
Start doing whatever you want from today

lucky dog

When I was 27 years old, I seemed to be a lonely planet, wandering in the vastness of the universe. Every day in life is like walking on an endless melody of loneliness, with no direction and no destination. However, at my most helpless moment, aliens appeared. They discovered me in a way that I could not understand and regarded me as an object of their observation.

When I first met aliens, I couldn't describe my feelings in words. In their eyes, I may be a novel discovery, an existence they want to know about. However, contrary to my initial fears, the aliens did not do any harm or experiments on me. Instead, they thanked me in a way that shocked me.

Aliens have given me infinite wealth, which is an incredible gift for a person who has struggled in society and lived a difficult life. From that moment on, I began a life unlike any other. I have everything I want, from expensive cars to luxurious villas, from travels around the world to the most cutting-edge technological products, my life has become luxurious and fulfilling.

However, as time went on, I started to think about the meaning behind it all. The satisfaction brought by wealth did not make me truly happy. I gradually understood that the meaning of life does not lie in the amount of money or material possessions, but in the inner satisfaction and peace.

The appearance of aliens changed my life, but more importantly, they taught me an important truth: true happiness comes from inner peace and love of life. The wealth they gave me is just a way of expressing gratitude, but the real meaning lies in how I use these wealth and how I transform them into helping others and having a positive impact on the world.

Therefore, I decided to use my wealth for good deeds to help those in need, improve social injustice, and protect our environment and planet. I established a charitable foundation and invested money and energy in various public welfare undertakings so that more people can feel the warmth and hope of life.

The arrival of the aliens was an accident, but it was the most precious gift in my life. Their presence not only changed my life, but also made me understand the true meaning of life. In this universe, each of us is a special and precious existence, and true happiness lies in how we bring beauty to this world in our own way. I will always be grateful to the aliens for showing me the meaning and value of life.

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Chapter 1: Back in time
Suo Wei opened his eyes, rising to behold the room before him, a sense both familiar and foreign washing over him. It took him a moment to recall that this was the first shared apartment he had rented upon arriving in the city of magic, later moving out due to the distance it imposed between him and his girlfriend's workplace. Coveting her company, he sought a dwelling closer to her, bidding farewell to this abode. In the years following his departure from this place, Suo Wei relocated several times. Were it not for this being his initial lodging upon arriving in the city of magic, he might have forgotten its location entirely, given his penchant for forgetfulness. Alas, residing in the city of magic posed challenges in finding a stable abode; myriad occurrences compelled one to relocate time and again. Suo Wei grew weary of such a transient existence, yet what recourse was there? Acquiring property in the city of magic was beyond his means, unless he returned to his hometown. But at the tender age of twenty-seven, Suo Wei balked; why should others live while he merely survived? Being an only child, Suo Wei was accustomed to familial oversight, having remained in his hometown until completing university. While this routine may have seemed agreeable to some, Suo Wei found it stifling. Moreover, who could have foreseen his family's insistence on arranged meetings for him by the age of twenty? Thus, upon graduating from university, Suo Wei made the resolute decision to flee to the city of magic, reluctant to marry so soon after completing his studies, only to find himself wedded with children by the age of thirty. He considered himself still a child, despite being twenty-seven. Following his prior trajectory, absent any unforeseen circumstances, Suo Wei would eventually succumb to the exorbitant housing prices of the city of magic and opt to return to his hometown. However, an unexpected turn of events transpired when Suo Wei was twenty-seven, altering his destiny. He encountered extraterrestrial beings and became the subject of their observation. Suo Wei's encounter with extraterrestrial beings was quite surreal. During the National Day holiday, he ventured back to his hometown and impulsively decided to stargaze. Having long been deprived of clear skies in the city of magic, he brought along the telescope he had purchased in high school and drove his father's car to the Liangshan Mountains. As the name suggests, the mountain was no small feat. While admiring the scenery atop the mountain, he was invited by a group next to him who were barbecuing. After indulging in a few bottles of beer with the fellows, Suo Wei realized, as he was about to bid them farewell and descend the mountain, that he couldn't drive due to inebriation. With no alternative, he resigned himself to spending the night on the summit. Under the starry sky, he felt no fear sleeping in the car; several other groups intended to stay atop the mountain, either to stargaze or witness the sunrise, or both. Suo Wei did not encounter the extraterrestrial beings while awake, but rather in his dreams. "Hello, inhabitant of the blue planet," spoke the extraterrestrial. "Who are you, and why do you call me an inhabitant of the blue planet? Aren't you one too?" Suo Wei responded. "Indeed, I am not an inhabitant of the blue planet. My celestial abode lies far, far away from here. With the technological prowess of the blue planet, even after millennia of advancement, you would never reach our domain," the extraterrestrial explained. "Why have you sought me out? Do you wish for me to act as a traitor?" Suo Wei inquired. "Of course not. I am a cosmic observer. I wish to chronicle your life. In return, I shall bestow upon you a sum of money to ensure your well-being," the extraterrestrial answered. "May I know the amount?" Suo Wei asked. "How much do you desire?" the extraterrestrial countered. "Why not offer me billions?" Suo Wei proposed. "Very well, that is acceptable," the extraterrestrial conceded. "Will there be limitations on how I use the money? If I were to misuse it, would you retract the funds?" Suo Wei pressed. "I lack the moral concepts of your kind, so the purpose of this money is for you to decide. I am only responsible for observation," the extraterrestrial clarified. "Can you grant me immortality?" Suo Wei inquired. "I can indeed, but such elixirs are exorbitant. Even if the entire Earth were sold, you would not afford one. You may ask one more question, after which I shall refrain from further answers," the extraterrestrial stipulated. "Very well. What shall I do if I exhaust the funds?" Suo Wei pondered. "Fear not, for once the funds are depleted, I shall replenish them," the extraterrestrial assured. Suo Wei dismissed the encounter as a peculiar dream, but upon awakening and observing his surroundings, he could scarcely believe his eyes. After all, who wouldn't be bewildered when transported back several years? Checking his phone, he found it was January 7th, 2018, 9:35 AM. According to this timeline, Suo Wei held his first job in the city of magic—telephone sales. He recalled working in this capacity until the end of the year, resigning due to market downturns and a growing aversion to the job. "Hey, alien, are you there? You got the timing wrong; why did you send me back to 2017?" The room remained silent, no answer forthcoming. Suddenly, his phone rang, startling Suo Wei. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was his current employer calling—his boss. The call inquired why Suo Wei hadn't reported to work. Perplexed, Suo Wei struggled even to recall the route to the office, let alone its exact location or his position within it. In such a befuddled state, how could he possibly go to work? He informed his boss that he was feeling unwell and had forgotten to apply for sick leave. Ending the call, he opened his phone, accessed DingTalk, and applied for sick leave from the company. Undoubtedly, some may wonder why Suo Wei had yet to resign. Well, the extraterrestrial promised funds had yet to materialize, and until they did, he saw no reason to quit.

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