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-2 years later- Two men dragged me from the ring and tossed a blanket over me, I was bleeding along my rib cage barely healing with the silver cuffs on my ankles. I held the blanket tightly around me as I sat up. Thad was talking to another person occasionally looking over at me. I couldn’t hear them, but I knew this would be my new master.... he would either keep me as a fighter but since I just lost my first fight that was unlikely so he will take me to be auctioned off as a s*x slave. The conversation between them ended with an exchange of cash took place, it was nice to see my worth was less than a handful. My new master walked over to me squatting down so we were face to face. The smell of tree bark and mint surrounded him, his salt and pepper hair was kept neatly short and he gave me what appeared to be a genuine smile. “My name is Tom; you will be coming with me” I just stared at the man as he helped me up. “Come on we will be leaving out the back” I allowed him to lead me out a door to a poorly lit alleyway. We approached an old beat-up car, and he opened the passenger door. “After you” I got in cautiously clinging to the blanket. I do not know how genuine tom was being I couldn’t tell if the people in my life were going to help or hurt me, every time I trusted someone, they let me down. Tom got in the driver seat and started the car taking off. “ I Know you must be scared and have a lot of questions, when we get to my place we can talk” I watched as we drove off leaving the city heading towards the outskirts. We turned down a road leading to an old, abandoned factory and warehouse. Panic set in he had lied, we were heading to an auction, I refused to be sold as a s*x slave my virginity is the only thing, they have not taken from me. Now is when I would run. I opened the door to the car and jumped out rolling along the ground, I immediately heard the cars brake screeching in protest as the car came to a complete stop. I managed to get up quickly and take off running leaving the blanket behind. I was not as fast as I should be and in an instance a blanket was wrapped around me along with two strong arms. “Are you crazy! Your already injured what would make you do that!” his yelling made me flinch  “I’d rather die than be sold to the prostitution ring” my voice was horse Tom paused for a second before speaking “what makes you think that?” He was still holding me tightly so I could not run. “We are heading to an auction are we not, I’ve heard about them from others always head in abandoned building far off so no one can hear the cries of young wolves.” “Alyssa, is it? I promise you I don’t plan on selling you nor harming you in any way shape or form” he held me at arm’s length “ we can talk more when we are inside and you are fully clothed, and for your information that creepy building we are heading towards is my home, I prefer my privacy and space hence “ he let go of me to motion to the warehouse off in the distance. “Now if you’ll get in the car we can get home, I don’t know about you but I’m very hungry”. I eyed him suspiciously, but I got back into his car. As we approached the warehouse I inhaled deeply and noticed the only two scents lingering on the air was dried blood coming from me and tom, he was telling the truth there is no one here but us. When he turned off the car I got out and followed him inside. The outside looked condemned, but the inside was nice, black out curtains covering all the windows, it was like one big studio apartment minus a large metal staircase leading to what appear to be old offices. Tom walked over to a wooden trunk and pulled out a shirt and pair of pants. “Here you can change in the bathroom and shower if you want everything you need will be in there, ill start some dinner” tom said holding out the clothes. I grabbed them and headed to a door tom nodded towards. Entering the bathroom, it was large I could also tell it was remodeled from a 6 stall 6 sink bathroom to a master bathroom build for a mansion with a above ground tub, a walk-in shower big enough for four people and a private toilet and double vanity sink. I placed the clothes on the sink counter and dropped the blanket to the ground and looked at my side, my wound had half closed but looked nasty as dirt and dry blood caked the claw marks, these would be my new scar thanks to the silver anklets I was sporting. I took a brief shower taking time to clean my wound, looking around I saw no bandaged. I put on the clothes tom gave me and left the bathroom and the smell of chicken fingers and French fried lingered in the air, well burnt chicken fingers that is. I saw a puff of black smoke coming from the kitchen area. “Dammit I really need to get this old thing replaced” tom said pulling out a baking sheet. “Sorry kid, dinners kind of burnt”. Burnt or not this would still be the best food I have had in a while. I took a seat as tom plated some burnt chicken nuggets and fries. he set a plate in front of me and one in front of himself and went back for two cans of soda and some ketchup. He sat down and popped open his soda can taking a generous gulp. “Unfortunately