Chapter 2 : Marriage Announcement

1798 Words
Alex POV: “Wow……..” was the only word that left my mouth by seeing her. She was around 5’10 feet tall properly dress in white and red colored pure silk Indian saree (A traditional wear) with lot of expensive Jewelry, her doe like eyes were perfectly outlined with kajal, her wheatish Indian skin tone was absolutely flawless and was complementing her hazel brown orbs, her hairs were pulled back and tied up in a perfect bun with a Jasmine garland entirely tied around it, I was busy taking in her appearance when “Excuse me..? helloooooo?... Hey are you even listening to me?” she said clicking her index finger and thumb together “Aaahh….” I was about to say something but nothing came out “Can you give me my bangle?” she said pointing towards my right hand in which I was holding it, like hypnotic person I swiftly showed her my right hand “Thank you” she said while rapidly snatching it from my hand and ‘BANGGG…’ she slammed her dressing room door right on my face “what the Fuc…” I cursed ‘How dare she..’ I questioned myself “Heyy… open up… open this stupid door” I shouted again as I kept banging her door but there was no response meanwhile “Sir.... Ahem… Mr Alexander?” I heard someone calling me from behind “WHAT?” I turned and questioned by intruder in frustrated tone when I saw it none other than ‘Department Manager’ who was holding my ‘Armani suit, shoes and undergarments’ while his eyes were freely roaming around my body “Fuck..” I cursed whilst I realized that I was standing naked in corridor of our dressing rooms while my department manager and few other models had their eyes glued to my exposed privates, seeing their lustful gaze I felt like to give them all a piece of my mind but I composed myself when I followed their eyes and saw what was they all looking at so strangely and as a matter of fact even I was shock when title my head down ‘My member was hard as Iron rod “No f*****g way…” I said almost in whispered while eyeing my own hardness, i mean how can It be erected, is it because of this ravishing Indian women I just saw? Is that even possible? “s**t Man” I again cursed and speedily snatched my suit, shoes and undergarment from hands of department manager and locked myself back into my dressing room. I hurriedly wore my outfit and came out in just 5 minute however to my disappointment my adjoined dressing room was empty for that very reason I rapidly made my way to ‘department manager’ and saw him busy speaking to his subordinates “hey hey…whe.. Where is that model who was there in my adjoined dressing room… the one in Indian saree” I questioned him straight away “Sir.. She.. She left for her photo shoot” he informed me and I quickly took details of the floor where she was going for her shoot. Without even bother to thank ‘Department Manager’ I Swiftly made my way to our private elevator which was only restricted to members of Knight family, however the moment elevator door opened I saw my twin brother leaning on inside mirror “Where the f**k you being….” He growled on me “what happened?” I questioned him back “Dad called... he want both of us to be present at venue ASAP… now get in!” he order me “I.. I can’t come, I got some work bro..” I excused myself but he harshly pulled me inside by holding my suit collar “Don’t f**k with me Alex… Dad warned me to get us both there in time and trust me he sounded pretty mad on call” he informed me in same tone and pressed down button “Weren’t you with Maria, what about that?” I questioned him in frustration “We had a quickie” he replied looking gloomy. Third person POV: Getting out of elevator Adrian and Alex both walked to their car where Alex drove them to ‘Platinum hall’ where ‘Fundraiser’ was organized by knight.Inc, 25 min later when they arrived at venue they saw that their father was on stage giving out some information about their new project, Alex and Adrain both took their place on front row in crowd when “So now the final announcement for toady and one of very important for” Their father Mr. Samuel knight said catching attention of everyone including of Adrian and Alex both “My second eldest son Jacob Samuel knight is engaged to Lisa Chris Smith Daughter of Ronald and Grace smith owner of ‘Fashion and’” he added when whole crowd stood up and started cheering for their happiness while on other hand both Alex and Adrian looked shocked to hear this news. 30 minute later when everyone were busy enjoying after party of fundraiser Mr. Samuel knight informed his secretary to inform all of his four son’s to meet him in his private suite which was booked on 20th  floor of ‘Hotel Platinum’, because of which couple of minutes later when Alex and Adrian reached up in their father suite they saw their whole family was patiently waiting for them both, which include their mother Mrs. Sukanya Samuel knight , their brother Jacob knight and their elder brother and also CEO of knight.Inc Ethan knight, they all turned their attention as soon as both Adrian and Alex walked in, among all their father hastily got up from his seat and walked toward his both twins, he stood straight in front of them when ‘BANG……’ ‘BAANG…..’ loud sound of two slaps echoed in entire suite, Mrs. Sukanya along with both her son’s were little shaken to see Samuel so enraged that he slapped his favorite twins “Faa.. Father.... what.” Adrian tried to speak “DON’T YOU f*****g CALL ME FATHER?” Samuel roared on him when “Wh.. what happed?” Alex questioned him to which Samuel roughly grabbed magazine which was lying on nearby table and harshly threw it on Alex face “WHAT IS IT..?” he questioned both of them, upon eying that magazine Alex and Adrian both understood reason for their father outrage, the magazine that their father had thrown was a ‘Gossip’ magazine which had picture of Alex and Adrian both involved on rave (Drugs) party on beach where they both were surrounded by numerous girls in bikini “I gave you freedom to do whatever you want but never thought that one day you both will become such a pain for me, I already warned you both to stay out of every scandal until next product launch.. but you both.. Aaahhh…” Samuel said in utter frustration “You know today I was questioned about these.. these useless s**t of your both in front of whole media….. They asked me how can MY SON’S CAN MANAGED THIS KNIGHT.INC WHEN THEY THEMSELVES ARE BUSY GETTING DRUGGED” he added growling both on them “am sorry father..” they both said in unison “Save your apology for future because one more mistake from either of you and I will officially throw you out of my business and property, because I am not letting my hard work of all this year’s getting tainted like this” he added and forcefully shove them both aside while he left meanwhile his wife Mrs. Sukanya followed him but not before giving an disappointed look to both her twins. “Have this and forget what just happened now” Ethan said in his deep voice as he hold two glasses of fully filled Scotch in his both hand while he offered them to his twin brothers “Ho.. How did that f*****g. magazine came to know about this party haa… it was a secret party after all very such a high security” Adrian said in aggravation a he snatched a glass of scotch from Ethan hand “I need personally look into who is following us and purposely getting us humiliated with such news” Alex said taking glass of scotch offered by Ethan “NO” Ethan suddenly snarl on both of them “you both are not getting involved in anything for time being, I’ll take care of everything” Ethan added looking in between his twin brothers “Why not?” Adrian questioned Ethan gulping down his entire glass of scotch “like father said you both had caused too much trouble in couple of months and now I don’t want you both to add on to it by investigating this matter until Jacob is officially married to Lisa” Ethan informed them both while he took out his cell phone “Speaking of that, Jakey… ho.. how did you agreed to marry Lisa? What about Ariel?” Adrian questioned Jacob who was calmly chugging his drink whole this time, hearing which Jacob simple gave out a small chuckle “Ariel… she was a passing phase” Jacob replied arrogantly without even turning to look at his brothers. “Didn’t’ you earlier say you wanted to have family with her?” Alex questioned Jacob “That b.i.t.c.h isn’t worth to me anymore, I won’t be benefited in anyway after marrying her whereas i‘ll be the sole owner of ‘Fashion and pride’ after marrying that dumb girl Lisa..” Jacob said relaxing his back on comfy chair he was sitting “I thought you loved Ariel!” Adrian said in low tone “Love is for losers….  Don’t you know what love did to our brother here…. Ethan!” Jacob said in mocking tone “SHUT YOUR f*****g MOUTH JACOB” Ethan roared on Jacob “Why.. Does it hurt brother to think of you little love… AAROHI?” Jacob said in same mocking tone while in return Ethan marched on him and laid few punches before both Adrian and Alex came to pull away Ethan from Jacob 
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