Chapter 1

1893 Words
Elena's POV: The morning sunlight come through the big window and fall on my face. But it wasn't disturbing my sleep as I was awake. Even, I didn't sleep for a second last night, and it wasn't something new. I passed countless nights without sleep for the last 15 years. And there isn't a specific reason for this rather there are many. As sometimes it was for pain, sometimes it was for guilt, sometimes it was for my incomplete responsibility and sometimes it was for the cursed life, I'm having. Despite having a rich and glorious life, I'm not happy at all because there isn't any peace. From outside, anyone can easily say that how blessed life I got or how lucky I'm but only I know how accursed my life is and I may not wish such kind of life for even my enemy. Although I have every chance to go away from everything and live a life freely which I always wish, but the irony is that I'm not lucky enough for that. I wish I got a normal life like other girls have and can breathe every second without any kind of regret. It may prove that I might commit a great sin as I'm still regretting about that and honestly, I also don't even know the answer, but the past I face and the brutally I saw, is enough for me to regret every second although I wasn't blamed for that but my fate has made me guilty of everything. Whenever I remember those terrible days, I feel goosebumps through my whole body. I still can't believe that I survived all these years with those horrible memories which make my breath hitched. Although it's scared me, I never tried to forget those horrible memories, pain, tears, and love. I think I can say that it makes me more strong emotionally as I wouldn't be surprised or sad at all if grief clouded in my life again because my life is already diving into grief and I have no idea when it will come to an end, and I will be happy again. I was facing the ceiling, and waiting for the time to reach 9 AM so that when I will get out of my room, I don't see the face of the world's most disgusting, evil, and horrible person which is my father. Honestly, I'm even hating myself to think the person as my father because if all my sufferings and pain can sum up into one word then it will be this person and my luck so worse that this person is my dad whom I will hate till my last breath and nothing going to change this. I look at the clock and find it's already nine. A small smile appeared on my face thinking about today. Although my every day is the same as I find it nothing but worse but only today in an entire year is very special, and I try not to be sad on this day. But it isn't easy because this day comes with more sorrows than happiness and I feel more depressed on this day because the person is not here for whom this day is so special. I got up from my bed and went nears a picture which was hanging on the wall with the other pictures but it was a bit big then the others and it was very special as this picture show me the brightest and sweetest smile of my lovely mom, and I feel like I can hear her voice through the picture. It's my daily routine in the morning to stand in front of her picture and hear the silent 'Good Morning' while crying without my knowing. "Hey, mom. Good morning... It's another day and I'm here. I know you're angry with me as I again spend a day without fulfilling my promise and I'm again sorry. But trust me, I'm trying every single way possible, and I know that.... one day I will keep my promise", I said to the picture of my mom because I believe that she hears me. My eyes flooded with tears when I expected her to say something but found no answer. "I really wish mom that you're here with me and encourage me because I'm very lonely. And the loneliness increasing day by day, mom. I really missed you", I caressed the picture softly which makes me feel that I'm touching my mom. "Okay... Enough of my stupid emotion. I hope you remember, what the day it is and how excited I become when this day comes. I can't even imagine how beautiful this day could be if we all are together... But we aren't that lucky enough", I said and heaved a sigh. I know, I may act like a psycho as I'm talking with the picture of my mom but sometimes our life brought us into a situation or in a phase when we don't have any other choice rather than acting like a crazy or stupid person. With the rest of the happiness, I also had lost my mom, 15 years ago, and I can't remember a single day I passed without crying for her. She was an angel for me, but she leaves me too soon. Actually, she didn't leave me rather she was snatched away from me and I couldn't save her for which I never going to forgive myself. I was crying hard while thinking about my mother death again which I tried to forget but I can't. I wish that it could be the only reason for my tears and sorrows but it wasn't because she wasn't the only person in the list of my lost happiness. Whenever I look at my mom's picture, I also feel guilty other than sorrows because she made me promise her something before her death, but I'm indeed a shameful daughter as I still can't keep my promise. But I'm trying every day to fulfill my promise since I became mature, but I yet not succeed in this case. Being failed, again and again, I didn't give my hope rather I still believe that I will keep my mom's last wish by any means otherwise I'll consider myself the guilty one for everything which happened 15 years ago. I take a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes and try to determine my mind for the day. After taking a shower, I saw my reflection on the mirror and find myself nothing, but a living corpse with dead eyes although there wasn't any doubt that God created me pouring all the perfection and beauty which a girl can wish for but I think I never got a chance to appreciate it or I never want to appreciate it because I always wished that I might never be born in the first place, so I wouldn't feel the pain and live a life like this with full of sorrows. I got dressed up and went to the downstairs of the big mansion in which I and my inhuman father live and I'm pretty sure that hell must feel good enough then this grand mansion as there isn't any inhuman and greedy beast like my father. "Mam, are you going outside?", One of the maids asked when I was leaving the house. I stopped and give her an answer by nodding my head. "Sir...ask you to complete your breakfast before going outside? He ordered us to make sure you complete your breakfast", the maid said which was a regular thing for me to hear. As my evil dad, only concern and care about me more than anything and I also know that he loves me more than his life but more he loves me, the more I hate him even I can't even explain the amount of my hate and disgust for him because it's the only thing I feel for my dad till now. Without saying anything to the maid, I started leaving again, but she again stopped me as she was scared about my dad order. "You don't need to worry. I will say that I complete my breakfast if he asks me", I said calmly. "Sir, also ask you to come home quickly in the evening", she again said which make me surprised this time. Suddenly, I started feeling angry thinking that my father again started to control my life which I'm not going to let him do this time. I don't want him to interrupt in my life again like he was doing for many years and forcing me to live a life that he wants and it was a living life hell. After treating him by my life, he agreed to let me live the way I want but I never thought that he will try to put his nose again in my life. "How dare he to think that I will do whatever he wants", I said furiously to the maid although I know she has nothing to do with it. I just lose control of my anger because of my evil father as the mere mention of his words literally messed up my mind. "Mam... I don't know in detail. But sir said that a guest was coming here in the evening, and your presence must be needed. And sir wants you to be here in the evening", The maid said and find it pointless to say anything to her as she has nothing to do with it. Without replying to her anything, I left the house. I was trying to be in a good mood on this day but my beast dad also ruined that and what else I should expect from him. I start driving my car and soon reached one of the most famous and expensive bakery shops in Miami as it was the favorite bakery shop of the person for whom I'm going to buy the cake. "You came... I was waiting for you dear", the baker uncle said who knows me very well as I bought a cake from here every single year on this day. "I already baked your cake", he again said with a smile on his face, and he was seeming happy. "Really... But I didn't order yesterday. I thought to wait here while you will bake my special cake", I said, sounding surprised although I know that he is going to remember. "I will always remember you and the person for whom you bought the cake on this day. I don't know much about the person, but all I know that the person is very much lucky to have someone like you as you never missed celebrating it since 15 years", he said and his words making me cry because he doesn't know that the person is not with me for whom I cut cake every year. "Here is your cake", he placed the cake box on the table and open the box to check it. My eyes blurred with tears and heart start aching with pain after seeing the name on the cake like every year. "Happy 27th Birthday, Stefan", I murmured looking at his favorite chocolate raspberry cake and tear start falling from my eyes as I was really wishing to be with him today and celebrate his birthday like we used to do together in every year.
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