Chapter 1

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'Angelo wrapped his hand around my neck while he traced kisses down my chin before coming back to my lips. I couldn't protest to his touch because, if I was being honest with myself, even the mere thought of him was enough to soak my panties. It was wrong to fall for a man who threatened my life, but I couldn't deny how sexy he made me feel. Every time he touched me, my skin felt like it was being electrified in the most tantalizing way. "You're not resisting anymore, mi cara?" He whispered into my ear. His other hand gripped my thigh and pulled it up, letting his groin press into me. I intentionally pushed myself into him more, causing him to roughly pull me up. My legs were no longer on the ground supporting me, instead they were wrapped around Angelo's waist. I was cushioned between his body and the wall for support while his hands brought mine up over my head. My breathing was heavy and my mind was in a frenzy, because I wanted more. I wanted all of Angelo, no matter how badly my subconscious tried to convince me that this was wrong. It felt so right on many levels and if I was going to have my mind blown, I wanted it to be because Angelo gave me more orgasms than I could handle. "Shut up and kiss me," I moaned into his neck and he complied. His mouth captured mine fully while he ground himself into me, not bothering to care about me soaking the front of his pants. He pulled my lower lip in between his teeth and lightly pulled, staring deep into my eyes. His simple action with such a seductive stare was enough to get me throbbing down there for him.' My phone rang cutting me from my story and I was upset. I was finally able to get myself into a good mood in order to write an erotic scene that I felt was actually going to get me in the mood. I was fresh off of watching 365 DNI and I was ready to let my main character finally get dominated by her captor, Angelo. Looking down at my phone I saw that it was none other than my best friend Zarina calling. Her stupid portrait, making me pout, but nonetheless I answered, making sure to give a long drawn out sigh of agony. "This better be good Newton! You're interrupting Carla from getting f*cked and I'm feeling the withdrawals myself." I grumbled. I heard her laugh on the other side of the phone, knowing that if I could see her now, she'd be shaking her head at me. "Oh shut it you virgin. Carla can wait, plus your have the rest of the night to write your steamy scenes." "Carla can wait but I can't. I'm fresh off of a Massimo fantasy and I need to get this scene done. You know you want to read it too." I rolled my eyes but still kept a knowing smirk on my face. Zarina was my biggest fan, she even encouraged me to watch the movie in order to get my scenes going. Unlike me she wasn't a virgin and knew exactly what s*x could be described as in her words. I usually gave her my story chapters top read before uploading them to a story writer site for people to read. Her approval is what usually determined if my chapter was good enough to go out or if it needed to be rewritten for a third time. I remember the first time she read my story like it was yesterday and quite frankly it was a memory that I wanted to keep with me forever. ** It was during lunch when I decided that instead of spending lunch with her I'd go to the library instead. I was finishing up the ending to the first book that I wrote for 'Gizmo Reads' and I wanted to end it with a spicy scene. Apparently Jordan and Riley going at it for 2 hours straight wasn't good enough for her because that same night right when I was about top fall asleep she sent me a very angry text message. ZARINA: YOU b***h! HOW THE f**k AM I SUPPOSED TO GET OFF TO 'CARLOS INSERTED HIS D*CK IN ME AND F*CKED ME ROUGHLY FOR TWO HOURS. THE END.' FIX THAT s**t RIGHT NOW." At first I was confused and had to text her about what exactly she was talking about but after she texted me the title of my story I was mortified. I blocked her number and every social media account of hers that I had in order to hide my embarrassment but she cornered me the next day in school right before fourth period. She had me pressed up against the locker, her hand angling my chin up to look her directly in the eyes. "You're testing me White," she said pulling her face close to me. "I've gone through the trouble of making sure that my friend has a successful book and you close it out terribly. I'm disappointed," she clicked her tongue and shook her head. Zarina took a stepped back and assessed me up and down before demanding that I write the chapter over this time with her approval. ** I cut the memory off quickly realizing that she was calling out to me on the phone. "Hellooooo? Reiya are you there? I need your answer about tomorrow." She said. "Yes I'm here. I'm sorry just lost in thought. What was the question