Chapter 4

1485 Words
(Someone's POV) "We're here." I went out of my red Ferrari and went inside my house, with the b***h girl lagging behind me. It is built on a sloping lot, near the Jacksonville forest, barely two kilometers from Helena's house. It's roof is made of asphalt shingles and has a rock/stone exterior. Large glass windows give the house plenty of light and a breezy, airy feel. On the back of the house is a small field of lavender that I specially planted for my darling Helena. Nobody knows that I live here except myself. I bought this house last year and I plan to bring her here once she reach her eighteenth birthday. "So what brings a guy like you on this place to live?" Samantha? Santana? Whatever the girl's name is scanned my house when we entered. She sat on a plush sofa and stared at me. "Why?" I said. "Well... This house is really beautiful but the place you chose is kinda creepy... So very different from you... and I thought we're just having coffee. I'm not yet ready, you know." She said nervously and chewed on her cherry red lips. "Ready for what?" I said innocently. "Ready for 'IT'." She said. "My mum says that I should only give myself to a guy on my wedding night." She said. "I don't believe that bullshit anyway. But what I mean is I want to give myself only to my boyfriend. And you are not. So can you be my boyfriend first before we do that?" She said seductively and I almost laughed. "But we're not having s*x, bitch." I said and her eyes widened. "W-what did you call me?" She said, her voice raised. "BITCH." I said again and she lunged at me angrily. "Who are you to call me a b***h?!" She said and tried to claw my face. I backhanded her and she landed on the ground with a thud. She looked at me with horror and her hand flew to her bloodied face. "How could you do this?! I respected you." She cried. "That's for hurting my Helena." I grinned. "Y-your Helena? What do you mean? You don't care about that weirdo freak, right? You are with us." She said and laughed nervously. "Of course not. I never told you to hurt Helena. You just think I am with you." I spat at her and walked towards her. "Y-you're a damn Psycho!" She screamed as I dragged her towards my red room which is built underground of this house. I entered the password on my electronic keypad by the door and pushed her inside. The red room is my personal torture room. It is a crimson colored room the size of our classroom at Jacksonville. It has all kinds of whips, chains, and different torture devices like Iron maiden, tongue tearer and crocodile shears (that I used to dream on cutting Helena's dad's tiny d**k. How I would have love. to hear that fool's cry for mercy-which is impossible because he's dead. I killed him.) that I secretly collected. This is also where I tortured and killed my little Helena's daddy. This is also the place where I plan to fulfill my darkest fantasies on my darling Helena once she reaches her eighteenth birthday which would be seven months from now. I punched her on the gut and she looks like she wanted to vomit before she finally closed her eyes. I chained her on the wall and gagged her then went to my drawers. I opened the first one and I grinned when I saw my tongue tearer. I quickly put on a latex glove and walked towards my prey. I approached the girl who is now stirring from her short nap while snipping and snapping at the air with my giant rusty scissors. Her eyes widened and she screamed in terror against her gag. I smiled wickedly. Well, she wouldn't be able to scream after I'm done tearing her wicked tongue out. I tore the now wet gag from her mouth and she started begging me. "Please... please... I'll stop bugging your girl. Just don't kill me... I'll never tell anyone..." She begged and thrashed against her restraints while she cried. "Don't cry, Samantha..." I said gently and tenderly cupped her heart shaped face. "Remember when you and your b***h friends raised a rumor that Helena ran away from a mental asylum just because she wouldn't do your assignment? That was a exactly three years ago, on our first day as freshmen students here. I was so disappointed on you and your friends. I never thought that even members of the student council can do such things. But I patiently waited for my turn to punish you. And now I can bear it no longer. I want you to pay for all your wrongdoings to Helena. You will pay for what you did to what is mine. Starting with your tongue..." I leaned closer to her and inhaled her lavender perfume scented neck. She whimpered in fear. "You know, you can never beat Helena. She's far more of a treasure than you. You know what she smells of? Lavender... Just pure lavender and not some perfume. That's why I have a field of lavender outside. I'm sure she will love me more after I'm done punishing you." I grinned wickedly as I thought of my Helena's lovely face. "Open your goddamned mouth, b***h!" I growled but she shook her head. I put down my tongue tearer and pinched her nose and waited for her to open her mouth. She finally succumbed and grasp d for air after thirty seconds. I forced my hand between her teeth and pulled her slimy tongue using my other hand. I grinned when she gagged and struggled to free her tongue from my clutch. I smirked at her and got my tongue tearer. "Say goodbye to your tongue, bitch." I laughed and cut her tongue. The bloody pink muscle that was once her tongue fell on the floor while the b***h shrieked and tried to scream but she kept on choking her own blood. I uncuffed her from the wall and she tried to run away but I caught her by her honey blonde hair and dragged towards my personal cement mixer. I cuffed her hands on the chains dangling from the ceiling and forcefully put her doll shoes encased feet on a bucket and poured sand, cement and water in it. She thrashed and cried all the while, blood and saliva dripping from her now bloody red mouth. I left her on my red room still thrashing and helplessly trying to scream her lungs out. I need to get some rest before I toss her on the river before midnight so that no one will notice. She will be dead by then anyway, from lost of blood of course. After few hours... I disposed the b***h's body in the Jacksonville river while it is still high tide so nobody would notice her until the water comes down. I used my old blue pickup that I am hiding on my house and put the b***h underneath piles of firewood. She's already as cold as ice when I came back for her before midnight. Her blue eyes stared lifelessly at the door and her bloody mouth was wide open. I left a lavender stalk and a small parchment paper with a note that says: For my darling Helena. I put it on a ziplock bag so it wouldn't get wet and tied it around the b***h's neck before I threw her on the river. This is my first step in claiming my Helena. I cleaned my pickup of all her blood and dumped my blood soaked tee shirt and jeans that I used while torturing her on the fire I built on the woods near my house. I locked my house and drove my red Ferrari towards my darling's house. It's only one in the a.m and I know she's already tired and fast asleep but I want to feel her skin and kiss her lips once more so I climbed inside her room using her window. She started to stir when I approached her bed but I put my chloroform soaked handkerchief on her face and she sank on her pillows once more. I entered her personal bathroom and got a washcloth. I wiped her face and mouth that reeked of chloroform. I kissed her lips softly afterwards and stripped down to my boxer shorts, then I jumped on her small bed. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and burrowed her face into my neck, her soft lips touching my collarbone and my chin resting atop her head. I fell asleep with a triumphant smile on my lips as I recalled what happened on my first day in my senior year.
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