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Gwen say on the floor of her studio apartment, the floor covered with her large sketches varying on the same topic. For three weeks she had been rushing a project to get her one of her largest jobs yet. She had to provide a portfolio of mural ideas in hopes they choose her out of the hundreds of artists that had applied. She was hoping that the darker look she was shooting for would be something to stand out rather than the pops of color the other artists were shooting for.  She had been working on her project for so long that she had completely forgotten that she had agreed to meet with Laurel for lunch, encouraging her to come to her flat and bring lunch.  Laurel only complained slightly before agreeing to bring take out from their favorite lunch spot. It gave Gwen the freedom she needed to continue with what she had so far. There was a knock at the door, shocking Gwen. She hadn't even buzzed in anyone... Gwen crosses the small living room and took a look outside into the hallway. There was a small petite woman at the door, the old peep hole blurring her features just enough that Gwen didn't recognize her.  "Who is it?" Gwen asked.  "Hi, Miss. Titus, my name is Briana Arlington. I am the publicist that was hired by your father. I'm sure he told you we had a meeting today?" Her voice was just as petite as she looked.  "No, I don't have any meetings." Gwen said, hesitant to open the door. She had her fair experience with press disguising themselves as her friends or people she would know just to get a good scoop. She did date one of the most famous teenage heart throbs for four entire years.  That time of her life had been broadcasted wide and far to anyone who would listen as he drove her through heart break after heartbreak, leaving the press wondering why she stayed each time. It left her wondering the same exact thing, but overcoming that took her some time, and now she preferred a lower exposure lifestyle.  "How did you get up?" Gwen asked, still not letting the woman in.  "Your guard let me in." She explained, her smile polite despite Gwen's less than welcoming demeanor.  "I don't have a guard." Gwen clarified.  "Of course, you do," Briana laughed, "All potential candidates have access to secret service. It extends to their family members as well."  Gwen found it odd that she had a guard without her knowledge, but her skepticism on the woman standing in her apartment lowered as she began to understand. This wasn't a clever press move, it was her father attempting to control her from afar.  "Look, I didn't sign up for a meeting, I don't need a publicist, I'm pretty low-key. I doubt people will care about me." Gwen said, "So if you could kindly..."  "Miss. Titus, with all due respect, I have spent six years in school for this and this is my first actual job in the field. My completion was men who have been in my place for a really long time and you don't know what I had to do to get here. If you turn me away, I will no longer have a job. So, if you would please, let me go over this information with you and I will be out of your hair in an hour." Briana said curtly, her bubbly facade vanishing for only just a moment.  Gwen silenced her protest, understanding her point of view. One hour of her time wouldn't hurt her and then she could just dodge the girl from here on out. Gwen let out a defeated sigh before motioning to the couch in her flat.  Briana's smile brightened as she made her way over. Her six-inch designer heels felt as though they didn't fit in the apartment. Gwen sat down across from her, letting her start.  "Today I'm only here to grab a portfolio. This will be used for the campaign manager to figure out some angles we can use to better our opponents." Briana explained, "Think of it as a 'get to know you'."  Gwen nodded her head at the girl, "So first, I must say that I love your art. What made you get into art?" Briana asked.  "Do you want the honest answer?"  "Honesty is always best." Briana encouraged.  "My dad hated it. The more he hated it the more mediums I worked with. He wanted me to be a lawyer, and I hate law. I began to fall in love with art, so much so that I followed it blindly."  "Would you consider yourself successful?" Briana asked, her pen moving furiously as she wrote everything Gwen said down.  "Look around," Gwen waived, "My apartment is filled with artwork that is unsold and it's a tiny place I can barely afford without my mom's help. You be the judge of if I'm successful."  Briana only continued writing, "Have you considered an art gallery?" Her pen stopped moving.  "I can't afford that." Gwen said.  "None sense, I can hook you up. I personally find it beautiful and I know a ton of people who would feel the same way." Briana said, "There's an art event coming up. Submit some of this."  "I'll think about it." Gwen murmured, not wanting to admit that she didn't even find her artwork worthy of something that large.  "Awesome," she chirped, "You mentioned your mom. Are you and her close?"  "Yeah, she's my biggest fan. She funds all of this." Gwen smiles thinking of her mother, whenever she thought of her, she felt a bit more at peace. Her mom had fought for her dreams just as hard as she did. She supported Gwen and Eric with all her heart. Gwen was sure if she told her mother she wanted to be a bank robber her mom would encourage her to be the best bank robber.  "That's really sweat, actually." Briana said, "My mom was the same, but she passed away last August."  "I'm sure she would be proud of you here today." Gwen commented, but Briana just moved on to the next topic. It was thirty minutes of questioning before Laurel opened the door to Gwen's home, key in hand.  Laurel stopped once she realized that the two of them weren't alone, her eyes landing on Briana with a questioning look. Gwen quickly stood as Brianna walked in, "Briana, this is Laurel, my best friend. Laurel, this is Briana, the publicist my father hired."  Laurel let out a small snort, it ruined her elegant and perfect demeanor, "Publicist? He really is taking this seriously?"  "Sadly." Gwen said with a shrug, causing Laurel to laugh out loud.  "Wait," Briana said, "You two don't think he will win?"  Gwen and Laurel looked at each other before both beginning to laugh out loud. Briana's shocked face turned to a smile as she observed the two friends.  "Good one." Laurel sighed.  Briana stood, "I don't want to interrupt you here, I did only need an hour Miss Titus, I will get out of your hair."  "Do you have something more important to do?" Laurel asked, "You're really funny you can stay and eat with us."  Gwen rolled her eyes, "You can't hold her hostage, Laurel."  "It's fine!" Briana smiled, "I need to get this properly formatted and submitted anyway. I will reach back out to you when I hear back from my friend to see if I can get you a spot." "You don't have to do that." Gwen assured.  "No, it's my pleasure." Briana said before walking out, waving goodbye to both girls.  Laurel brought the food over to the living area, sitting it on the table. It looked as though she had chosen Chinese food, two cartons of noodles sat between the two.  "Okay, now that she is gone, when were you going to tell me that the hottest man on earth is also your new guard?" Laurel asked.  Gwen nearly choked on her food, "What?"  "Yeah, he’s standing outside the apartment building just standing there. It's so weird. But he's really hot so it makes weird okay." Laurel smiled.  "I didn't know it was him." Gwen said honestly, "I thought he was just security for the night."  "Girl, you have a whole detail." Laurel said, "That is not a bad guy to be guarding your body."  Gwen cringed at the way that she put it, but the topic reminded her of what they had discussed the night before. "You said you met someone."  Laurel was silenced immediately, her porcelain skin turning a tinge of red. Even casually dressed Laurel was stunning. Her hair stopped at her shoulders and she kept it straight today, she wore jeans and a silk blouse with heels but even that looked like a model’s outfit in her.  "Yes," she admits, "I did, but I was hoping you'd forgotten by now."  "Not likely, bitch." Gwen said with a grin, "Tell me about him."  Laurel took a deep breath, putting her cartoon of noodles down on the table next to her. It had been a long time since Gwen had seen Laurel this nervous, she was normally always composed.  "Remember that time in college when we were all doing that stupid truth or dare game?" Laurel asked.  Gwen was floored by the question, but she remembered. Laurel had been dared to go into one of the closets with one of their mutual friends, Zoey. Zoey was notoriously known for chasing after straight women and Laurel was so composed that we had dared her to go into a closet with her to see what happened but as far as Gwen was concerned it was uneventful.  "Yes." Gwen said, waiting for her to continue.   "I said nothing happened." Laurel said.  "Yes..." Gwen said.  "I lied." Laurel said, "When I was in there, I kissed Zoey. I had always known, but that was the time I did it." "I'm totally missing the point." Gwen said, even though the pieces were in fact coming together.  "Zoey is back in town, she actually moved here to New York and I have been seeing her for two weeks now. I actually like her, Gwen." Laurel nervously spoke. Gwen wanted to hug her and comfort her, but she knew she needed to go at her pace.  "I like girl, Gwen." Laurel said slowly, adding extra emphasis on the girls’ part, "I'm lesbian."  The pause after she had said those words out her mouth was incredibly loud and within seconds Laurel was in tears. Gwen put her food down on the table and pulled Laurel into a hug.  "I never told anyone that before. You're the first person and I was so scared."   It was now Gwen's turn to start crying, "I love you regardless, you're my best friend. It's okay. Everyone loves you regardless."  "Oh, but my parents! They're catholic." Laurel cried.  "Your parents are obsessed with you and they support LGBT+, you shouldn't be scared of what people think. It's only a change but you'll be happier."  Laurel pulled away, "This is why I told you first. I knew you'd make it make sense."  Gwen rolled her eyes, "I'm with you every single step of the way."  Gwen knew that Laurel whole-heartedly knew that, without a single doubt on this planet.   
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