Chapter Two

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We emerged into a valley, covered with soft grass and wildflowers. I should find it all beautiful, the way the light shines through the trees and onto the tall grass, swaying back and forth with the wind. But alas, I do not. I cannot see the beauty in anything. Not anymore.  “Come, Roamaka.”  He took my hand, leading me across the field to the forest line. Our pace quickened. I did my best to keep up with him. His legs taking one step and mine took four to keep up. He turned around to see my struggle and stopped. Without a word he picked me up, cradling me tightly to his chest, then he began running. Faster than any man, the speed of the Orc. I watched the colors meld together into something unnatural. A small smile played at my lips… this one differs from others, though, this one carrying something I am unaccustomed to.  “Olchei Huhr!” one of his brothers roared across the woods, making the Horde King stop.  A handful of orcs came running towards us. They looked angry. The Horde King said something like ‘What do you want’ and then his brothers replied with information about men, armed men coming towards them at a hurried pace. They are coming to retrieve their master’s wife and servant. Pain and panic spread through me. I should have been happy, I should have yelled for the riders. Instead, I thought of the men, their wives and children. I placed my hand to the side of the metal helmet and made the Horde King look at me with his black eyes. Those soulless black eyes, with only a small circle of bright light escaping.  “Please, we must leave… My hus… Lord Barret’s men will want to take me back.” I whispered.  He hesitated for a moment and then commanded his men to a safe cave for the night, to wait out the human warriors. Then they started running again, some carrying sacks full of food or gems. Things they have taken from my home. Others rolling large barrels of ale and wine. There is one, though, one who brought a slight happiness to my chest. This one is smaller than the rest in height but wider. He carried dried meats, sausage links around his neck. As he ran, they swung, smacking him in the face every so often, making his lips wet with saliva. The Horde King caught my gave. He turned to see what was making me smile. When he turned his eyes back to me and gave me a warning growl. I instantly snapped my eyes down to my hands, threading my fingers together, regret settling in.  “Does my brother please your eyes?” He growled.  “No…” I whispered.  “Lies women.” He growled with anger.  I ducked my head lower, trying to hide the fear in my eyes. He tightened his hand on my legs, making me wince slightly. But I said nothing. I remained silent and kept my eyes down.  We didn’t stop moving until the sun was fully set and we came upon a cave. The Horde King walked in. I took a chance to look around. The small cave is full to the brim with his brothers. His horde. They all looked at me, their black eyes boring into me when I caught the sight of my friend in the corner with her wrists bound and tears staining her cheeks. I pushed myself from the Horde King’s arms and fell to the hard rock covered in dirt. He looked at me, surprised. I pushed myself from the ground and ran to her side. I started undoing her hands with unsteady hands. I only made the knot tighter around her hands. I became angry when a set of large, warm hands rest on my shoulders, moving me away from Helen. My heart raced as I protested, especially when I saw the knife come into view.  “No! No please do not…” I was saying when I say the knife cut the rope around her wrists.  He moved out of the way as Helen, and I collided into each other’s arms. Her body shaking, just like mine.  “Come.” The Horde King demanded.  “She has to come with me.” I said, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around me.  He grunted in return and turned around. I stood, taking Helen with me, and we followed the Orc towards the back of the cave to a wooden door. A door so out of place. He pushed it open and stood to the side, waiting for us to enter the room. Before he closed the door and placing the lock, he shoved his arm out. In his hand are our bags. I took them gently, and he looked at me with the same soft eyes, making me wish he was not wearing the metal helmet so I could look upon his face entirely.  “Ssiiv waofeym. We have a long trek home before the earth is light.” he said before he closed the door, taking one last look at me.  We sat quietly for a moment before I turned to face Helen. She grabbed me, pulling me into her arms, finding comfort in each other.  “He allowed me to pack some things for us, Helen. Then we need to sleep. I think it is easier to obey. At least for right now. Did they hurt you?”  “No. The one called Grom is very kind. He talks to me gently.” She said as a soft smile played her lips.  “Good.”  “And you? Is the Horde King good to you?”  “I don’t know and something in me I do not think I wish to find out.” I replied.  We went to the bed and laid down, curling into each other. Soon we drifted into a soft sleep. In the morning when I woke I expected to be in the bed with Helen. Instead, I woke in his arms. In the arms of the Horde King. I still, my body becoming tense as he lowered his eyes to look at me. Then he looked away and kept running.  “We will be home in a moment.” He grunted.  Home… I do not have a home. I do not believe I ever did. I did not reply to him. I just watched and wondered what I would find under the metal helmet. Would it confirm all the tales? Would he be hideous, vial and gross or would I find something all together different.  “I feel your eyes on me Roamaka.” I quickly took my eyes away and forced on my hands.  