
Rollercoaster With The Mafia Tycoon

love after marriage
age gap
enimies to lovers
first love
love at the first sight

#Dreame Love Stroy Contest


“Place your heart in my hands and I will give you mine on an emerald tray” he gasped.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Have you ever said ‘NEVER’?…

I mean, there are things which we always think or tell we can never do no matter the pressure. That was what I thought until I met him and my life completely change into a rollercoaster of feelings and events...

The circumstances in which we met weren't their best and I hated him for buying me out like an object still so far he was the best thing that happened in my small miserable life since I was born.

Anyway, that was what I thought until he took me out of the orphanage to his home and I started facing the realities of life. Everything became so hard and complicated, especially when the time for payback araises, not to mention his possessive behaviour and more...

“You are mine and no one else!” he used to say


I have no right over the image used.

#Dreame Love Stroy Contest

#enemiestolovers #summerupdateprogram

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Chapter 1 & 2. Iris awaiting her suitor
Loud sounds of gunshots cramps the room. "Place your heart in my hands and I will give you mine on an emerald try" those are the last words I remember as I heavy fall to the ground. Struggling to catch a breath, I hold the wound on my side waist trying to stop the blood from oozing. With a blurred vision, I see someone moving toward me. I gazed at him with disdain. He stoops down and faces me "Sorry, Darling," he says while caressing my hair. Tears helplessly rolled down my cheeks. I'm suffering "Why?" I cry and there are the last words that escape my mouth as I close my eyes. --------------- “Iris, you should be ready by now your suitor will soon be here to see you,” Miss Rosa the head nun of the offset orphanage said. “No ma, I can’t marry that man, he's old enough to be my father ” I cry but she cares. Miss Rosa is a nice woman, if nice is the word then she’s nice, and a money-hungry type. Ever since Iris has been here, she has seen a lot of rich men both old and young coming to take girls that are of the age for marriage with the claim that the orphanage is lacking, finances. So she has fully embraced the reality that one day she too will be given out for marriage. Unfortunately, she had no idea who he will turn out to be. “Don't be pathetic, Iris, — he's just 40 years old and we agreed that he won't touch you until you reach the age of maturity of 20 years old. It's a good deal and you should be glad he agreed” she says as if it makes any difference. Iris is sad but what can she do?. Mrs Rosa welcomed her into the orphanage, give her a roof over her head, fed, clothed her, etc… now it was payback time. “Ma, I don't care I still don't want to marry him. I thought we were supposed to be given to younger men. I don't want to leave the orphanage?” she cried and begged “Can I stay a little longer, just a few more weeks? I know I'm 18 already but just the time for me to find where to relocate to” she implores. “This is an orphanage for underage miserable girls. We can barely feed all of you so giving you out in marriage is our best way to say bye but at the same time to put a roof on your head. Or do you want to go to the streets crammed with hungry predators?” Miss Rosa frightens. “Of course, no. All I'm saying is that the man is too mature for me and I don't...“ the door suddenly opens interrupting the both of them. Mrs Rosa smiles so Iris turns to catch a glimpse of who it is and coincidentally her eyes meet his gaze. The man looks strong, with an intimidating posture and behind him was another man with a briefcase. From the looks she can tell they are brothers, the resemblance is quite striking. The man behind smiled while the one standing ahead ignored her presence. Anyway, this is how she feels. When he comes in, he takes a seat and seats down less concerned not even uttering a word or anything he gives her a stern gaze and then turns to his iPad without saying a word to her or the nun. "How rude? she murmurs deep down. "I suppose you're done with your little chat! Miss Rosa come with me" says the other man. She immediately stands following him like she’s spellbound. Of course, she is. They both move out while Iris remains in the room with the fierce man who completely ignores her. Girls in the orphanage peep into the corridor to see. They are very excited as usual. Seeing a rich man around means fortune for the miserable girls running out of age of staying at the orphanage like Iris and many others. Letter move in. “Iris, go and wait out but don't go too far I will call you soon,” Mrs Rosa says while taking her seat behind her locker. She immediately moves out with relief. “That is one of the girls, unfortunately, she’s taken. Nothing to worry about I can always find you another” she eagerly proposes. “No, I want her” he finally opens his mouth. “She’s shy, careless and foolish. I have more beautiful and braver girls, — especially with the kind of the business you do, they will suit perfectly!” she says. “What business do I do” he frowns “Mind what you say!” he adds. “Sorry, sir, but you are one of the richest if not the richest family in this country so you need a very smart partner!” she rectifies and he releases that he got alarmed for nothing. “Sir, I'm sorry but all arrangements have been made and she will be living by today, her suitor will soon be here!” she says with a sorry glance. “I don't care so you better find a way to cancel the deal. You will be so sorry for yourself if I don't find jar when next I come here” he frowns but his brother gently taps his shoulders “Chill!” he whispers with a smile on his face. Then he faces her “Mrs Rosa always finds a way to satisfy her clients and she has understood how important the situation is!” he grins maliciously with a persuasive glance glued at the nun “We want her by month-end!” he rules while taking his hands off his brother's shoulders. “That's impossible you saw how timid and you have no idea of how rebellious she can be. At least give me time to prepare her for the change she's about to face” she pleads “Do I look like I care?! Do your fucken job" the authoritative voice sent chills down the woman’s spine as she shivers in fear. He speaks while his brother remains quiet. “Okay, sir, I can do that in a week as you both wish but you need to cooperate. I mean you need to gain her trust as such thing will go on smoothly” she explains. “How does he have to do that?” he gives her a questioned look. “You have to