

enimies to lovers

What was love?

A lot of people have a great definition of love, many people would never give up on love either, but right now, love was far from Eugenia's heart, love was the last thing she was ever going to keep in her heart after being hurt by a man she gave her whole heart to and being betrayed by her best friend who she has trusted, love doesn't exist to her, it never did and would never exist.

Hurt and betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend, will Eugenia open up again when love comes knocking on her door or will she turn away from it and not risk getting hurt again?

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Chapter 1
"Let's break up, Eugenia." Eugenia blinked as she looked at the young man who she had only dated for a year. He was handsome, tall and a man that all ladies would want to fall into bed with, and having s*x with him was perfect and their love for each other had been a dream that she wished she would never wake up from, but right now, right here, at this moment, she thought there would be another sweet romance between them, but right now he was saying they should break up. Eugenia swallowed hard and parted her lips but no words came out from them, tears were far from her eyes and she could only stare at this man who looked at her all seriously like what he had just said was not supposed to hurt her feelings. "We can't carry on like this anymore, Eugenia, let's move on without each other." His deep voice resounded in her ears again and Eugenia could feel the dream she had been living in crumbling down to her feet. How has she been so far from reality? Why did she think this man was the last person that would hurt her heart? How can love start so hard and end this easily? Like, how do they just wake up one day and decide to end everything without thinking of how hurt the other person would be and he never asked for her opinion, he didn't give her a warning, there was none and now this. Eugenia glanced around like one who was lost, she was in a daze and her eyes only flickered around the restaurant they had come over for dinner. There were a lot of romantic couples here and a lot of them were smiling and others were feeding each other. Was it going to end this way for them too? Would one person wake up one morning and tell the other that they can't continue in the relationship? This hit her like a hurricane, but a hurricane comes with a sign, but why was there none right now? She had rushed over here with gladness in her heart, but right now--- "Are you listening to me, Eugenia?" He tapped the table, interrupting Eugenia's thoughts when he noticed she was not looking at him or responding to what he had said earlier and she turned her eyes to face him again. "Did you hear what I just sai---" "Why?" Eugenia asked, cutting his words off as the corner of her lips turned up and he pressed his lips together and she sniffled with no tears in her eyes. "What happened?" Eugenia's lips moved again and this time she could feel the tears she wished to fight back clustering up in her eyes. "What did I do wrong?" She looked at his face, searching his pale green eyes. "I can't remember doing anything that would make you break up with me, at least, you should give me a reason why you want to break up with me, something..." A knot rose in her throat making her pause as she lifts her eyes to suppress the tears. Eugenia looked at him for a long while but he said no words and she scoffed. "You have no valid reason, right?" She swallowed hard and drowned the glass of water on the table next to her. "This must be so easy for you." Eugenia's lips trembled and she scoffed. "I see you have made your decision already, and I can't say a word to change your mind either..." She closed her eyes momentarily and a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Eugenia, I---" Eugenia raised her hand to silence him and he pressed his lips together as she grabbed her handbag that was by her side. "For you, love is something easy, you can make someone fall in love and end it so easily in just a second," Her tongue narrowed up and she got to her feet. "I hope you have a good life." She forced a smile and turned around as she glanced out of the window to the beautiful sea that was next to the restaurant, it was a good spot, he ruined this beautiful place for her. 'Why do breakups happen in pretty places?' Eugenia swallowed hard and walked away, her glass heel clicking on the stone tile as she left without glancing back at the man who had just hurt her like she was nothing to him. She pushed the door open as she was greeted by a light wind that brushed past her face, making her long hair flip backwards and she stepped outside and the tears she had been holding back flooded down her cheek as she walked down the walkway, but her legs felt so weak that she had to locate a bench next to the restaurant and settled down in it as she sobbed her heart out. Love doesn't come easy, but it ends so quickly, if only something beautiful could last, it was too hurtful and her heart ached so much. Eugenia clenched the dress next to her chest as she lowered her eyes in tears, her lower lips trembled. "Why does it hurt this much?!" She screamed as she looked up to the sky. It wasn’t the first time her heart had been broken, it was not the first time she had been bleeding this way, it was too perfect to end like this. Eugenia turned her eyes towards the restaurant entrance only to gasp to see the man who had just broken up with her walking out of the restaurant with his hand linked to a pretty blonde lady's hand and smiles all over his face as if he had not just hurt her just now. Eugenia furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes as she clenched her fist and it took all the control she had not to scream. She gritted her teeth and the tears in her eyes seized to flow as she got to her feet, she wanted to ignore it, to walk away, to move out of sight, to turn around and not watch, but she couldn’t, and for once in her life she wanted to react, to be blurt, to be reckless. "Hey!" Eugenia shouted and strolled over to them as her scream had made them halt and they both turned around to see who it was, only for Eugenia to stop when she realized who the blonde lady standing next to him was. "Kate?" Her lips moved in a as she saw it was none other than her best friend Kate.

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