Chapter Two

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“Are all the people living their nice father?” “All my children are nice. Sometimes they lose their path but I still love them anyway”  Rosalie POV  “Rose, could you pass the sugar? “ I look beside me. Sophia has extended her hand and looks pretty annoyed. I pass her the sugar in a hurry knocking the napkin holder in the process.  “I am sorry” I whisper and look down.  Why I have to be like this?  She waves a hand and smiles at me dismissing the apology already.  “So tell us about you” this time it’s the jovial Mia who is speaking to me.  “Uh….I am, My name is… “ I am still looking down when I hear a chuckle from the other end of the table.  “We know who you are. Tell us about where are you from, how did you land up here of all places” Olivia says in a sing-song way which makes everyone laugh like it was an inside joke.  I smile a little. I don’t want to seem oblivious to the conversation.  “Uh… I am from Oxilia” I say in a low tone. I know for a fact that most people don’t know about it. It’s a small town. That’s what the people who live nearby say, but I have been there. I have lived my life there and I know nothing about it is small.  I have wandered on the streets more than anyone. I have seen many things there.  I shake my head, bringing myself back to the conversation.  “So what do you guys think about the new hot teacher” they have already switched the conversation to guys.  why is it the favorite topic among the girls, second to the shopping of course?  “He has a bike too and he looks like he would know everything,” Olivia says like she is already having something on her mind.  “Guys treat their bikes as the love of their life and their girls as something to ride” this time it is Sophia who speaks and everyone burst into giggles.  “You are scaring the newbie” Mia interrupts looking at me.  I just look down and blush. It’s like they speak from experience.  “So……any boyfriend?”  Mia is teasing me but what to say I am a loser in that area. I shake my head again.  “No… I don’t” I admit honestly.  “It’s too hard to believe. Look at you. Or maybe you are one of the girls who hide things from their girlfriends” Sophia says looking sideways.  I don’t know why but my mind always runs to him when someone speaks about my love interest. But that was the only time I have seen him and it already has been four years since the night that I saw him. I tried to look for him being the town small and all but I couldn’t find him.  I won’t say it was love at first sight but he did pique my interest in guys. Followed by several mistakes which I made later.  “Back to Earth Rose” Mia giggles.  “Were you thinking about someone? “Olivia nudges me.  “No…uh... I wasn’t “ I smile.  I was but he is not my boyfriend.  “Why don’t we go for drinks tonight and find someone for you? “ Mia suggest, which makes Sophia role her eyes and Olivia grin.  “Don’t do anything, I won’t do?” Sophia says to me.  Oh, I am so blessed to have a roommate like her. That would be so easy.  I wouldn’t say I have not thought about it. I have. But I know my luck. Every time I have tried, it hadn’t worked out. I don’t know what guys like, I don’t know how some girls have it too easy while I struggle for a relationship to last even if it’s for a week.  We get up from our lunch table as soon as the bell rings for the next class. Mia places her arm around my shoulder and I shiver for a second before relaxing. She slowly puts her hand down patting me on back.  “Okay, let’s meet at High around 8? “ she tells to everyone and changes her expressions in just one second going from jovial to mean teacher. She looks at me and winks and I wave her bye.  Sophia has told me that she has some work and would directly meet me at the bar, so it’s all up to me to get ready.  It’s already 7:30, and I have not got anything to wear. It’s just a bunch of casual tees and jeans which I have packed and I don’t think that would make a good first impression on anyone.  Going through the clothes once again, I give up. I have decided to call and cancel my first plan ever when I remember that maybe I have something I could put one.  It’s a skirt that I have not worn for a long time. I have no idea if it should fit since it is pretty old. As I try it I am surprised by the fact that I can still wear it. The length is pretty short coming above the knees but it’s a girl night and it should do. I pair it up with a crop top and rush for the doors.  When I arrive at High, the girls have already started the party without me. They are in a deep conversion about something when I reach the table and go on complete silence for a second.  “You are here” Mia is the first one to speak. Sophia is already on the phone when I sit down.  I also pick up the menu when I feel a hand on mine. “We are not here for the food,” Mia says and Olivia nods with her.  “We are here to pick a guy for you” she is giggling and I just smile at her.  “So get on your ass and sit at the bar… alone” she adds looking at Olivia. It sounds like a plan but I haven’t done anything like this before.  “Uh…. I don’t know… I have never..” I am saying when Olivia interrupts. “They won’t approach if we are in a group” looks like she knows a lot about this.  I know their little plan is going to fail but they are trying and I don’t want to let them down, so I nod and get up from the table.  I am trying to pull my skirt down when Olivia pushes me to move and I could hear giggles from behind. I am about to take my phone out of the purse when I see them shake their heads.  There goes my back up plan I look up at the bartender and place an order for a beer. He is a little surprised to which I just shrug. As I am sitting there, I feel my skin on my back burn and my hands have goosebumps. I know someone is looking at me. Placing my hands over my thighs, I start to play with my skirt.  Why I am so scared?  I can’t look back at the girls, they would want me to talk but I don’t know if I want to or not. I usually chicken out of these things. I thank god when the bartender comes back with the glass of beer, as I can go back to the table.  I turn around and the glass hits someones' chest and it spills all over him.  I didn’t realize he was standing too close.  What do I do now? I take out my napkin and start to wipe the beer from the tee-shirt, almost going to cry when I feel a touch on my hand.  “It’s okay, it’s okay,” the guy says. I could hear a smile from his voice and that makes me look up at him.  “It’s my fault, I startled you, I shouldn’t be standing to close,” he says with a sincerity in his voice that makes me feel worse.  “I… I am sorry, so sorry, I didn’t, I should have…” I am still wiping his tee-shirt and he takes my hand and put it down. His other hand touches my chin and raises it a little. My blue eyes meet his green ones and I feel a sudden sensation. His green eyes search for something on my face and I look down immediately realizing that he is still holding my hand.  “I caused your drink to spill, let me buy a new one,” he says slowly moving towards the bar and releasing my hand.  My eyes fall on his back and the ways his tee his hugging it right now. I could easily make the fine structure the clothes are hiding. He turns back to look at me and I immediately lower my gaze.  I could still feel his fingers where it burned my skin when he touched me and I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.  I look towards the girls who are giving me a thumbs up and I hide my blush.  “I should get going” I burst out. I feel intimidated by his presence and I want to run away as soon as possible.  He shrugs and approaches me.   “Okay, in that case, let me buy you a coffee someday.” He takes out his card and hands it over to me.  “Call me this weekend, let’s try to forgive each other, “ he says winking at me and moving back to his table.  Why do the butterflies in my stomach feel different? What is it about him which draws me towards him when I should be running for hills? 
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