Chapter 1- Wedding

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Sitting on a couch a man was instructing the servants which pair of shoes is he going to wear. There was a big closet in front of him which was full of branded shoes. Looking at his appearance anyone can guess his age. He wouldn't be more than 25 years old. He was wearing a Dormeuil Vanquish suit that was hugging his perfectly sculptured body. His black hair was brushed backwards that was reaching his shoulder. Deep grey intense eyes with a perfectly groomed beard were giving him the look of a sinful Angel. " Yes, that one," He ordered pointing one of his callus fingers at a pair of shoes. When the servant was done with her job he stood up and looked at his reflection in the mirror. A contented smile formed at the corner of his lips. Today, he is looking extra handsome. Why won't he? After all, today is his wedding. " Ajax, are you done?" A female voice reached his ear. Turning behind he found his 21-year-old sister Bianca standing at the door having a charming smile on her face. The pink colour off-shoulder gown complemented her glowing pale skin tone. " Almost. Just wearing my shoes," he answered chuckling. Bianca reminded him letting out a sarcastic chuckle," Mr Hernandez was complaining that you are taking time like women." " Whatever!!" Ajax rolled his eyes. Ajax doesn't have that loving relationship with his father Mr Ceaser Hernandez who is none other than a billionaire mafia. Ceaser wants his son to be like him but Ajax seems to be doing everything opposite of his father. While Ceaser is a calm, cold-blooded mastermind while dealing with his opponents whereas Ajax is a bold short-tempered man. Ceaser feels that his son is a carbon copy of his wife Sapphire Hernandez. Cruelty runs in their genes but in the case of Ajax, it seems like God has poured it on Ajax only. Sometimes Ajax feels that he was adopted. According to Ajax, the only good thing his father did for him was choosing Diana Jones as his bride. Ajax didn't believe in love until he met the love of his life, Diana. Ceaser arranged a family dinner with his close friend Abram Jones who was none other than the most notorious drug dealer in the whole country. His only daughter is Diana Jones who snatched Ajax's heart just at their first meeting. Diana is a 22-year-old fashion designer. Though she belongs to a mafia family, she is way too fragile & kind-hearted than the rest of the members of her family. Ajax was mesmerised not only by her beauty but also by her captivating personality. Diana also liked him. Why won't she? After all, he is no less than any Greek God. They seem like a match made in heaven. Ajax & Diana dated each other for six months and everything went smoothly. Both of their fathers were pleased to hear that their children liked each other. Specifically, Ceaser was glad that his son didn't oppose him this time. " Let's not make our Hitler father angry. Let's go," Bianca said while Ajax nodded his head. *************************************** Standing on the aisle Ajax was waiting for his bride eagerly. His heartbeat was increasing with every passing second. He never imagined that one day someone will make him so crazy like that. Specifically, a girl. Girls were just play toys for him until he met Diana. Ajax's breath hitched, and his eyes twinkled with love & affection after seeing the Goddess approaching him with slow steps. His Adam's apple ran back & forth noticing the sweet smile dancing on Diana's pink lips. Diana was wearing a white colour mermaid gown with a Diamond tiara over her head. Her beautiful honey-brown colour wavy hair flowed down over her back. She was holding a bouquet with her delicate hands. The thin veil couldn't hide her beauty from Ajax. She was approaching Ajax holding her father's arms. Her eyes were looking down due to shyness that was pure torture for Ajax. He was becoming desperate to see her beautiful brown eyes. " May I?" Ajax offered his hand to Diana when she reached the aisle. Holding Diana's hands Ajax gave her the most charming smile of him. She also returned the smile while a pink taint coated her rosy cheeks. She smiled looking down while biting her lips. Ajax felt like grabbing her right now and sucking those cheery lips until they bleed. " I swear I won't let you sleep tonight," Ajax whispered in her ear before turning at the Father. Diana turned red like a tomato after hearing him. She bit her lips again while Ajax gulped down feeling blood rushing downwards of his body. The Father started saying," The wedding ceremony between Ajax Hernandez and Diana Jones will now commence." Sounds of clapping echoed through the whole place while flashlights from cameras almost blinded Ajax & Diana. Reporters of news channels and entertainment magazines were present here as well to cover this grand wedding. " Marriage vows are about two people exchanging words of promise about their lives before the people that love them. If anyone objects to this wedding, please speak now or forever hold your peace," The Father asked the audience. As expected 'No' echoed through the whole place. Ajax and Diana shared another sweet smile. While the place turned quiet the Father moved to the next phase of the wedding. " I object to this marriage. This marriage can't happen," Suddenly, a female voice echoed among the audience and everyone started looking here and there in search of the source of this voice. Ajax and Diana looked frontwards only to meet a pair of green eyes staring at them angrily. There was a lady standing whose age would be around 21 or 23. Looking at her appearance anyone can assume the situation of her pockets. She was wearing a shabby long dress with a hat. Her face was pale, eyes were looking dull and her hair was dry & messy. She wasn't alone. There was a child with her. A girl who would be around 5/6 years old. The girl was wearing a ragged frock and there was a broken barbie doll in her hand. " This man can't take another wife while he is already married," the lady shouted pointing her finger at Ajax. Diana looked at Ajax with shocking yet questioning eyes while Ajax was completely dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what he just heard right now. His eyes were literally bulging out from his sockets. " He is a cheater," The lady again said pointing her finger at Ajax.
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