Chapter 2 - Second Meeting

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A few days later, after the encounter with the golden wolf shifter. Not knowing what to do, or how to deal with the situation. The only thing was on seanna’s mind was to stay hidden as much as she can. Trying to keep herself at a distance away from the man that has been on her mind since that night. Making her way towards her office at the pack clinic where she works with Lexi as her new boss and close friend. Sighing after the inner terminal within her own mind and trying to understand what needs to work with the situation. Grabbing her white lab coat putting it on her over her outfit for the day that comprises a sleeveless halter top that is black low neckline showing off some of her cleavage, with a white legging extenuating her curves in the right places showing off her body for all to see. Walking into her office, she stops to take in the atmosphere of her office. Looking curious and taking small cautious steps into her office. Seeing a large beautiful bouquet of purple water lilies and lavender together sitting on her desk in a purple vase. “who brought me flowers?” inspecting the flowers, seeing if someone left a card to tell her who they were from. Ignoring how hyper Lili has become after seeing the sweet gesture. Finding the small card on her desk near the bouquet of her favourite flowers. Reading what it had said, dropping the note to the ground, trying to pull herself together, letting her tears fall from her twin crystal blue eyes, letting go of her emotions after reading what Ares written to her with the gift of her favourite flowers. Ignoring Lexi coming in and sitting next to her. “Hey, shush. seanna, I know your fears, girl. I’m here for you” Lexi wrapped her arms around seanna, hugging the sweet woman against her own body. Noticing the flowers sitting on seanna’s desk, smiling softly towards the sweet gesture her old friend had done for Seanna. Seeing the note on the floor picking it up with her left hand still having seanna lean against her frame. Reading what it had said. Gasping in surprise on the words that Ares had written to her close friend and old student. “Oh My” hugging seanna even closer to her, feeling her tears soak through her shirt and lab coat.  “Seanna, my dearest mate. I know our first meeting didn’t go the way it should have gone. I hope these flowers will brighten up your day more so when I first laid my eye’s on you. Seeing your beautiful face peaking out from your window brought my soul to peace. I will wait for you tonight near the lake we had first met days prior. Please, give me a chance to prove to you I want you, my dear sweet Seanna. Yours, truly Ares Carter Maxwell Closing her eyes crying into Lexi’s body trying to keep her strength together with the outcome of the situation. “Lexi, what should I do?” leaning away from her friend and co-worker, trying to piece together what needs to happen between herself and Ares. “Well, looks like we are closing the clinic up for the day. We have to get you ready for your evening with Ares” brightly smiling with so much enthusiasm shining from her inner soul. Seanna could only stare at her friend with shock up on fae like features. Feeling herself being pulled up from her office chair and heading back towards her home near the same area where the lake lives east of her home on the pack lands. Trying to keep up with Lexi’s enthusiasm about her second meeting with the man that has already been on her mind since the days before. Seeing her home come into view, feeling her nervous coming back once again. “Seanna, let’s stop hiding from our mate. I can feel his wolf reaching out to me. This feeling is so warm, feels like a sense of security and warmth” closing her violet eyes trying to keep the feeling of security coming from their mate through the mate bond. “Lili, you’re right. It is time to stop running and give him a chance to prove to us he won’t hurt us” seanna ended the mind link with her wolf counter part. Letting Lexi get her all dolled up for her meeting with Ares later today. “agreed sea” Laying down for a nap within her human counter parts mindscape. Happy to feel whole after so many years of hurting. “Seanna, we only have a few hours before you have to meet up with Ares.” Lexi pushed seanna into the bathroom to hurry her along to get ready for the second meeting with her mate. “Moon Goddess, please give me the strength” Seanna’s was taking her time to get ready for the first time in her life meeting her second chance mate. Praying to the moon goddess to give her the strength with her second chance mate. “I can do this” ................................................................................................................................................................