3. Lunchtime

1144 Words
CHAPTER THREEBrian was left standing completely shocked. Why would she turn down his offer when the girls in his school would give an arm and limb to seat with his clique? He watched her disappear into the crowds with her best friend but for once he didn’t care about the questioning stares digging holes in his skin. Finally pulling himself out of his daze he made his way back to the prestigious table of his friends. They all stopped eating to look at him, well, except for Ryan who was munching an apple.   “Why were you talking to her?” Sarah asked as soon he sat down.   “I wanted her to seat with us today but she turned me down. I mean can you believe that? Many girls in school would kill to be here on this table with us,” he confessed stealing an apple from Ryan’s tray. That boy was obsessed with apples and he would carry at least three every day to school.   “Are you out of your mind?” she questioned, shock detectable in her voice.   “Is this about Ace?” Ryan asked.   “He knows about me and Meredith,” he admitted.   “That’s impossible. How could he have possibly found out?” James could not quiet curb his curiosity.   “I have no idea. I just know he has come after her. Its his way of revenging to me after what happened,” even as he said those words, he couldn’t deny the mixture of anger and fear creeping up in his mind.   “What happened was not your fault Brian. That place is endowed with dangerous dark magic and there was nothing you could have done to save her,” Sarah said.   “You think Ace will see it that way? He’ll never stop until the same thing happens to Meredith or even worse. I cannot live with myself if anything happens to Meredith,” Brian shook his head lightly.   “Speaking of the devil,” James ushered with his chin to Ace who was clearly walking towards Meredith’s table.   The sudden overprotectiveness overwhelmed him as he tried to stand up but James was quick to hold him down.   “He won’t try to harm her in public Brian. Just relax,” James advised.   “Trust me you have no idea just how psycho Ace can be. He doesn’t give a flying rat of where he is or who is around him. He’d do anything just to tick me off if it suited him,” Brian countered, his jaw grinding as he watched Ace stop at Meredith’s table.   Ace stopped for a second, just enough to throw a mischievous smirk at his younger brother, knowing very much he was getting on his very last nerve. Shifting his gaze to the two girls, he let the smirk slide off his face.   “You wouldn’t mind if I seat here with you, now would you?” Both Meredith and Vivian shifted their gazes to stare at Ace Knight, a hideous unsettling smile playing on his lips.   "Of course not, “Vivian answered before Meredith could say a word.     Meredith watched him place his tray on the table, sitting on the other side facing her. The wild beating of her heart wasn't helping in anyway. She didn't know what it was about Ace that made her want to stay far away from him.     "So as you might know by now I’m Ace Knight," he began but her attention was fixed on her food trying to pretend he wasn't seated right across her.     "I’m Vivian and she is Meredith, “Vivian answered for both of them thankfully.     "Nice name Meredith. I did notice you in English class but you seemed rather pre-occupied with my brother, “he trailed off trying to catch her attention but Meredith was even afraid to meet his gaze.     "If you really think that something is going on between them you are dead wrong. It’s actually the first time he is talking to her," Vivian yet again answered because Meredith seemed to be suffering from some form of brain freeze at the moment.     “First time huh?” He mused.     “Absolutely,” Vivian giggled.     "Is she mute?" Ace inquired his head finally angled towards Vivian.     "Nope but she kind of gets speechless around guys," Unable to take it anymore, Meredith stood up from the table noticing that they were actually pretty much the focus of almost the entire school in the cafeteria. Of course, they were seating with Ace Knight, the new hot brother to the popular Brian Knight.     "Where are you going? You haven't even finished your lunch yet," Vivian asked, surprise written on her face, unaware of how uncomfortable Meredith felt being near Ace.     "Um...I’m not feeling that well and I feel like I’m about to throw up. See you in AP Biology," She answered before she rushed out of the cafeteria and once she was outside, a sense of relief washed over her as she sighed.     As she treaded slowly towards the Library she couldn't get over the dark aura dancing around Ace. It was like his very presence was a deadly poison. She had no idea of how she got into the library but when you don't understand why you fear the new hot boy in school then your brain is bound to get messed up. She picked up Romeo and Juliet novel from the shelf before walking over to her favorite seat at the far end of the library. She curled up and began reading, however her brain had some other plans. Finally tired of battling with her brain to forget about the existence of the new mysterious guy, her eyes fluttered shut as she drifted to sleep.     "What do you think you are doing sleeping in the library when you should be in class?" she woke up rubbing her eyes unable to face the librarian.     She was literally dying of embarrassment from being caught sleeping. He might think she was trying to skip classes by hiding in the library.     "I’m really sorry. It won't happen again. I promise," she stated trying to pretend she was too busy closing the novel but in reality she was just avoiding eye contact.     A low throaty rather sexy chuckled reach her ear making her raise her eyes, her body momentarily going into shock mode. Seriously? He was the last person she expected to see.     "What made you think I was the Librarian?" Ace questioned leaning on the table in front of her, his legs crossed and palms in the front pockets of his dark blue jeans. 
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