All the collective fears I have felt since yesterday seemed to roll itself into a tight ball and settling in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes and started dreaming of anything but my current reality when a loud howl echoed through the woods. The Horde King began slowing until he all together stopped moving. I opened my eyes to see him look down at me. He sat me down on my feet and then took my hand, leading me into another tunnel.  “Where are we?”  “Mountain Keep. We are home.”  “This is not my home… “I whispered.  He sucked in a sharp breath and gripped my hand tighter. He barked something at the Orc, cradling my friend in his arms, and then dragged me away into another tunnel. I had to run behind as he dragged me into a room. He tossed me inside and slammed the door closed. I stood in the middle of the room and looked around to see a nicely made wooden framed bed. There is another doorway only covered by a leather cloth. On the other side is an enormous fireplace with furs laying in front. Either side of the fireplace are two large windows with simple leather curtains they are pulled back and held by a piece of metal in the wall. I subconsciously moved my feet towards one. Placing my hands to the stone, and pushed myself up on my toes to peer outside. I looked over the forest, over the village to the grand lake of vers. Looking towards its glass waters, I am flooded with memories of my mother before she became sick.  “What is it Roamaka?” He called behind me reminding me I am not alone.  I lowered myself back down and turned. Folding my hands in front of me, I kept my eyes on the floor. His steps coming closer until I can see the top of his feet in front of mine.  “What causes you pain, Roamaka? I will destroy it for you.” He growled.  “What if I said it was you kidnapping me?” I asked. He sucked in a hissing breath and then his hands were on my face, making me look at him. He is still wearing the helmet, hiding his face. I can only see those dark eyes with a lighted tunnel boring through them. His breathing came out harshly, echoing from the metal. His hands gripping me.  “I only did this thing you say to save my omara from a cruel man.” His voice stagger.  “What? How could you possibly know that?” I asked, shocked.  “I watch you for many moons. I see what he does to your skin, to your mind. I see the same expression on your face and it displeases me.” He said in a heavy tone, “I wish to change this for you. For my omara.”  “I do not know that word. Nor do I understand. All I truly know is that your words scare me.”  He instantly dropped his hands and took a step back. “I will bring you food. In there is a tub use it the men are coming with hot water to fill it.”  He turned abruptly, leaving me alone and ever more confused. Though out of fear I did as he asked I went to my bag, pulling a clean night dress out and laying it across the bed when Orcs came into the room carrying buckles of steaming water. Each one went into the other room, pouring it and then left the room. All six orcs repeated this, and then finally I was alone once more. I stripped my clothing and began walking to the washroom when the Horde King barged into the room, startling me. He looked at me, my bare body, and a dark growl rumbled from him as he slammed the door closed. The light in his eyes fading, making it completely soulless. I couldn’t do anything. I am frozen in place. He walked over to me and looked me over again, with another growl erupting from him. He raised his hand, running a single finger down the side of my neck, over my collarbone and down across my breast. He hesitated over my n****e; I sucked in a surprised breath, but remained still. Almost like he is satisfied with my reaction. He did it again until a small whimper escaped my life and he looked into my eyes to see fear and lust forming clouds of confusion.  “You do not wish for me to please you, omara?” He asked, c*****g his head to the side.  I licked my dry lips and tried to settle my racing heart. “I do not know…” I said. It is honest.  He grunted and dropped his hand. Then he stood up straight and went into the washroom. When he came out, he came back over to me and brushed his finger over my cheek before saying, “It is ready for you now, ke miapel.”  “Thank you.” I whispered.  He dropped his hand and left the room again, closing the door as he did. Leaving me to my own thoughts. I released a breath and realized the moisture between my thighs and the knot of lust in my stomach. Why did I have to say that… I know… Yes, I want him to please me… I shook my head and cursed myself. You are a weak, stupid woman, Estella. I said to myself, forcing my feet towards the bath.  I looked down at the water to see the steam coming up and then stepped in. Taking a deep breath, it filled my nose with lavender and something a little spicy. He must have added oils into it for me. Oddly thoughtful for a savage orc. I leaned back into the water a little more and closed my eyes. I will take this pleasure because I do not know when I will get another.  “Ke miapel?” His velvet voice said wrapping around me, waking me from my slumber.  I opened my eyes to feel the chill of the water on my skin. I stood up and grabbed a linen wrap before looking up into the savage Horde King’s eyes. A shiver traveled down my spine making my body shutter. His eyes look alarmed when he came to me. He grasped me out of the bath cradling me to his chest. He quickly made his way into the main room and set me down on the furs in front of the fireplace. I pulled the cloth tighter across my body and watched him build a fire. Once he finished, he looked at me just as I shivered again. He growled low and came back to me, pulling me back to his chest.  “I will warm you, ke miapel.”  I did not reply, though I should pull myself from his grip, but my body is begging to stay, to take the warmth he is offering me. “Are you hungry, ke miapel?” he asked me. I offered no reply. Instead, I closed my eyes and allowed my body to drift into the known darkness. 
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