………………  Ares Maxwell’s Pov It has been days since I had last found our second chance mate in the forest near the lake I went to as a young teen. Just remembering that night, seeing her in her wolf form, her white sliver fur shining under the guidance of the moon. She looked so majestic; I had to know who she was. After me and Ra had chased her back into the town centre. We knew our mate was special, just having that sense of calm and peace coming from her own soul. I knew I had to make her mine. Pinpointing where she had gone off to, stopping in front of a small beautiful home. Taking my control over from our run, I had to shift back. I needed to find her; I had to see what she looks like. Looking up towards the window, I noticed a glimpse of a woman peaking from behind the curtain. Just seeing her face, she was breath-taking beautiful. Bright red hair hanging down over her shoulders and back. Her twin bright blue eyes sparkling like twin crystals with curiosity and fear shining within the blue depths. Just seeing her from the one glimpse, I felt my own desires come to life knowing how hard my desire to have her in my arms grew the moment I saw her sweet face. I had to pull on the reins to keep Ra from taking control of situation, keeping him from wanting to break in her home to claim her without her own consent. “Ra, we need to do this right. Let’s leave her for now. We need to find information on our mate. I need to know who she is.” Feeling Ra growl slightly in agreement. Taking one last look towards her home. “Sleep well my precious mate” taking one last glance around, I made my way back to my best friend’s home. Seeing Dominic’s house come into view, I knew I had to see if he had knowledge on who my sweet angel was. Making my way towards my room, ignoring everything around me. I had to figure out a way to get her to become mine, I had to figure out a way to make it all happen. I will not lose her, now that I have found her. Taking my time to get ready for sleep, all that was on my mind was seeing her sweet her face in the window. “Dude. Ares, what the hell is going on man?” sighing in annoyance from hearing Dom’s voice through the pack link. “I need some help tomorrow, I found her dom.” Before I heard anything more from Dominic, I closed off the pack link so I could sleep with the thought of my mate. Last thing on my mind before sleep consumed me, knowing that my angel was safe within the pack lands. I could not wait till morning arrived. The sooner morning arrives, the sooner I can search for my angel, my mate. The better it will be. That Following morning Dom did not understand who I was talking about. Days had gone by, I still could not find my angel. Six days after finding my angel, I finally could see her. Friday morning, I caught glimpses of her working with some patients of hers, seeing her running all over the pack within our community, helping everyone where she could. Just watching her from a far,  seeing her work and doing what she loves brought pride into my soul. I am so proud of her and knowing how she reached her goals in the last six years. Narrowing my eyes at the young blood male wolf shifters in the population of our pack, watching my mate with lust wafting off of them all. My need to protect her at all costs brought something out of me within my broken heart. My emotions I thought I had locked up a long time ago, I can feel them coming back once more. My heart was racing with so much emotions running high. Making my way to Lex’s clinic, I had to see if she can help me with this discomfort coming from my chest. Walking into the clinic, taking in the scene before me, seeing two young she-wolves working among the patients at hand. Made my way to Lexi’s office to ignore the call’s from the junior student’s that were doing many jobs. Leaning against Lexi’s open office door, watching her work from within the small office. “Lex, are you free?” letting out a slight chuckle seeing Lex lose her s**t from hearing my voice. “God damn it Ares! Next time, mind link me or call me when your coming to visit.” Watching her getting up from her chair, standing in front of me with narrowed hazel-green eyes and arms crossed over her chest. “I need some help. I am having some chest pains. I don’t know what to do about it” easing her aside, walking into her office, sitting on the examination table. Sighing from this discomfort in my heart, it felt as if it was not my pain I was feeling. “Ares, this pain is coming from our mate.” Hearing Ra whine with disdain of knowing that our mate was hurting emotionally. “Ares. What is going on with you?  Dom told me you found your second chance, mate?” Lexi’s softly spoken to me, while looking for something to help with numbing the pain in my chest. Giving out a slight grunt of knowledge, agreeing to what Lex had said about me finding her. “Yes Lex, I found her. Unfortunately, I know nothing of her. She took off from me before I could even talk with her. Ra and I followed her home the night of the party. Do you know of anyone who has bright red hair and bright blue eyes with fae like features.” Looking at Lex with a critical look, seeing her stop what she was doing and watching her body language, seeing that she went silent and closed off. “Lex please. I need to know who she is, I want to speak with her” sighing to myself in annoyance, knowing I’m most likely going to need to find out another way to find my angel. This will not stop me from being with my mate, no one will stop me.  ................................................................................................................................................................