Silent Threat

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Bryce's POV I was impressed. I never saw a girl help out another girl without expecting anything in return even though the consequences of their action could very well be their undoing.  I mean chivalry is dead or so I'm told but this girl told me otherwise. I studied her surreptitiously while assisting the boys on how to handle the instruments.  When I decided to go to Trinity University to get my Master's Degree in Music, I was skeptical at the kind of music class that these teens were taking if it weren't for the mere fact that my teacher, Ms. Vale was teaching this class.  During my time, Ms. Katherine Vale took me in as a protégée and was impressed by my ability to learn almost all instruments.  When I mean all, even the simple ukulele is a mere child’s play for me.  But then she was disappointed that I was a dunce with a simple flute since she believed that a born genius must not have a Waterloo.  I smirked at that. Guess I am not so perfect at all. When she invited me to play a piece as an introduction of sorts to her music class, I was a bit worried that I might be recognized.  I had played in various concertos and managed to look different every time since my grandmother made it clear that no one, not even the royal family, will know of what I am doing.  I trusted Ms. Vale.  After all, she knew me better than anyone else and she agreed to keep my identity a secret until such time that I decided to come clean with who I am.  But these teens seem to be more interested with my looks than the music that I played.  Most of them were looking at me like a prize they can't wait to open, except for this girl. Looking back at the girl, she was plain and simple.  Her curly dark blonde hair was haphazardly pinned at the back of her head and she was dressed in a plain white shirt, dark blue denims and white sneakers.  Typical teenage attire and not much to look at.  She was curvy, unlike most girls who are either too anorexic or too bloated but I was never impressed with the body structure.  I was more curious at the brightness of her green eyes and how kind they looked at the other girl who doesn't know how to play the harp. She was aware of how to play the piano, much to my relief, as she showed the other girl how to play it.  I chuckled a bit when she scratched her head once she faced the harp.   Who's cursing their butting instinct now? I decided to help her out and approached her quietly.  She was dumbfounded at first and then she shook her head as she tried to get a semblance of control.  Typically, I expected this kind behavior with women. I guess she was no different from the rest.  I took a seat on the stool near her and showed her how to hold the harp before I urged her to sit in my place as I took hold of the other harp and demonstrated how to hold it.  She followed my instructions and placed her fingers exactly where I wanted her to put it.  I told her that the strings of the harp are the same as the keys of a piano.  If she can play the piano, then she can use the harp as well.  He explained that aince she was using a pedal harp, it would give a wonderful sound and it would be more fitted to classical music.  She then tested the sound of the harp by plucking each string and when she was assured that everything was as it should be, she started to play a version of the Chopstick.  She smiled when she found the sound pleasing to her ears and I found her smile quite adorable.   I pushed my glasses up as I stood.  She looked at me, startled and that was the first time I had fully seen her face.  She was someone I didn't quite expect.  Her green eyes were framed with a heart-shaped face.  She had a cute button down nose and full red pouted lips.  But I can't really put focus on girls right now.  That is not why I am here.   I gave the girl with the piano a little instruction on how to shift on keys before taking place at the chair by the teacher's table as I looked at Ms. Vale instructing the students to listen to her signal before starting.  Once she raised her hand, the students began the ensemble which of course was a musical mess. ***** The class was over and I helped Ms. Vale with her things as the students returned the instruments in their proper places.  I was eyeing the movements of the students and I became wary when most of the female students were aiming to get my attention.  Egad!  Can't a guy take a break? Ms. Vale smiled at me sympathetically as she shuffled out of the room with me at her heels.  She has always been aware of my abhorrence, if you will, of attention.  I cannot stand the attention of people and am content with this kind of existence.  Although she was instrumental to my rise to fame, she was also grateful that I had moved to more important matters and has showed that I can moved from being shy and quiet into a prominent figure. I shifted further out of the room, eager to leave it before being hounded by the women inside the classroom.   I turned a little and caught a glimpse of the girl that I helped earlier.  She was beaming at her friend and telling her how wonderful it was to play the harp.  Ah so she really was a newbie.  I made an inaudible chuckle. "Where are you going to next, Bryce?"  Ms. Vale asked as she slowly shuffled down the hall.  Most students were passing by us like there is a building on fire everywhere, unmindful of the older people in their way.  I tried to shield her from the inconsiderate ones who were bumping her. "I have a class with Mr. Reeves and then a mini recital with the Trinity.  I mean, the whole school seems to have this tight group of musicians and they are eager to see the infamous first chair of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra of which I am never revealing to them."  I managed to reply in a whisper. Ms. Vale chuckled quietly.   "I can understand what you are saying.  We were informed to open the red carpet and have everyone in the auditorium to await your arrival only to be disappointed by a letter coming from you that you won't be able to come after all.  It is good that you only used your nickname in all your transactions as a musician so that your identity would not be exposed.  Of course, I would be the only one who knew you as you had been my protégée since primary school.  Mr. Bryce Jason Latimer, the Golden Virtuoso." I laughed at the nickname.  Golden indeed.  The only thing golden is my hair. "I don't go by that name any more.  Too busy with things, master." "Are you still loveless?  Any of the girls a while ago peaked your interest?" I thought again about the girl with the curly blonde hair.  She had certainly got my attention. "Haha, none so far, master.  Aside from you, of course." "Still the charmer, I see."  She laughed out loud. I left her in the teacher's lounge before going to my next class still mindful of the memory I had with the blonde girl.            
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