anyone to confirm that. I couldn’t stop walking closer, reaching out my hand and touching his beautifully handsome face. Sparks ran through my body rapidly, but I jumped back when Brayden’s eyes shot open. They landed on me, wide and shocked. He knew; Brayden knew I was his mate, yet he said nothing. I saw the disgust in his eyes. I was an Omega, and he was an Alpha. We could never be; I knew that. It didn’t take long for the room to fill up, people talking, questions asked. I felt like an imposter, so I left. I found my Alpha and carried out the duties he gave me. The following day, I couldn’t stay away from Brayden any longer. The mate bond drew me to him, and my heart pounded. He’d been released from the hospital, and I found him by the lake. He was all alone, and I knew why; I’d heard the story of what happened from Cyro. Though I didn’t judge Brayden, I understood why he’d need to find solace in the forest. He felt guilty for all he’d put his sister, my Luna, through. Goddess, Brayden was a monster to her and then some. I should have hated him for the way he hurt Angel just because she was an Omega. But the mate bond wouldn’t let me hate him. I also realized that he would never accept me because I was an Omega, and Brayden hated all Omega’s. The Moon Goddess had a sense of humor, it seemed. Brayden didn’t look at me, though he did ask my name. I gave it to him, and he sighed before walking away. I followed him to his room, where he sat with his back to me and told me to leave. He wasn’t interested, and nothing I said would make it so. I passed two of his brothers on the way out but said nothing. I kept my head bowed as I was supposed to in the presence of Alphas and kept walking. Half an hour later, I saw Brayden walking out of the house with a bag on his back. Brayden was leaving without so much as a goodbye, though I didn’t expect one. I chased after him and managed to get him to stop walking, but he didn’t turn to look at me. Not once did he ever look at my face. I asked Brayden to reject me, but he said nothing on the subject. No, Brayden asked me to let him go without a fuss, he needed to sort his head out, and he couldn’t do that around me. He said that he was sorry, then took off with the speed of a vampire. When Brayden left, I felt my heart breaking, but I got on with my life. I missed Brayden every day, but I tried not to dwell. I guess I hoped that he’d come back and realize that he needed me. But Brayden never returned; it’s been fifteen months, and there’s been no sign. Angel never mentions Brayden, and I’ve not seen any member of her family in those months. I stay close to the packhouse and train every day with the warriors. Then I set out to look for my sister; I cannot give up on her. At least, I couldn’t until I could no longer fight the pain inside of me. I’ve been fighting since the day Brayden walked away from me, harder since my sister went missing, and I hoped that I was stronger than this. But since that day, I’ve been slowly dying. I began faltering in training to the point Jim told me to take some time off. He thought maybe I was losing my touch, but he had no idea I’d be on my deathbed just a month later. I don’t know how I’ve lasted fifteen months, but I’ve spent the past two weeks confined to this bed. I’m getting weaker as the minutes pass, and I know the end is coming; I can feel it. Without being verbally rejected, or even being outright rejected, can kill an Omega Wolf. I thought I was stronger than this, but I’m not. I’m dying, and there’s nothing I can do to save myself. I wish I could have found Xena. I would have held her one last time and told her to live her life to the fullest. My sister was meant for great things. I know Rona will never give up until she finds Xena and brings her home. Once she’s home, I know that Xena will be okay. Rona will take care of her for me. I also wish I could see Brayden’s face just once more. I’d tell him everything will be okay and that he shouldn’t feel guilty. I understand why he couldn’t accept me; he’s a lover of women. I don’t blame Brayden for the life he’s led; it’s not like I’ve been a saint. I pray he lives a good life and all his dreams come true. I want nothing more than his happiness. That probably makes me sound pathetic, but that is the kind of man I am. “How’s he doing?” I hear Angel’s voice penetrate my mind. I can’t open my eyes; I have no strength left to do so. “Luna. He’s not doing so well right now. His organs are failing, and nothing I do makes a difference.” Rona sniffs, and I sense Angel trying to comfort her. “Xavier isn’t going to make it, but he’s holding on for something. He passed out before he could tell me what, but I feel it was for his sister and his mate. Goddess, I wish I had that bitc.h in front of me right now; I’d rip her throat out for doing this to my boy!” She sobs. “Don’t, Rona. I know it hurts, but sometimes, we Omegas don’t get the happy ending. Whoever she was, Xavier’s mate missed out on someone special. She has to live with that for the rest of her life, and she will feel it when he passes, no matter how much time has gone by. If she lives much longer, that is.” I scoff inside my head. A woman is, of course, the first thing that would pop into someone’s head when it comes to a man’s mate. I wonder what they’d say if they knew? I never told anyone about Brayden because before he left, without looking at me, he demanded I keep it to myself. It broke my heart because I knew then that Brayden saw me as nothing more than filth. I’m not filth, I’m an Omega, but I’m not a pushover. However, I respected Brayden’s wishes and said nothing. I feel Angel’s hand in mine as she leans down and whispers in my ear, “It’s okay, Xavier. If you’re holding on for Xena, then that’s okay. But if you can’t any longer, if you need to go, then go, sweetheart. “I won’t stop until Xena is home with us, and I promise we’ll take good care of her for you. I want you to remember and take with you that you were loved.” I feel her kiss on my forehead. “You were the brother I never had, and I love you.” A tear slips from the corner of my eye at Angel’s words. We’ve been close since the day we met, my best friend, some would say. However, I couldn’t even confide in my best friend about who my mate was; I didn’t think she’d understand. Angel and Brayden don’t get on, and I felt that knowing would cause more friction between them. I couldn’t hide what had happened from Angel, but I didn’t correct her when she mentioned a woman. I didn’t see what it would achieve. Darkness takes me, but I hear voices in my head, a dream I can’t quite reach. I feel a hand on my face, and I feel at peace. ‘You are everything I ever wanted,’ The voice says. I smile when the light begins to shine around my mate. In my dream, he’s there, sitting in front of me on a picnic blanket, smiling. In my dream, he wants me. ‘You can’t leave me, Xavier.’ ‘I will never leave you,’ I tell him honestly while leaning into the hand on my face. Brayden presses his forehead to mine and breathes deeply. ‘I love you,’ He whispers, bringing tears to my eyes. I’ve longed to hear those words; since the day I found him. ‘I love you, too.’ Then his lips softly touch mine. But just as I’m about to kiss him deeper, he’s pulled back from me, screaming, reaching for me. I don’t understand what’s happening; why can’t I hold on? ‘It’s time to come home, my child.’ ‘Moon Goddess?’ She stands before me, in my mind, beautiful and ethereal. ‘Am I dead? Is this really it?’ ‘Take my hand, Xavier. Let me lead you home.’ She holds out her hand, and I hesitate. I’m not ready to die; I’m not! ‘It’s okay, Xavier, trust me.’ What else can I do but follow? I didn’t live long enough to find love, not love that would be returned to me. I tried to fight the mate bond as much as Brayden did, and perhaps that’s what kept me alive for so long. But I couldn’t fight it forever, and I fell in love with a man who never looked upon my face for more than a second. I’ll never know how Brayden is doing out there, but I hope he’s okay. I pray that he doesn’t suffer in my passing and knows it’s okay to be himself – whoever that may be. AN: Welcome to my new book! This book is part of the Lycans of Lykos series but set within a Wolf Pack. This book is an MFM story and will have se.x scenes with MF - MFM - MM. If multiple mates are not your thing, then don't read. But if you do give it a chance - thank you :)

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