………………….. Lexi Connor’s Pov Just hearing Ares describe Seanna with so much emotion in his deep baritone voice. I knew he will have so much work cut for him. Seanna has gone through too much pain in her life, she fears the moment she would meet her second chance mate. Fear that it will be the same all over again. Sighing, I knew I had to help them both. They will be good together. Seeing how fierce and kind hearted seanna is and knowing how hard-headed and possessive Ares can be with the ones he cares about. Looking up from what I was doing, I notice that Ares was about to lose his mind, if I didn’t give him the answers I knew. “Ares, before I tell you who she is. You must not pressure her into doing anything she will not be ready for. She has gone through enough s**t in her life. She doesn’t need anymore problems.” Looking at Ares calmly watching him narrow his hunter green eyes. “Lex, please. I can’t lose her. It’s killing me knowing how much pain she is in emotionally.” Seeing him clutching his chest is pain, ignoring what I am about to disclose with my dear friend. “Ares, she was my student during the time she was here for school. She accepted to stay here and join our pack after she graduated with high honours. Her going back to her old pack, where everything was a reminder of the pain she had to endure. Especially, seeing her ex-mate. Ares, you are her second chance mate, as much as she is your second chance. She fears of being more unwanted and being rejected once again. Her name is Seanna Fae Myst” taking my seat in my chair behind my desk, watching Ares calmly take in what I have told him about seanna. “Can you help me?” Ares got up from the examination table calmly in his large muscular frame. Being built like a brick house, you can see his muscles flex throughout his entire body with every movement he makes. Standing at six inches five feet in height, he was a handsome man with his long dark chestnut hair he always put up into a low ponytail, a sharp jawline brings out his round face, high cheek bones, a sharp angled nose, rose coloured plump kissable lips and his deep green eyes that can captivate anyone to him. Just seeing him in nothing but baggy grey sweatpants and a tight white muscle shirt, you can see his eight pack abs move every time he breathes and walks around. “Ares I will help you. I believe the moon goddess has done this for a reason. Making you two of each other’s second chance mates. Just don’t hurt her.” Trying not to sound too overbearing with the outcome is about to happen. “I don’t plan to Lexi. Whenever she is around Ra and I feel this powerful pull coming from her. As if her soul and her wolf are calling too us.” Watching Ares slowly walk away towards my door to leave. “Ares, she loves flowers. Especially purple water lilies and lavender. She will return in a few hours, you only have till 1pm today, before she arrives back seeing her patients.” Seeing him smile with the softest expression upon his handsome face. I knew they will get through whatever comes there way. Seeing him out of my clinic, waving him bye as he makes his way into the town square. Waiting for his plans to come into action, I had to wait and see what he has planned for Seanna. “Oh moon goddess, please let them come together as one.” Was the last thought before I knew it. Hours later, I had Seanna ready to meet Ares. “Seanna, you look gorgeous. He would have such a hard time trying to keep his hands off of you” taking one last glance at Seanna with a last critical look. Checking the clock on the bedside table, it was time for seanna to meet Ares. Grabbing seanna pulling her out of her house locking up as we go. “have fun!” pushing her one last time after waving my goodbye, making my way home skipping happily, knowing two of my dearest people will be truly be whole once again. Heading into my apartment near my clinic, I knew this was the day Ares will come back to us as his old self with his new improved charm about him. I knew the moon goddess made the right choice for them. ........................................................................................................................................................................... After being kicked out of her own home, Seanna was feeling nervous and slightly fearful, not knowing what to expect from this second meeting. Sighing for the tenth time from today she makes her way through the forest near her home, keeping her guard up encase something would go wrong. Finally reaching her destination where she was to meet up with Ares. Seanna slowly makes her way towards Ares quietly. Seeing him look so calm leaning against the tree. Making her way over to him, while keeping her own eyes upon the lake, watching the beauty come to life. Feeling eyes watching her, seanna takes a small deep breath in letting out calmly. Making direct eye contact with her mate, seeing how relaxed he was seanna took small steps near him taking her place next to him, sitting down on the ground leaning her head against his shoulder letting him wrap his strong arm around her shoulders bringing her much closer to his body. Sighing in contentment, happily placing her delicate hand upon his chest, listening to his strong heart