Chapter 4

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2 days later~ "Where is he?" Jungkook demanded as he sat atop his thrown. His black hair falling to his forehead and his legs open, elbows propped on his knees and arms hanging down as he stared everyone down in the banquet hall. Everyone looked around desperately for Chanyeol, the king's most trusted man, but none could find him. Everyone panicked because no one beside Chanyeol and a few others were allowed to address the king. Suddenly a path was made in the hall and Chanyeol walked through confidently, head held high and arms foldered behind his back. (A/N nim is a sucker for yodaaa ) "You called sire?" Chanyeol says confidently with a small smile on his face and bowed in respect. Jungkook watched him as he bowed and he rolled his eyes bored before opening is mouth to speak, "The human. Where is he?" Jungkook demanded, his voice ringing out the hall. Before Chanyeol answered, he turned toward others in the hall and dismissed them so that the conversation could go on. Everyone quickly scurried away before closing the giant doors until only two were in the hall. Chanyeol slowly turned toward his king and put on a small smirk, it was cheeky. "In the cell like you told me to sire." He answers obediently. "Hmmmm...?" Jungkook hums amused as he looks at the floor. His eyes were sharp and his lips pursed tightly as he glared at the floor. His heart skipped a few beats as he thought of the human but he quickly scoffed as he shoved those feelings to the back of his heart. "Doesn't it hurt sire?" Jungkook's head shot up so fast, you would have thought he would've came off. His eyed piercing into his servant, though Chanyeol didn't seem fazed. "Does what hurt?" Jungkook asks. "Treating your mate this way? Doesn't it affect you somehow?" Chanyeol asks and raises an eyebrow. In turn , Jungkook sat up taller, his anger flaring up as he c****d an eyebrow. "Are you questioning me pest?!" Jungkook roars throughout the hall and the air became thicker and icy. Jungkook hated people questioning him and questioning 'his' rule. This is why he killed him family... Because he was tired of being dragged down. Jungkook also had a very bad temper. He would lose it for even the stupidest of things. He was so use to being in control that if anyone questions his rein, he would kill them immediately. "Don't get me wrong sire. Its just sheer curiosity. I apologise for my wrong use of words. Forgive me." Chanyeol bows again. Chanyeol wasn't scared of the king. He was fairly used to this behaviour, since the time they were kids. Jungkook just glared at Chanyeol. Both of them looking at each other, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Chanyeol was the first to immediately look away, "To have fun of course Chanyeol. The human is merely my play thing. I will toy with him until he breaks. This will surely be the best view of pain, wouldn't it? I mean, seeing that I am his mate and I hear that when you get rejected, its the worst pain ever. Besides... He's only human, he wouldn't last long." Jungkook smirked evilly as he stood up gracefully. Each step careful and beautiful as he came down each step. The king continued to walk toward Chanyeol until he was towering over him. (Yes bitches! Jungkook is taller than Chanyeol here ;)) "What do you suggest sire?" Chanyeol asks curiously as he watches his own king circle him like prey. "Bring me some plain food so that I may take it to him..." Jungkook thought the entire plan through in his head. He was planning to be sweet to Taehyung, show him that he cares, only to crush his heart again. Taehyung loving him was a huge advantage. Because Jungkook knew that the human will always stay and will always be there... No matter what he does to him. "Right away sire." Chanyeol says before turning away immediately to follow his king's orders. Jungkook smirks as he watches Chanyeol disappear behind the door. Let's play human... -- Jungkook walks into the darkly lit dungeon that resided on a isolated tower a few metres away from the throne room. Jungkook held bread, cheese and honey in both hands as he made his way around the large dungeon. He stopped immediately once he heard soft sobs racking throughout the walls. His heart squeezed tightly but he quickly shoved his feelings aside before approaching the cell in the far corner. Taehyung was shivering as he clung onto his knees. Once he heard footsteps, he quickly sat up and squinted to see who it was. His body immediately went into overdrive and a beautiful scent filled his nose. He breathed in and all of a sudden, all the pain, stress, depression and hurt disappeared in an instant. He sat where he was though, he didn't know whether he should approach his master or stay put. He hated how his entire demeanour changed. His entire being was to please this man in front of him now. Jungkook loved how he saw slight fear in Taehyung's eyes. He hid the smirk with a soft sweet smile as he went down on his knees, laying the plate of bread and cheese down and then the honey. "What are you doing all the way there little lamb? Come closer." Jungkook put on his sweetest voice and motioned for the smaller to come closer. Taehyung perked up at the nickname and instantly his face had turned a light pink before he slowly came closer. His eyes hung low but his cheeks still held a pink. Jungkook almost found the scene cute and tried to restrain himself from cooing at the smaller. Once the little one was in front of him and within arms distance, Jungkook pushed his hand through the bars and pulled Taehyung's chin up gently so that their eyes could meet. Both their breaths hitched at the contact. Taehyung blushed harder as he stared into the king's dark black eyes. His skin was buzzing as if he touched an electric wire but for some reason, he let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. "Hungry little lamb?" Jungkook asks and he smiles when Taehyung nodded his head softly. "I thought so." Jungkook says softly before looking down, Taehyung's eyes following and settled on the food. Just on que, his stomach growled loudly and Jungkook faked worry, "I did tell them to take it easy on you." He says innocently. As if 'he' wasn't the one who locked the poor thing in there. Jungkook broke off a piece of bread and cheese and dipped it in honey before bringing it up to Taehyung's mouth and he smiled instantly once the smaller ate straight out of his hands eagerly. Though, both of them didn't break eye contact. "My, what an appetite." Jungkook faked a chuckle and automatically Taehyung giggled slightly before Jungkook fed him again. The king won't deny that the human was indeed adorable but that's all he was... Just looks and appearance. Nothing more. Taehyung obediently and silently ate the food that Jungkook kept bringing to his lips and instinctively licked the King's fingers when some honey trickled down his finger and stopping at his gold and emerald encrusted rings. Jungkook closed his eyes and groaned slightly as he felt the small and slender tongue suck on his fingers. When he opened his eyes again, he was met with big innocent doe eyes and he slowly pulled his fingers away. Only to have them wrap around the smaller's neck and press slightly. Not enough to choke but enough to show dominance. Taehyung didn't try to struggle though, he sat obediently as his gaze into his mate's eyes never wavered. "Oh, you're good~" Jungkook purred, his eyes half lidded and his lips barely grazing the latter's. Taehyung's heart beat could be heard in his ears and his body was aching. He bit his wet lips as he stared at his master. Jungkook's eyes sensually grazed over Taehyung's entire body like a wolf ready to eat his little lamb. The human let out a soft whimper under the gaze and he felt himself getting painfully hard. Jungkook began to pull Taehyung closer until his lips only grazed the latter's ear. Taehyung groaned slightly, waiting for something sexy to tumble out the man's lips but his eyes widened when the king whispered, "You're so weak." And with one swift move, he pushed Taehyung until the smaller fell backward and landed on his back. A gasp leaving his lips and then again, his heart started to hurt all over again. His head instantly went down when he noticed his mates eyes glaring into him. "I can't wait to play with you tomorrow." Jungkook smirked as he turned to walk away, "Till then little lamb... Sleep tight." Little did Taehyung know that tomorrow was actually the full moon...
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