again?" "Massimo isn't that sexy that you'd be losing your brain cells. I need to know if you're willingly going to Derek's homecoming party or do I have to drag you there myself? I'd like to know in advance just in case I need to prepare the cuffs or rope." I could tell by the mischief in her tone that she was being serious and knowing Zarina for nine years, I knew that she'd actually handcuff me to her or tie me up just to being me to this party. I wasn't taking any chances with the possibility of winding up missing just in case she decides to run off with some guy and disregard the fact that I'd still be attached to her. "I'll go willingly but I'm going in a hoodie." "Oh come on! You're a senior for f***s sake. Where's your s*x appeal? Do you want to stay a virgin forever?" I could hear the annoyance in her tone but it didn't bother me. "It's not that I want to stay a virgin forever. I just rather not lose my virginity to a random drunk guy at a college party. I would like to remember the face of the guy and visa versa. I'm not for a cliche make love and you know it." "The only thing I know about you and s*x is that you're a virgin who loves to write bad boy erotica. But I'll bite and be a good friend for today, you can wear you're hoodie on one condition." "I don't see how this is fair but whatever. I need to speed up this conversation. Carla and Angelo are waiting." I felt like I was going to regret this later cause I knew Zarina was crazy but she wasn't crazy enough to make me do the impossible. "What's your condition?" "All will be revealed at the party tomorrow. And remember you owe me White. Now go finish writing your story, my panties need to get wet." She laughed and hung up before I could even respond. When I think about it I owe a lot to Zarina when it comes to my writing. She pushed me to get better and even helped with my infamous s*x scenes. I don't know how I became a good Gizmo writer but I know that if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be as good as I now. I put my phone back down on the dresser next to me and though about what I was going to write next. I wanted to get myself back in the mood with a good song but rough captor s*x was hard to put into music. With a regretful sigh I decided to play 'Losin Control' by Russ, not that I didn't like the song I just felt like it wasn't perfect for the moment. Singing along to the words I pushed my attention back to Carla who decided to give into her body's demands and let Angelo f**k the life out of her. 'I was soaking and ready for him at this point, but I knew Angelo was going to make me beg. He loved when I said his name whether it be because I was crying, upset, or fond of something that was happening he just wanted to hear me call out for him. "Angelo please," I mooned out when he pulled me off the wall. My legs were still wrapped tightly and his waist especially now that I had the support of his grip on my waist. He captured my mouth in his and laid me down on the casino couch. His right hand roamed my body until it founds it's way at the end of my dress. I could feel his fingers tingling my senses down there making me shiver underneath his touch. And that's when I felt it. No warning whatsoever. Angelo plunged a finger into my warmth and I gasped in shock. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth while his fingers pumped into me coating them in my juices. Angelo wasn't gentle with me, he made sure to play with my clit and push me to the brink. "Oh f**k" I could feel the strain in my body and I was so close to the explosive feeling but it stopped. Angelo pulled away and left me dumbfounded. He had a smirk on his face and walked towards the door, "Not today Mi Cara." That was all he said and then he left the room leaving me in a horny shock on the couch. My breathing slowed and I was just blinking at the door now. "That son of a b***h left." Just like that. I ended the s*x scene earlier than I would have liked but Russ wasn't giving me the energy that I needed. I lost all thought of Massimo after my phone call with Zarina and I know that I wasn't going to get it back as quick as I wanted to. I closed my computer and reluctantly got up from my desk. "I swear after this party Angelo will lose his s**t and if not I bet I will." I sighed and plopped myself down onto my bed. My eyes closed and sleep came soon after. *** The next day I woke up showered and quickly made my way to the living room. My mom stood in the kitchen stirring up her eggs not even bothering to turn around and greet me. "You woke up later than usual? Is everything okay?" I watched her from my seat as she scooped up the eggs and placed them on a plate right in front of me. "Just caught up in homework a little late. By the way I'll be coming late today," I said and then ate a mouthful of eggs. "Why?" She turned back around and washed the frying pan. I waited until I