beat while watching the magical scene before them come to life. “little mate, thank you for giving me a chance and meeting with me tonight” placing a small kiss against her hairline, holding his angel closer to himself in fear he would lose her. Taking a small sniff from her scent, helping to keep his anxiety at bay from fear of losing the one chance he has with his beautiful angel. Seanna looks up towards her mate with concern, feeling his own fear through their powerful mate bond. Leaning up towards his cheek, placing a small tender soft kiss upon his skin, feeling the sparks of electricity coursing throughout the mate bond between them both. “Ares, my old pack had hurt me many times over the years growing up. After my parents died, I became an orphaned at 6. my father’s mother took me in, and raised me the best she could till the day I could not reach her when the rouges came and attacked our home. Not even months later, on my 16th birthday, Bryan Haze, my ex-mate, had hurt me physically and emotionally. I took the last strength I had to help me and Lilianna from hurting from the pain he had caused us. We had accepted his rejection.” Turning her face into his muscular chest grabbing his shirt into a tight grip with her small hands, sniffling from the pain in her own broken heart letting her tears consume her body. Ares lifted her up placing her onto his lap having her slender legs straddle his waist. Wrapping his arms around her waist holding against his body letting her cry out her pain, giving the support she needs just from his own presence. Kissing the top of her head, noticing how she fell asleep against his frame. Chuckling to himself seeing how cute she looks with her small kissable red lips open slightly as she sleeps in his arms. Tightening his hold on her, watching the forest come to life at this time of night. Taking slight glances once in a while, watching her chest rise and fall down, making sure she was actually still in his arms. Sighing in peaceful contentment at having his beautiful mate laying in his arms against his chest. Breathing in her calming scent of Lavender and fresh rain. Ares keeps his guard up, not letting go of his precious mate, letting his senses spread throughout the forest, running his left hand through his mate’s long thick blood red hair. Feeling how soft it was against his own skin, looking down to his mate, smiling a slight smile towards the one thing that matters to him the most. “How was your nap, my love?” keeping his hand run through her hair calmly, feeling how calm she was with him, staring into her twin bright blue gems that are her eyes. Seanna snuggled more into her mate letting go of his shirt wrapping her slender arms around his neck, sitting up straighter on his lap with a cute smile upon her sweet face. “Thank you, I haven’t slept that well in a very long time” blushing bright red in slight embarrassment. Ares leans his forehead against hers staring into her blue eyes smirking at her bashful look upon her sweet angelic face. “Seanna, may I please kiss you?” letting his hand go in her hair, letting his hand fall to the back of her neck, pulling her gently towards himself. Seeing the blush return upon her face, Ares could only smirk at how she responds to his words and touch. Seanna slightly tightens her hold against his neck, leaning herself closer to him, letting her sweet soft lips connect with his own lips. Sparks flying everywhere just from the slight touch there, lips connecting. Seanna timidly moves her mouth against his, her face becomes flustered from feeling his own hands tighten along her hips. Feeling the same sparks run throughout her body. The powerful feelings of the mate bond between them both consumes their minds. Just being able to feel the emotions from each other makes the situation more pronounced. Ares felt her sweet soft lips move timidly against his own, tightening his hold on her waist, letting his other hand to pull her even closer to him from the back of her head. Letting him have more access to her sweet mouth, making the kiss even more intense with each sound coming from her elegant throat. He could feel himself harden down below, he had to pull away before he scared his angel away from him. Pulling away from her soft lips Ares close his eyes letting the feeling of their kiss bring him to calmness he has not felt in a very long time. Seanna felt how his erected c**k pulsed against her own warm entrance. Just knowing how much he affected her made her become even more wet than she was just from the simple heated kiss they had just shared. Leaning her head against his large muscular chest, letting the sound of his heart keeping her nerves calm. Feeling his arms tighten, his hold around her slim waist. Looking up into his handsome face, seanna could see all of his emotions swirling in the depths of his hunter green eye. What surprised her the most was the one powerful emotion that she shares with him. Love, pure unadulterated ever ending love. Seanna knew what she wanted. She does not want to share her mate. She wants her mate very much, to be there for him and be his equal in everything they do. “Ares, I want to be your mate. I want us to be together as a whole” nuzzling her sweet