come here constantly to show your good faith towards her and familiarize yourself with her!” she says. “Hum… I will think over it” ~~~~~ Two days after they left the orphanage, he thought the greatest part was over. Unfortunately, Mrs called him and reported Iris to him as if he was her dad. It was annoying to Gabriel. "Monster!" is what Iris calls him. "Sir, you have 25 missed calls from Offset orphanage home" Diane his secretary walks into his office. "Block the number," he said ruthlessly without giving it a second thought. "Okay, sir". "Make arrangements for next week I will be working from home I have other preoccupations and matters to handle." Before he can finish talking his phone starts ringing. He immediately picks up the call, yelling "What the hell is wrong with you. You are disturbing me and I hate disturbance?". "She has become more stubborn than usual since I told her about you. She says she doesn't wasn't to marry you. I'm sorry I can't handle her anymore. It will be so relieving if you can come and take her out of this place even if it's by force. I have more than a hundred girls to take care of" she explains. "Are you crazy to call me on my office line? And who gave you my emergency number?" he yells. "You think this isn't an urgency? Just come over and see what she's been up to" she chides. "What kind of tantrum is she throwing? What trouble can a young girl like her cause that you can't handle?. Just say you want to get rid of her as soon as possible. Anyway, I don't have time today, I will be there tomorrow" he says. "If possible you will take her along with you. I have so much to tolerate with her and she's not my only girl" she insists. "If everything goes on well, I will take her with me on Monday". The next day, he goes to the orphanage and visits her with a few stuff out of his will. At first, he thought that his brother was going to deal with this alone but now he found himself in the middle of all these. "I heard you said you don't want to eat because I'm going to take you instead of that 40years old man. You should be glad because I'm doing you a huge favour" he says and she says nothing "I'm going to say this once and clearly as I have already told Mrs Rosa. I don't want to marry you or any other man. I just want my freedom!" she says boldly. Anyway, that is how it appears but she wasn't that confident enough. "Sadly, this isn't about what you want but what you can afford and you can't afford to marry me" he brags. She looked at him with total confusion "What do you mean?". "Simply that you must marry me whether you like it or not. I will give you the life of your dreams. I have so much money that not even your next six generations will be able to afford it if you don't marry me." "We are in the 21st century for crying out loud and you can't force me to get married to you!!!!!" she hits her face in dismay. "That is what you think," he told himself but he simply grinned. She looks at the grin on his face and it gives her bad vibes. She looks at him. Confusingly turned to Miss Rosa since she was unable to figure out what he was talking about. "We are already married!l" He gives her a file which she hastily opens to see a marriage certificate, her eyes pop out of her sockets. "This is fake!" she exclaims in shock "When did you and, - I?" She stutters. "You signed that and not me!" she frowned. He gave a light chuckle that pisses her off. "Little Miss, please, do not insinuate. I am here to take you home" he said. "This is my home and I have no other home aside from this" she points at the orphanage. "Sorry to burst your bubbles." He stood up and left the office while she was at him confusingly. "What's all these Miss Rosa? Do you have an idea of what you have just done? You're selling me into slavery!" tears fill her eyes. Miss Rosa can't bear to see her cry but there is no going back now. "Iris, listen to me" she holds both of her cheeks. "He won't touch you he promised, - not until you turn 20yrs and he will send you to school. Don't be scared my child and trust me, this is the best out for you" she persuades the young girl. The government hardly helped us out. Our budget is tied up. I need to reduce the pollution here as much as I can. Giving you girls out for marriage is not by choice but by assignment. I want every one of you to have great opportunities. Please, Iris, think about it. It is a necessary sacrifice for your sisters here at the orphanage." She explains. Iris understands where she's coming from yet marriage is the last option. She's mad, angry in fact, she has mixed feelings. Nobody had adopted her, no family wanted her, and even her real parents abandoned her. That is how she feels and Mrs Rosa is the only mother figure she's ever had. The night her mother brought her to this hellhole turned into heaven with time, her mother promised to be back for her, but she never returned to date. She has a blurry vision of her mother. It's been years already and the image of her has been completely wiped off her mind. However, she remembers that faithful night closely and it had rained heavily that day. She wore a pink sweater and she was sucking her favourite candy. "Iris, I'll be back for you ok?" She held her and hugged her crying. Innocent Iris wasn't understanding why she was crying or why she brought her to that weird place and hugged her and that was the last encounter she had with her mother or ever saw her. A nun came out and took her in that was when her mother gave her a necklace. It was a key with a lock. She had the key while her mother had the lock. But she threw the lock away when she had lost hope of her return ever since. The young girl in the orphanage was the only family she ever had. She looked at Miss Rosa in tears "Okay, will do it for you, my sisters here at the orphanage and for the future young girls you are going to help!" she hugs Miss Rosa. "Wise decision. When you reach his place, just do all that he asks of you. I also want you to know that I'm truly sorry Iris, I wish I had another way out for you to stay out of the streets. But this is the only way I can assure you a happy life out of hunger and misery" Iris breaks the hug and seats back. "Mr Gabriel will take very good care of you. He's a good man and he's very rich and he will give you a comfortable life. Just be a good girl and everything would be fine, ok?" she brushes Iris's hair behind her ears and wipes her tear handing her a tissue to wipe off the snot running down her nose. "You'll be fine, ok?" she says. Iris nods then walk inside to pack her things and binds everything together before saying goodbye to everyone.

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