for you kid I never really learned to cook so most of the fridge is quick meals and soda if there’s anything you like let me know and ill pick it up” he said before taking a bite into his food. I took small bites not wanting to overwhelm my stomach with too much food, but I was so nervous I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I stopped eating unable to take another bite, the tension was building up and I decided I needed to know my fate. “Why did you buy me?” Tom stopped eating and looked at me a mess of emotions flashed through his face before they turned neutral, and he spoke. “I absolutely hate everything those places are” he finally said. This took me buy surprise back in underground fighting ring he seemed to fit in a few people even seemed to know him. He took in my confusion and added “ I want to bring about an end to those disgusting fights and auctions, but to be able to do that you have to be one of those awful people, the WG hasn’t been able to put a stop to it that’s why I quit and went rouge to do this myself, I didn’t buy you” he said on a sigh. I know for a fact they didn’t just let me go but so many questions were swirling in my mind I just started blurting them out “What’s the WG?” “what’s rouge?” “What do you mean you didn’t buy me I saw the transaction?” “Whoa, whoa, whoa kid one at a time please” he chuckled before he turned serious. “The WG is wolf government, they make the rules and monitor our communities, not very well I might add” “A rouge is someone without a pack, their scent is a little different and most packs see rouges as dangerous.” He paused before answering the last of my questions. “I’m sorry kid but I couldn’t afford to buy you, Thad overprices all his fighters and even though you lost he still wanted twenty thousand for you, I only had five thousand at the time, but Thad considers me a good friend so he’s allowing me to rent you… with interest until your fully paid off. “His face darkens. “Unfortunately kid I need to still fight to help me keep up this rouse I have and to help me pay off Thad so we can make you a free wolf.” He stopped not knowing what to say next, I imagine my facial expressions did not help, I had tears in my vision, but not from what he might think, for once I felt safe there was something about tom that made me feel welcomed. “ listen I’m not going to just send you to your death I’m going to train you and you are not my prisoner but if you run and I can’t pay Thad back they will hunt you down, I want to keep you safe and I need your help to stop these monsters so other kids like you wont have to suffer… so will you help me “ he held out his hand.  Thinking back, I remember Thad’s “housing” for his slaves I shared a room with fifteen other girls none of us had a bed and a few had blankets we all tried to share, we got a bucket of scraps to eat from and a few even died from the conditions. the abuse they suffer, the abuse I suffered I cannot imagine that for new kids. I grabbed toms’ hand and shook it firmly. “I will help you in any way I can” determination and rage filled my voice, but tom just smiled at me, a genuine smile filled with warmth. “I Can’t fight though” I paused and looked down at my ankles that were bound by silver shackles.  Toms’ brows furrowed as he followed my gaze. “No wonder Thad’s new recruits keep loosing , your to weak to fight let alone silver takes away half your strength, but even so the wolf you faced earlier was not sporting the same shackles and you still held your own longer than most wolves would have… what is your origins” he said getting up walking over to a drawer in the kitchen . “I’m not sure what you mean by that?” I said confused. tom came back with a few tool and began picking at the lock on one of the silver anklet.” your mother and father where they omegas?” the term was somewhat new to me, I heard it once before my mother use to use it as an insult when she would come home drunk and hit me. “My mother told me id be nothing more than an omega” I said leaving out her other choices of words. “But steven told Thad my father was a beta... my mom I’m not sure” Tom managed to pop one of the ankles off and immediately I felt a rush of relief, he began to work on the other one as he chuckled “you are no omega and I had a feeling, if your father is a beta, you my dear have a beta blood coursing through you. You will be a strong wolf.” He managed to pop the other one off and I felt the heeling process begin for my body, slowly though.  Tom got up and tossed the silver anklets in the trash and I noticed his hands had turned bright red from touching them. “Does that hurt?’ “Oh, don’t worry about me, theirs a spare bedroom upstairs, it’s not much I don’t have a lot of money to buy furniture … a working oven he said eyeing his kitchen but why don’t you get some rest. I nodded getting up and made my way upstairs I opened the door to the room he motioned at and saw a twin sized bed with pillows and a large comforter and a nightstand with a clock. I shut the door behind and laid on the bed. This would be the fresh start to my story I will not live-in fear anymore.
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