Chapter Four: Traveling

1160 Words
I felt shaking as I woke up. "Astrid let's go, word got out we're staying here, press is everywhere let's just get flying as soon as possible." Stella said after I woke up. I looked out the window sitting up on my elbow. "Yah it's the middle of the night, we can take turns flying while the other sleeps, can't risk our parents sending guards to get us because press lets it get out that we're here. They'll definitely send guards I just can't risk them catching us." She continued. I nodded and got out the bed, I grabbed our stuff, got on her back and she jumped out the window shifting into her dragon form. I held on tight as she shifted and then laid on her giant scaly back. She felt so warm, I felt so at home on her. I looked down at all the press and commoners surrounding the hotel, I did love my subjects but we're laying low. I stared up at the sky wondering if this would actually work, getting a mage to unlink us. Slowly I fell back to sleep and when I woke up I was laying by a tree. "You're finally awake, I decided to let you sleep." Stella told me. I looked at Stella then looked away. I got up and shifted into my dragon form, there was no point in speaking to her. I'm already so hurt from all of this, she was ready for it but I wasn't. She climbed on me and I started flying in the direction she instructed. After hours of flying Stella woke up and told me to land. She climbed off of me and I shifted back into my human form. I refused to look her in the eye and I still said nothing. She looked at me with her glowing hazel eyes and messy hair. "Astrid, I-" She stopped herself and grabbed her bag filled with our stuff. "Just follow me." I started following her, I remembered when we were young how I used to accompany my mother and father to the northern kingdom when they had business there and I'd play with Prince Cody. The air always seemed kind around him and he never failed to make me smile. But Stella, I always admired her, she just never gave me the time of day. Even when we had classes together she'd avoid me and almost anyone else for that matter. Some of us thought she was too good for us, we were intimidated even though she was so kind to everyone. "We're almost there Astrid." Stella informed me, even with bed head and not much sleep she was beautiful and sexy. I couldn't help but look her up and down but when I noticed I was eye grouping her I looked away. "Come on." She turned around and grabbed my hand, instant sparks. "Sorry." She started walking towards a brick wall. "If we don't hold hands we might get separated." She walked right through the wall with me following, I could feel myself encased in the brick wall. I gasped when we were on the other side. "Wow." I said as I looked around at the busy city. "It's a mage city?" Stella shook her head. "It's more of a market place, it's called downtown spells. A market place on the edge of one of their cities." There were all kinds of cars, potion trucks, booths, colorful stores, spell book carts, wand carts. I saw elves, mages and hybrids anyone who could do magic and they all dressed all kinds of ways with cloaks and hats and other apparel of magical qualities. Stella started walking so I followed, we walked into a store named, Magicom, Mages for hire. "Hey Roy." She said to the boy behind the desk. "Is Caleb in?" The young boy shook his head. "Nah haven't seen him today." He started sweeping. Stella raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't he always come in on Sundays?" The boy nodded. "Yeah but he's away today which hasn't ever happened, he didn't even call, I can't reach him on my cell." "Dammit." Stella swore, she wasn't the kind of girl who'd you expect to do that. "Just my luck, look do you have any um mages as powerful as him that are here or one that could come in and do a job for me? A confidential job? Someone I can trust, level 20 magic user maybe? I'm offering a s**t ton of crowns for this man." The little boy sighed. "Only myself, what is it?" He asked and I started looking around. "Who's your friend? Princess of the southern kingdom? I've heard stories about you." He laughed. I frowned. "The press will make anything up..." Stella held back a laugh."Yeah Roy don't believe everything you hear." I looked at the boy, "You're a level 20? How? You're so young." Stella put her hand over her mouth to cover a chuckle. "He's around two hundred." Roy nodded, it's the spell that makes me appear younger, something I whipped up myself, to appear youthful usually makes me seem more friendly and trustworthy and when they find out my age it shows off how powerful I am that I can whip up a potion like this. I also feel more energized and can get more done with this body." He explained. Stella turned back to Roy. "Can you unlink two souls?" Roy frowned. "Willingly yes." Stella smiled. "Great, I need that done." Roy looked around. "Caleb could do it without equipment, but I can't... what I need probably won't arrive for another month." Stella facepalmed. "Just call me when Caleb comes in please. I'll stick around, I'll go swing by his home and see if he's there." Roy nodded. "Good luck to the both of you." He looked at me. "Oh and you have some magical energy." I smiled, "My grandfather about nine generations back was a hybrid, half dragon shifter half elf, the first other than his twin sister. Not much but it's in my blood a bit. I can't do magic though." Roy chuckled. "Little tip, anyone being even 5% a magic user can do magic." He winked at me as we left. I don't think I believed him, I'm not a hybrid, only ever thought of myself as a dragon shifter. Stella pulled out her phone and called Caleb but it went straight to voicemail. "Ugh." I followed her out of downtown and to a house, she knocked on the door repeatedly but no one answered. "Astrid wait here." "Okay." I waited and as soon as I knew it the door opened, Stella had broke in and opened the door for me. I walked in and looked around at the small home. "Caleb!" Called out Stella. "Ugh Caleb!" She sniffed around "He had to have been here last night." She looked around and walked into his bedroom. "Astrid!" I ran in when she called out for me. "Wow." I looked around at the room and there were a lot of signs of struggle. "He's been kidnapped..." Just like that, our only other quick solution was gone.
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