
1053 Words
~Edited~ Chapter 2. Starving Valerie  I crack the eggs into the big mixing bowl, add some milk, bacon and shallots before stirring all the ingredients together.  My stomach growls as I start cooking the scrambled eggs. I haven’t had a decent day’s meals ever, on the rare occasion I am allowed to eat I get the leftovers and even then I don’t always keep the food down. So the smell wafting out of the frying pan has me itching to take a bite, but I refrain from doing so as my fear of the punishment outweighs my hunger. Once the egg finishes cooking I set it aside and place the bacon in the hot pan. The bacon cooking reminds me of the sound of the crackly on pork cooking, a favorite of mine except I rarely ever get it. The oil from the pan splashes onto me and I hiss out in pain as the hot liquid burns the skin.  I run to the sink and go to grab a cloth with cold water when it is snatched out of my grasp, I look up and meet the eyes of the Delta. My heart sinks like small flame flickering out. He smirks and walks away, telling me to go back to work.  A soft exhale of breath leaves me as I pile the breakfast onto plates, my stomach rumbling desperate to have even a crumb of the delicious food in front of me. When I ring the bell, that is located next to the massive sink, the omegas come out to serve the food to the arriving pack members. Nobody looks at me or acknowledges my presence. If they do look at me it is only to show their disgust as if I am no more than scum on the bottom of their shoe. I turn away from the jeers, and trudge upstairs quietly. The floor is silent under my heavy feet and I am thankful for that, fearing the reprimand that would surely come my way if I disturbed the Alpha.   I open my door and walk over to the sink, a small old outdated basin that only trickles water. I wince as I take in my burn. It is swollen and red, a sure sign that it will blister. I wash it with water before applying some cream I keep hidden in a secret compartment in the floor. I then clean up my wounds and grab a new white shirt with black tights and sit on my bed, that is still damp from this morning’s wake up call. I listen closely to the noise downstairs it sounds like the pack is dispersing. One minute later the bell next to my door rings, signaling that I now have to go downstairs and clean up after the lazy, ungrateful wolves that are my owners.  I walk downstairs as silent as a mouse. I try to keep to the shadows how a spider would, to stay out of the way of the pack members.  I reach the kitchen without any interruptions, I breathe a sigh of relief and start to clean up the plates and mess from breakfast. The head warrior comes into the kitchen, I bow my head and back away from him and out of his path.  He sighs before saying softly to me so that no one else can hear. "Valerie you know I am not here to hurt you, I just wanted to say that you have my permission to eat some food."  I nod, still keeping my eyes to the ground. I kind of believe Ben, the head warrior, but what if he is just waiting until I mess up to give me the worst punishment of all. I can’t take that risk. "Valerie look up at me," Ben commands. I do as I am told and look into his icy blue eyes. Most people with his eye colour and stature would seem frightening, or look like an icy King with a cold heart, but somehow Ben looks kind and sincere. "Come on say something I won't bite."  "Um t-th-thanks,"  I stutter slowly, kind of like how a 2 or 3 year old first starts to speak.  "No problem, I'm gonna leave you be now, and I promise to somehow help you out of here Valerie, no one deserves this," he informs me. Ben then pats my shoulder, which I have to stop myself from flinching away from, turns and leaves me in the kitchen.   I finish the job I started, fill the sink with scalding hot water and bubbles before washing up the plates and cutlery. I grab a tea towel to dry them then put them in their proper places.  My feet slowly shuffle out of the kitchen, I get pushed over by one of the teen pack members, who just smirks before waiting for me to stand up. I stand up slowly and bow my head.  "Well Slave, the Alpha wants you out on the training fields in one minute and you know how he hates to be kept waiting," she cackles maniacally as she leaves, knowing that the training field is at least 5 minutes away.  I start to run when I get a sudden boost of energy and am half way there in 45 seconds, I keep running when I think my wolf talks to me.  Okay you have to put your hands together open them a bit and then aim them down at your feet she says slowly and calmly.  I do as I am instructed and I get a faster, stronger boost of speed than the last one, I see the Alpha and slow my running just as I near him.  He looks at me in shock as I stand in front of him head bowed and not even panting, I internally sigh knowing he set this up just so I could get a punishment.  "I need you to fight with the teen wolves, well not fight back just let them practice on you," the Alpha commands.  I nod and walk over to the teen wolves that he appointed to me, I look them over subtly, two male and two female both strong, fit and fast. Overall I don't stand a chance. 
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