Dream or reality?

1178 Words
I couldn't sleep that night. I don't know what it was, watching a man's life be taken before him or thinking my life was next. I half way hoped the cop was a test from Ricky. Maybe I could get away with seeing what I did and not  be killed. Or maybe I could help him in other ways. I'd offer to be a house keeper or maybe a cook whole the kids were at school. Kids. Oh my gosh. Should I tell him I have kids? Would that save me or put them in danger? I hope he doesn't already know if that would put them in danger. I think I should just try to find him and tell him about the cop. Maybe that will get me off the hook. If I let him know they have his picture and I said I didn't see him there. I did say that, I won't be lying.          My husband is laying next to me clueless what could have happened today as I sit here and wonder how to keep them out of this. This is all so new to me. I've never had to worry about this. Is this real? An I awake or dreaming? I wish I knew.         Hours upon hours of restless sleep, I finally started to see the sun slowly making its way up above. The street lights turned off and my alarm turned on. I got Ben up and made his coffee. I got the kids up and made their breakfast while they got ready for school. I still feel the same so that was not a dream. This is very real. I was semi glad it wasn't, but i also wished it was. I was going to find him today. Ricky. To tell him about the cop. I wanted to know what he wanted to talk about as well, I had an idea but I didn't like my thoughts of his kind of talk. Ben leaves, kids leave, now it's my turn. I head upstairs and grab some clothes then get in the shower. I try to dress nice. Ricky and his friend were both wearing a tuxedo yesterday so I'm guessing they like the dress up type. Men look good in tuxedos. Mm. No Elizabeth don't think that way. They also had a car and driver so I don't think they live on this side of town. I put my shoes on and walk out the door. I walk all the way to the other side of town. The nice side. Once I arrive I start to get weird looks from everybody. Like they know I don't belong over here. I'm not rich. The men are all in tuxedos and the women wear big puffy pretty dresses. On my side of town the women look like maids to these people. The men are all hard working men who do physical work and not use a pencil or type writer. My stomach starts to knot worse and worse as I walk slowly into the town. Is that it? Is that his car? I get closer so I can see the driver. It looks like his driver.  "Excuse me sir?" I say politely. He gives me a confused look. " Are you the man that drove me home yesterday? On the other side of town? I-" He cuts me off.  "Yes, please get in the car and wait." He must know I was looking for Ricky. I get in. He gets out and goes to the door. It looks like someone opened the peep hole and he told them I was in the car. They open the door, he goes inside and Ricky comes out. That was fast. He gets in the car next to me but doesn't say anything.  "Hello, a cop came to my door last night. He has a picture of you and asked if I saw you at the store while I was there. I told him I never saw you." I quickly said  "Okay" Ricky said. I thought okay? I just told him a cop was at my house after he brings me home and kills a man and all he says is okay? Is he bloody serious?  "Okay? I just told you a cop was at my door the first time I have ever met you and you say okay?" I was getting frustrated. He laughs. He bloody laughs.  "Your serious right now? Your bloody laughing? What is so damn funny?! This is serious! How is anything I said funny to you?" He's grinning at me like this is okay and it's not. I don't get it. What is he thinking.  "That cop is a friend of mine, I just wanted to see what you knew since you couldn't give me your time yesterday to talk and you said you didn't even see me. I know you saw me. I cought you hiding in an alley and brought you home. Your a good girl." He says with a grin and winks at me. Girl? Did he just say good girl like I'm some kind of animal? I mean I'm glad he was testing me but he couldn't just wait to talk to me. Who even does that to someone?   "I see you walked all the way here. Was that all you had to tell me or is there more?" He asks me. I had so many thoughts racing through my mind.  " No, you said we had to talk so I wanted to tell you about the cop and see what we had to talk about but you tested me instead so we apparently don't have anything to talk about." I say with a firm voice trying to sound confident. He laughs. Again with the laughing. More frustration. I go to get out of the car and he stops me. " Is there something you needed more since you won't let me leave?" I ask.  "I like you. Your very confident and fearless. Most women wouldn't dare to find me or talk back. I like your attitude." He tells me with a grin on his face. His eyes, they're hazel and such a pretty hazel at that. There's a sparkle in his eye. Little does he know I am not fearless and I wanted to see what was going to happen to me before it happened around my kids was the only reason of me coming here.  "Do you have anything to do today?" He asks.  "I just have to get back home to clean and do laundry" Still sketchy on saying anything about Ben or the kids.  "Take a ride with me." He makes a hand motion towards the door and two men walk out. His driver and the man that was with him yesterday. They get in the car. "Elizabeth, this is my brother Damien"  "Hello" I say while he just laughs and faced back forward. The car starts to move. I wonder where he's taking me. At this moment I don't think he's going to actually do anything and I may just be safe. 
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