
Coveted Man

contract marriage
Writing Academy

Handsome, rich, young, ideal for women. However, no one knows if Alex was hit by the curse of a women who was denied his love by Alex. The curse was kept secret and accidentally known by a girl who finally made Alex involved in a contract marriage with her.

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Brak.  The sound of crates hitting tiles was heard.  The heavy equipment that brought it out immediately.  Jonathan looked at the chest before him with satisfaction.  The coffin was exactly the coffin found in an ancient book he had found.  Carved dragons, crowns and swords are found on all sides.  The chest has existed since the Crusades.  Surely many collectors are interested in buying it.  Two diamonds located in the eyes of a dragon are also very expensive.  "Father, what else did you steal?"  Max asked as soon as he found his father in his private research room.  "Don't talk carelessly. It's a discovery, not theft," Jonathan explained.  Then he turned and looked at the child se.  "You have eaten?"  Jonathan asked.  Max shook his head.  "I want money," Max said.  "More money, what for?"  Jonathan asked.  Max paused.  He would not have been able to tell if Leo had been robbed of his pocket money.  If Max doesn't give it, Leo and his friend will hurt him.  "I'll give you money, but help Dad open this chest."  Jonathan answered while trying to open the chest with the latest tools he used.  Max sighed.  He has no choice.  He put the bag that had been on his back to the table.  He removed his school uniform by leaving a plain short t-shirt that he used to wear before the uniform.  "It's hard," Jonathan complained.  "Have you seen the structure on the computer?"  Max asked.  "I have, but father found no loopholes at all. This chest seems like it can't be opened in the normal way. The book is written if it can only be opened in an old-fashioned way, worship may be," Jonathan explained.  "Worship?"  Max murmured in surprise.  "Is this the Transylvania vampire chest that you talked about?"  Max asked, getting interested.  Jonathan shows his thumb.  That indicates that Max's estimate is correct.  "Father, why steal a coffin. Inside there is no treasure, there is even a rotten corpse. Do you want the spirit to haunt and haunt us?"  Upset Max.  "Don't argue too much. This chest is worth billions. Don't you see two red diamonds in the eyes of this dragon crate. It's a rare diamond that costs fantastic," Jonathan said.  Max muttered unclearly.  He pushed the lid of the chest with his hand.  Gouging out.  Hit it with a hammer to use a laser.  But all his efforts failed.  Then Max looked back at the screen.  Examine the frame of the chest and find something odd.  There is an elongated empty space connected to the chest.  Width and length are similar to a small hose.  Looking at the place, it's right in the bottom corner of the right chest.  Max immediately looked for it.  His eyes cleverly found a circle as wide as a hand grip that was not in another corner.  "Dad, maybe this is the casket opening button," Max said, surprising his father.  "Are you sure?"  Jonathan asked.  Max nodded.  He grasped and pressed it until the circular protrusion went inside.  "Argh," Max shouted instantly.  When the bulge reaches the bottom.  There was a sharp object which pierced his hand.  Max's blood immediately flowed.  "Why?"  Jonathan surprised.  Seeing his son injured Jonathan automatically pulled his son's hand.  "That hurts, this chest hurt my hand," Max screamed.  Jonathan checks Max's hand.  Without them knowing Max's blood flowing through a small gap running and into the chest.  The blood enters through the tube and reaches the sharp end inside.  The hose moves and automatically injects the blood into the body inside it.  The chest then moves on its own.  His voice was heard by Jonathan and Max who immediately examined it.  The sound of friction hinges and light coming from inside the crate.  Cold vapor also comes out.  The lid of the crate lifted slightly then shifted to the side.  "Gosh, the door's open!"  cried Max.  "Maybe your blood flowing was meant worship," Jonathan said.  Both of them moved slowly approaching the chest that was already fully opened.  They thought they would find a rotten corpse inside.  At least there might be treasure that the corpses used so they could sell it.  But what they see does not match what they imagine.  A handsome young man with a shining face and skin color was closed peacefully.  He did not look like a corpse at all.  He looks like a young man who is sleeping.  "Father, is he a vampire? I will take a g*n. Who knows, he will attack us," Max said, going into the house.  "Ssssttt. No need. We'll see first whether he will attack us or not," Jonathan hold.  "Crazy dad, everywhere vampires are bloodsucking monsters. Do you want to die. I don't want to. I'm still young," Max said.  "Shut up! Look, he opened his eyes."  Jonathan's words made Max freeze.  His legs felt stiff.  His breath caught.  He looked at the young man who was his age with a look of horror.  His eyes are open.  He blurted out.  Stare at the ceiling of the room.  Then he sat making Max immediately hide behind Jonathan's body  "I'm afraid," Max whispered.  The young man turned his head.  Stare at Jonathan long enough.  "Are you my father?"  he asked.  Jonathan and Max looked at each other.  Their minds are chaotic.  However, that was a good idea rather than being a young vampire food before them.  "Yeah. Finally you wake up too," Jonathan said with no choice.  "Dad, you're crazy," Max whispered.  "Shut up," Jonathan replied.  Max finally fell silent.  He continued to hide behind Jonathan.  "Come on down. It's bath time," Jonathan asked.  The young man looked confused.  "Me," he muttered.  "Forgot my name," he continued.  "Your name is Alex. So don't play games too much," Jonathan said as he helped the young man he named Alex get down from the chest.  The young man complied, after successfully setting foot, he looked at Max who was immediately frightened.  "Is he my brother?"  he asked.  "Of course. You are only five months apart. She's your sister, call her Max," Jonathan said, giving the code for Max to speak.  "Yes," Max finally said.  "Father, can I eat before taking a bath?"  Alex's question immediately made the two people before him paler.  What food does he mean?  Blood?  Or human flesh?  "I want to eat french fries," Alex continued, breaking Jonathan's laughter.  "You, if you want to eat, you have to clean first. Just relax, the french fries will wait for you. Go with Max to take a bath."  Jonathan pushed Alex toward Max.  "Yes, come on!"  Invite Max forced, he still thinks if one day Alex could have attacked and bit him.  For this reason, when he managed to take Alex to the bathroom Max immediately turned to meet his father.  "Well, let's just kill him. Before he bites us," Max begged.  "You're crazy, calm down Max. Looks like he lost his memory. So calm down," said Jonathan, who was busy adding a mattress in Max's room.  "It's easy for dad to say that. You deliberately sacrificed your child," Max accused because his father had instead let the two of them become siblings and there was a possibility that he would sleep in the same room with him.  "Listen, he will just throw a tantrum if he realizes we are waking him up and stealing his chest. So, play it from now on, anyway the book says. Who is close to him will be rich and have lots of money," Jonathan whispered.  Hearing Max's words of money got excited.  "Alright father. From now on Alex is my brother," he said excitedly.  "Father, where are my clothes?"  Alex asked, coming out of the bathroom without a towel.  Jonathan and Max, who saw Alex's perfect body, immediately bled from their noses.  "Gosh Alex, come out of the bathroom with a towel," Jonathan said, shrinking blood from his nose.  "Luckily we are all men. Ah, no, even if we are men, don't be n***d in front of us or any other man.  "Sorry," said Alex flatly.  Max stared in disbelief.  Do vampires really have to be handsome and perfect?  Above average height.  Light skin, red lips, sharp nose, thick eyebrows.  Strong jaws and beautifully carved muscles.  Abdominal chest muscles and arms all fit.  Alex is very perfect.  "Max, what are you doing, hurry up and get your clothes," Jonathan said.  Max immediately opened the cupboard.  Now not only sharing a room, it looks like he has to share everything he has.  Hopefully all this is commensurate with the money that vampires can make.  "Here, use it in the bathroom," Max said as he handed over his shirt and shorts.  Alex returned to the bathroom.  "Dad's down first. Looks like the fries daddy ordered have arrived. Bring him down when it's done," Jonathan said as he replied to the messenger who brought his message on his cellphone.  Max nodded.  He changed his own clothes and hung his uniform behind the door.  That's when Alex came out.  He was neat with his clothes.  "Come on down," Max invited.  Alex trailed silently.  He was busy paying attention to the entire house and room he passed.  Maybe there is something you can remember.  "Now, here's the food," Jonathan welcomed warmly.  He offered a plate of potatoes and fried fish.  Alex immediately grabbed it and ate it hungrily.  "Are you sure it's the vampire's chest?"  Max whispered, where there are vampires eating potatoes.  "Really sure. Maybe he's a unique type of vampire. We're lucky he doesn't suck blood," Jonathan whispered back.  Max confirmed his father's words.  Actually he also didn't mind that there was someone he could consider to be a brother.  During this time he was often alone.  There are no friends or family.  His loneliness grew stronger when his father went to hunt for treasure.  More precisely plunder the tomb.  "Here, have a drink."  Max offered cold mineral water which was immediately consumed.  "Why don't you eat?"  asked Alex curiously.  "We already. You overslept," Jonathan answered.  "Oh yeah, why I don't remember anything about you guys. This house also feels strange," Alex asked again.  "That's because you lost your memory since the accident. Isn't that Max?"  asked Jonathan, who immediately nodded.  "You can live now thanks to Max. He donated his blood to you, at that time you lost a lot of blood. You suffered a very hard head crash. At that time Dad was outside the city of Max who was treating you until healed," Jonathan said.  "Thank you Max," Alex said.  "Don't be so stiff. I'm your brother. But as a favor, you must take care of me and obey all my wishes," Max said as he winked.  "What?"  Alex asked.  Max laughed, "just kidding. Come to the room, I have homework,"  Alex obeyed, he followed behind Max.  They both go to the room.  That opportunity Jonathan uses to return to the lab.  He hid the chest that had closed itself into a secret room that opened just below the chest.  Don't let Alex remember the chest back.  In Max's room, he almost managed to do all the chemistry problems.  But there is one problem that is very difficult.  Alex, who had just been watching beside him, asked.  "Why isn't one answered?"  asked Alex curiously.  "This one is difficult," Max murmured.  Even though he is the smartest student in his school.  If he just had a hard time what about the other students.  Alex saw a problem that was considered difficult.  Somehow the more you look at it the easier it is for Alex.  He took the pen in Max's hand then wrote the answer on another paper.  "Is this true?"  asked Alex, showing his answer to Max.  "Wow, great. You're smart!"  cried Max.  "Am I in school too?"  Alex asked, making Max surprised.  "Not yet," Max answered doubtfully.  He did not know what to say.  "But you went to a different school at the time. Since you lost your memory, you haven't been in a long time."  Max made up a story.  Alex was silent.  He looked at Max.  In his hearing he heard whatever Max thought differently from what he said.  Alex knows both Jonathan and Max, both of them are lying.  But because they are good, Alex will assume that both of them are his father and brother.  Moreover, his memory has not returned.

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