Chapter 1

695 Words
"£7.40 for you and 7.40 for me. Rough night for tips huh?" Holly slides my share towards me with a sigh. "Are you f*****g kidding me? Those dudes were practically groping me on table 9" I take the cash and huff in frustration. Those guys were the WORST. "I know right? That one with the blonde hair smacked my ass every time I filled up his glass. I nearly got Eddie to throw them out." "Who are we kidding, Eddie wouldn't have cared." She nods in agreement and I pick up my bag to leave. "See you Saturday amigo." It's freezing outside as I walk towards my car and I pull my coat around me tighter, my teeth chattering. That's winter in England for you. I'm reaching into my bag for my keys when I hear the voice of a guy yelling behind me. "Hey baby, come here" I look around and groan. It's that group of guys from earlier. There's 6 of them, all with some bottle in there hand. I roll my eyes and start walking faster but I'm stopped as a hand grips my wrist too hard and a harsh voice snarls in my ear "where do you think you're going?" "Get off me" I twist my wrist out of his grip and walk off but then he's behind me again, picking me up and dragging me over to his friends. I Swing a fist at his head which lands with a satisfying thud making me smirk. He wipes away the blood dripping from his lip and stares at me with anger. "Oh you're gonna regret that" he sneers and I feel several hands on my body as he steps towards me and smothers my mouth with his. He tastes like smoke and vodka and I squirm away from him but I'm completely trapped by the strong arms holding me. I try to scream as he moves to pull my skirt up but all that does is make his friends laugh. There's noone here, I always park in a very quite area where I don't have to pay.  Not to self: don't f*****g park in the dodgiest part of town.  He's about to pull my underwear aside when he's torn off me. I look up to see a full on brawl in front of me as the guys are thrown to the ground on by one. I just stand there as I watch a tall figure in a grey figure taking out all 6 guys with no difficulty whatsoever. He's moving so fast, I barely see him and the strength behind his punches is ridiculous.  He lands a punch square in the face to the last guy and he falls to the floor with a thud, knocked out cold. He stands there, breathing hard and looking over at his work. I literally don't see him as he turns and pins me up against the brick wall, cushioning the impact with his arm.  "How did you-" I begin but my words are cut off as his lips crash onto mine. I'm shocked for a minute but I can't ignore the fireworks that are exploding inside me as his lips move against mine and I start to move mine with him. His hands find their way into my hair and I find my own have wrapped around his neck instinctively, trying to deepen the kiss. He responds, licking my lower lip and gliding his tongue into my mouth. I moan and let him dominate the kiss, feeling his tongue explore my mouth. I gasp as I feel something really sharp grave my lower lip and he groans. I taste the metallic taste of my own blood and his tongue glides over the cut, making him moan again. I feel him press his body closer into mine as he sucks my lip, his hands squeezing my waist tight. He pulls back so suddenly It takes me by surprise and he stares at me with such intensity I forget how to breath.  His eyes, they're literally violet. They're absolutely mesmerising. He turns to leave and I just stand there with my mouth open like an i***t as he stalks off away from me into the shadows. What the f**k just happened?
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