face against his cheek, planting soft kisses from his cheek down towards his neck, feeling his hands roam up from her bottom up towards her back. Sighing with sweet ecstasy from his soft touches upon her body. Sniffing against his neck, letting his scent engulf her into the oblivion of sweet nectar. Kissing his sweet spot between his neck and shoulder, seanna could not hold back the need to mark him as hers. “Love, it’s all right. Mark me, as I will mark you” Ares spoke with such deep desire in his deep voice keeping his hands upon her round bottom squeezing gently earning him a small moan from her sweet lips. What he felt next was pain, but yet he could not hold back the moan leaving his lips as her canines elongated and pierced his flesh. Letting the feeling of sweet ecstasy coursing through his body. Already feeling his c**k become hard and erected just from that one moment of being marked by his mate. Pulling her head back so he could see her sweet face noticing that her blue eyes darkened with love and desire for him within their beautiful depths. Crashing his lips against hers fiercely, letting the feeling of desire pool from within their souls. Feeling how heated the kiss has become. Ares pulls her head gently closer to himself, Ares could only feel the love they shared for each other through the heated kiss they are sharing once again. Slowly letting her lips go, kissing his way down her elegant ivory neck, sniffing her sweet scent along the way. Finding her sweet spot between her neck and shoulder, kissing it softly with each tender touch. Hearing her soft gasps of pleasure coming from her sweet mouth. Ares let his canines elongate piercing her tender skin marking her binding them permanently together. Kissing away the pain of his mark, Ares grunted and moan from her sensual ministrations, rubbing her hot warm core against his throbbing erected c**k. Slowly laying her down onto her back, Ares gently places her head down onto the cool ground below. Seeing her shiver with want, feeling her soft hands tug against his shirt trying to take it off. Chuckling Ares grabs her hands holding them both above her head gently in one hand, leaning his body above hers letting his other hand roam across her slim soft body taking his time to take her dress off. Seeing her lips form into pout he could not stop himself from laughing softly at her. Letting go of her hands, pulling her dress up over her head, Ares leans down kissing his way from her neck, all over her gentle sweet angelic face. lastly kissing her lips in tender action, showing her how much she means to him and the love he has for her. Seanna was in pure bliss, feeling his hands roam against her heated body as each touch of his hands brought her to the pure euphoria of pleasure. Kissing him has become her new addiction, each kiss from her powerful warrior made her feel so loved and wanted from this powerful man that is now hers. Resting her hands against his chest pushing him gently away from her, giving him a sweet innocent look of pure desire shining in her blue eyes that matches with his own strong desire. Seeing him fight for control with his wolf, Seanna makes him sit down, straddling his waist, feeling the tip of his erection near her entrance. Moaning softly from just the feeling of him so hard and ready. Placing her delicate hands upon his chest, watching his muscles contract underneath her tender touch. Roaming her hands up and down his body, hearing his moans coming from him turned her on even more. Ares could not believe this beautiful creature straddling him in her naked glory. Just watching her take her time exploring his large muscular body, turns him on. Picking her up off of him, placing her down next to him. He wasted in no time taking off his own clothes. Seeing seanna play with herself, touching her sensitive clit. He smelled how aroused she has become, taking his sweet time getting to his mate. Ares kneels down above her, caging her in with his arms around her sweet soft angelic face. Making sure he put all of his strength in holding himself up, not to crush his mate. Could not get enough of her sweet taste, taking her hands away from her sweet nectar. Hold her hands above her head within one of his enormous hands. Just watching her moan and pant from the exertion of the build up of pure pleasure coursing through her body. Raking his deep dark green eyes all over her naked body, watching her pink coral n*****s move slightly with each breath she took. Eyes darkening even more with desire for his angel. Ares kisses his way from her neck, leaving behind love bites along her ivory skin. Letting her hands free from their hold, feeling her delicate hands roam over his taunt muscular back. Continuing his trail of kisses down to her twin mounds, taking one of her sensitive pink coral n*****s into his hot warm mouth. kneading the other mound with his left hand, pinching her n****e of the neglected breast. Hearing her sweet moans was music to his ears. Adding more fuel to the fire, Ares makes his way down her body, kissing every inch of her soft ivory body. Seanna was in pure bliss, feeling her mate take tender action with her body. Feeling this pure unadulterated hot passion coursing through