new room

204 Words
In her big cozy room she found her self laying, and just there she forgot she have a cat , Richie he just sits there and meow, yes because his only hungry he runs around at neighbor's yards , oh how boring it is living alone I can't think of one friend I can call now they all have a life . Mine has just started and I wanna give up being a adult is not easy if I can turn time I wish , let me go take a shower nothing nicer then hot water down your hair , oh here's Richie kitty always comes and look for me but he's scared of water where can I go today I don't even know my clothes is out I guess shopping would be great but these days clothes is more expensive omg I don't have winter clothes I have lots of crop tops , winter is not my favourite I love summer better now I have to wear more tops this place is too cold , but enough of complaints I can't see outside there's must oh great now I can just wait till later , let me check my phone oh how emty
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