finished my eggs fully and drank the glass of orange juice that was already placed on the table. Feeling refreshed I smiled, and chuckled. "Homecoming party. Zarina said if I don't go then she'll personally force me." I got up from the table and left the house knowing that my mom wouldn't be upset. Judging from her laugh and usual late night shifts, she'd usually tell me to just be safe. Her hard struck personality eased up six years ago when my dad died and since then she's been throwing herself into work just to avoid the thought of him. I drove to school not even bothering to worry about it anymore, my thoughts fixated on my story and the possible information I could get from going to this party. When I got to school Zarina was already waiting for me by my usual parking spot, perched up against someone else's car with her f**k buddy Gavin planting hickeys on her neck. Our other friend Greg just looked uncomfortable standing next to them. When I park he immediately ran over and wrapped made in a huge hug, "For f***s sake Reiya couldn't you hav gotten here sooner? They've been choking on each other's tongues for a while now," he said and looked at me with his watery green eyes. My hands unconsciously touched his face and I laughed. "Come on before I'm later than usual." I lead Greg into the school with Zarina and her f**k buddy closely behind, we had almost all of our classes together except for English. I was placed in an honors writing program while they decided to take basic English. My English class consisted of fiction writing focusing on how our imaginations bring out our best work. When we write our desires into a story it is easier to get the words across rather than trying to write something that others would enjoy. English was my first period class so I left the others after walking them to their door and made my way over to the second floor into class. Professor Fletcher paid me no attention as I walked to my desk and began working on a small piece like we usually do. It didn't take long for me to get wrapped up in my writing and I could feel the time slipping away. Half way through the class being over, that's when the door opened up. I immediately felt the air in the room freeze over and we all knew who came through the door. He didn't say anything her just stood there when the teacher yelled at him, his hoodie pulled over his head not bothering to make eye contact with anyone in the room. "Are you out of your mind, Mr. Halloway," Mr. Fletcher yelled but Dameon wasn't listening. I couldn't help but stare at him, he was like the perfect epitome of quiet and cold, and honestly I wanted no part. I watched as he walked away the teacher and passed me, sending a cold shiver up my spine. He went straight for the desk behind me and slumped into it, going to sleep. Eventually the classed ended and I couldn't be more grateful. Dameon's cold presence behind me kept sending shivers down my spine and I could barely concentrate on my work. I was scared that he'd wake up and pull my hair. I heard lots of rumors about how he's constantly getting into trouble and how he had gotten all of his bruises from jail. As much as I didn't like to believe in rumors I just wanted to stay far away from him, because of the way he made me fell. Like I was nothing. The rest of the day continued without a problem. Zarina kept talking about the party and how she was excited to dress me up. "After this in another two weeks there will be a Halloween party so we have to attend that as well. I'll let you wear your hoodie this time but next party you're definitely dressing up. Maybe a not-so-innocent nun or sexy witch," she squealed and clapped her hands. "Are you really wearing that tonight," Greg chimed in drawing his attention away from the other kids passing us in the parking lot. He looked me up and down taking in my soft pink oversized hoodie and black biker shorts. His gazed stopped at my black slip on vans shoes before coming right back up to look at my two puffy pig tails. "Yes, what's wrong with my outfit," I folded my arms. "You look like you just rolled out of bed. Don't get me wrong it's cute especially with your tan skin but to a party?" "Yes, I didn't even want to go in the first place. I told Zarina that I'm wearing a hoodie." This made Greg raise a brow at Zarina who was now texting away on her phone. She didn't even bother to look up when she shrugged her shoulders, smiling as she typed. "It's cute so I'm not complaining this time. Plus we're going to my house to apply some makeup to her face at least and I need to change. See you later Greg." With that she cut the conversation short and headed into the passenger seat of my car. I smiled grateful that she wasn't going to argue about my clothes. I quickly planted a kiss on Greg's cheek and got into my car driving off to Zarina's house.
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