her body from every touch and kiss her mate places upon her body. Feeling him crawl his way back up to her. Grabbing his attention seanna places her hands against his cheeks pulling him into a feverish kiss, letting him know how much her love for him is pure. wrapping her legs around his waist pulling him against her warm body placing soft kisses along his neck. Earning another moan from him. Getting more wet with each sound and touches. “Ares, please. I want you.” closing her eyes in the pure euphoria of the passion in her veins, making sure their private mind link was open from her end. Tightening her arms around his neck and having her legs still warped around his narrowed waist, waiting for them to become as one. “Angel, this will hurt a bit. I promise it will get better” Ares softly replied ending the link.  Placing soft kisses upon her face, keeping her calm, placing his throbbing c**k of his against her virgin entrance. Keeping eye contact with his love, he pushes his way through her warm canal slowly. Kissing her tears away from the intrusion of his enormous c**k expanding her vaginal walls. With one powerful thrust, he made his way past her virgin barrier. Keeping himself still waiting for her the pain to subside and keeping Ra from coming out. Clenching his teeth, feeling her move her hips slowly against his c**k. “Ares, im all right now” seanna kisses his neck softly, moving her hips trying to get her mate to move. Taking the go ahead, he pulls his c**k back out, slamming against her vaginal walls, moving in sync with her own movements. Picking up her legs from his waist, pulling them apart gently. Picking up his pace, moving quicker. Feeling his own o****m coming on, Ares quickly thrusts his throbbing c**k into his angel letting his powerful o****m reach his peak moaning along with her own moans of pure ecstasy. With one last thrust Ares empty’s his hot white fluid inside his beautiful mate. Both mates moaning with pure bliss from the intense love making they both had shared. Pulling out her Ares slowly stands up pulling his petite mate up with him taking her over to the lake to clean them both off from their activities. Making their way into the clear blue water of the lake, Seanna leans against her mate’s side, hugging him to herself, not wanting to let him go. Letting him wrap his arms around her waist, following him towards the waterfall. Letting the cool water clean themselves off. making sure everything was off her body, seanna watches Ares with love shining in her blue eyes. “Love, like what you see?” chuckling through their own private mind link, watching her become flustered of being caught. Walking up to his mate, grabbing her gently by her hips, just noticing how tiny she was. Not all she-wolfs where tiny like her. Placing a kiss upon her forehead, feeling the bond between them grow even more so now that they have completed the mate bond. “Love, we should head back home” smiling down towards his angel with so much care and love within his green eyes. “Yeah, let’s go home. We both have work in the morning” grabbing his bigger hand into her smaller one. They make their way back out of the forest, both naked and marked for all to see. Walking hand in hand, fingers interlaced together. Heading into the direction of seanna’s home, not caring who saw them or not. Stopping in front of the door, pulling her house key from the flower pot near the door, unlocking her home. pulling Ares into her warm home, making their way back upstairs after locking up the front door. Ares follows behind his angel, looking around her home seeing how the warm brown and earth tones colours come together. Seeing that they have made it to her room, walking into her room from the inside, instead of being the one outside. Noticing how more earth tones are all around her room. A large king size bed was in the middle of the room along with a bathroom adjacent attached to her room. Making his way over to the bed, siting down on the left side of the bed crawling into the bed waiting for his angel to return from the bathroom. Sighing with how tired he really was, laying his head down on the pillows, smelling her wonderful scent from the pillow cases. Feeling the bed deepen from his mate’s small body, pulling her against his larger frame, holding her close. “Goodnight my angel” kissing the top her head softly, letting sleep consume him. Seanna lifts her head up slightly, kissing her mate’s cheek goodnight, whispering her own goodnight. Laying back down against her mate, snuggling back into his warm embrace. Feeling loved and happy for once in her life. Morning could not come sooner. Letting his strong heartbeat lull her to sleep. Both mates sleeping without a fear in the world. Trouble will soon follow over the next coming days. Their bond will become stronger over many obstacles to come. ............................................................................................................................................................................. The strength of a bond   Brings the peace   From within   Each soul entwined   Fighting together as a whole   Genuine love holds the key   For the unbreakable bonds  
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